
we use the archetype:integration-test to test if the archetypes we generate
successfully compile.
Our archetypes (we call them "quickstart") are located within the main
So we have
- parent
  - core
  - runtime
  - clients
  - quickstart
     - quickstart-java
     - quickstart-scala
as a project hierarchy.

To build the archetype generated by "quickstart-java" we need the artifacts
from "core" and "runtime".
So if we do a "mvn clean verify" on our project, and the user has not
executed "mvn clean install" before (and the artifacts are not available
online), the build fails.

Is there a way to tell maven to add the artifacts from "core" and "runtime"
into the tests classpath?
Or can we somehow automatically execute the "install" phase when a user
requests the "verify" phase?

You can find our project here: https://github.com/apache/incubator-flink

-- Robert

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