
I'm trying to use the maven extension capability in my plugin. My test
is based on the Plexus tutorial. I have made one extra operation by
adding an API project where I have put the
org.codehaus.plexus.tutorial.WebsiteMonitor interface.

I have a API project (plexus-website-monitor-api) that declares a ROLE
within an Interface: WebsiteMonitor.

I have a project (plexus-website-monitor-component) with a default
implementation of my interface: DefaultWebsiteMonitor implements

I have a plugin project (plexus-website-monitor-plugin) that uses this
component interface as an attribute of MonitorMojo. 

Everything works fine if I declare in the plugin's 'pom.xml' a
dependency on the plexus-website-monitor-component artifact (the
implementation) : 













BUT if in my plugin pom.xml I declare a dependency on the API as follow:














and in the project that use the plugin I add the extensions tag as
















I get an error on the command line :

[INFO] Internal error in the plugin manager executing goal
Unable to find the mojo
'org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-monitor2-plugin:1.0-SNAPSHOT:monitor' in the
plugin 'org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-monitor2-plugin' Component descriptor
cannot be found in the component repository:


Does it mean that extensions and dependencies are not loaded by the in a
same way? 

How can I resolve It, I suppose it is the same execution context for my
plugin than a Wagon specific implementation but I do not known why it
does not work for me... :-(


Please Help ...




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