Re: Keeping your test source code in a separate, but parallelsourcetree

2003-07-13 Thread Mark R. Diggory
Thanks Gilles,

Its good to know that this is configurable, I'm working on another 
project where we're trying to get Maven working but cannot yet 
restructure the cvs to meet assumed Maven best practices without 
breaking the old build.

I'd caution on the use of default settings as a rule for what Maven 
encourages/discourages. Developers are always going to have varying 
requirements. Forcing them into a box will only reduce your user base in 
the long run. The current defaults are great if your starting a new 
project, they are far from adequate when attempting to Mavenize an 
existing project. The Maven team should avoid using defaults as some 
sort of inflexible standard.

Note: Much of this argument could be easily avoided if the core maven 
properties and capabilities were clearly documented somewhere. Somehow 
this documentation is lacking as maven itself is not in the pluggins 
documentation and such properties are documented nowhere.

-Mark Diggory

Gilles Dodinet wrote:
Dave, brendan,

Just a quick note about this. it seems that maven actually does allow to 
keep all main and test sources under one dir .
just make sourceDirectory and unitTestSourceDirectory point to the same 
dir, then your test will be run.
About the artifact generation, when building jar, you just can  exclude 
your test files files using ${maven.jar.excludes}.
ive just tried it  with a dummy example and it seems to work.

its not that im using this layout (i have parallel source trees), so it 
might eventually require additional efforts for other artifacts generation.

So i think that maven doesnot strictly forbids the all-in-one-dir 
practice, it s more that it just discourages it. tho perhaps im missing 

-- gd

Jason van Zyl wrote:

On Sat, 2003-07-12 at 20:14, Bob Cumbers wrote:

Never going to happen and I make no apologies for that.

It's nice to see that you take user input so graciously

Give me a break.

When I think something is categorically a bad practice then the dialog
is cut short. I am not trying to win any popularity contests and I'm
don't care if every single user is happy. It's just not possible. But I
have taken loads of suggestions for Maven and they have found there way
into Maven. But there are several issues like multiple sources
directories, mixing test and application code and several other issues
which I will not change my mind on.
Maven is but one solution for building your project. I encourage anyone
not happy with it to go find something else.
I also take into consideration the number of downloads in constrast with
the number of people who complain about certain limitations. I certainly
don't think mixing test/application code is a good idea but I think
given that I've only seen a few people want this out of the thousands
that have downloaded Maven is  a good indicator that most users think
it's not a very good idea. I'm not a politician, I could care less if
all users like me because most users are selfish and only consider their
own methods and own desires when requesting features while generally
never considering larger issues. As always there are the valued and
treasured exceptions by users who have genuinely taken into
consideration all users and the larger issues. Just because a user makes
a suggestion doesn't mean it's a good one. If you're looking for grace
go somewhere else.

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Re: Keeping your test source code in a separate, but parallelsourcetree

2003-07-13 Thread Mark R. Diggory
This is all but one opinion on the subject. IMHO, as this is a user list 
and not a developer list, I'd advise that moderation should not be so 
restrictive when the subject matter is not at all off topic.

I also think that comparing total downloads against any discussion is 
a very poor and biased measure of user needs/requirements. If you go 
around cutting discussions short, then your biasing such a measure in 
favor of your own personal opinion and as such it does not reflect the 
true opinion of your userbase.

-Mark Diggory
Jason van Zyl wrote:
On Sat, 2003-07-12 at 20:14, Bob Cumbers wrote:

Never going to happen and I make no apologies for that.
It's nice to see that you take user input so graciously

Give me a break.

When I think something is categorically a bad practice then the dialog
is cut short. I am not trying to win any popularity contests and I'm
don't care if every single user is happy. It's just not possible. But I
have taken loads of suggestions for Maven and they have found there way
into Maven. But there are several issues like multiple sources
directories, mixing test and application code and several other issues
which I will not change my mind on. 

Maven is but one solution for building your project. I encourage anyone
not happy with it to go find something else. 

I also take into consideration the number of downloads in constrast with
the number of people who complain about certain limitations. I certainly
don't think mixing test/application code is a good idea but I think
given that I've only seen a few people want this out of the thousands
that have downloaded Maven is  a good indicator that most users think
it's not a very good idea. I'm not a politician, I could care less if
all users like me because most users are selfish and only consider their
own methods and own desires when requesting features while generally
never considering larger issues. As always there are the valued and
treasured exceptions by users who have genuinely taken into
consideration all users and the larger issues. Just because a user makes
a suggestion doesn't mean it's a good one. If you're looking for grace
go somewhere else.

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