It relies on the period to do the path changes. That's not to say that it's required - you can have groups and paths that are some-other- value for example, but the convention is to use reverse-domain syntax like Java packages, which should be more easily recognised by a regular Maven user.

On 09/04/2009, at 8:28 AM, David M. Karr wrote:

I would never consider defining a groupId value that didn't look like a package name, but does Maven specify that groupId values have to be a set of period-separated components? Apparently groupId values are "translated" to directory paths, but is that because of a convention, or a restriction?

The book "Maven: a Definitive Guide" says that periods are "commonly" used in groupIds, but I don't know how it would translate to directory paths without it specifically being in that form, unless there's some sort of "component separator" field defined somewhere.

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