I need to be able de get the result code when executing a java program using
maven. I tryed using the "java" ant task, but as maven is usint version 1.5.3
the resultproperty and errorproperty are not available (only available in ant

Does anyone has a solution ?


Here is what I try to do :

<project xmlns:j="jelly:core" xmlns:ant="jelly:ant">
 <goal name="runabc">
 <ant:java classname="a.b.c" fork="true" failonerror="true"
        <ant:arg value="abc"/>
        <ant:classpath refid="my.classpath"/>

<!-- how to get the resultproperty (as ant 1.6 is doesn't work with maven) ?
<j:if test="${resultproperty!='0'}">
         <attainGoal name="mail"/>

<!-- if java task fail ie resultproperty!=0 send a mail -->



Nicolas FRANK

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