I have the following question in ant I can have the following

            <property name="environment" value="dev"/>
            <property name="local.stream.name" value="iuf31m"/>
            <ant antfile="mybuild.xml" target="compile"/>

if I would make the same with maven in particular using the maven tag so to
be able to use iteration among my components :

            <maven:maven descriptor="${basedir}/../../../
${component.name}/admin/project.xml" goal="compile" ignoreFailures="false">
                        <ant:property name="environment" value="dev"/>
                        <ant:property name="local.stream.name" value=

 I noticed that the properties are not correctly passed to the new context

Is there a way to pass specific property to the maven tag . Or any
suggestion on how to solve the following issue

Best Regards


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