FYI: You can also do this on the command line
   maven -Dmaven.test.skip=true ......

If you place "maven.test.skip=true" in a properties file, you run the risk of forgetting it is there.

Paul Spencer

Charles N. Harvey III wrote:
I mean to write back to the person who posted about 2 hours
ago but I deleted the e-mail.  So I am just writing to anyone
out there.

Someone asked if test cases could be turned off so they wouldn't
take 5 minutes to run (since you had so many tests).  I had tests
that were not j-unit tests so the build would not complete because
it would only run j-unit tests.

So, I added this to my properties file to make maven stop running
my test cases.

maven.test.skip = true

Works for me. No tests are run. Give it a try and see if it works for you as well.


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