Using mvn 2.1.0 (but also with previous release) the site target last
minutes, I mean 10-15 minutes in this point:

[INFO] Generating "Dependencies" report.
[WARNING] The repository url
'' is invalid
- Repository 'spring-release' will be blacklisted.
[WARNING] The repository url
'' is
invalid - Repository 'spring-external' will be blacklisted.
[INFO] Generating "Project Plugins" report.

The most if the time is after the second WARNING and before Genearting
Project Plugins.
For sure some time is spent waiting for the timeout for the repository but:

1. how long is the timeout? I expect 60secs most. Is it configurable?
2. maven say that now the repo is blacklisted but will check again at
the next build.

Any advice?

Daniele Dellafiore

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