Hi Randy

Yes, got an idea. I have personnaly been playing with the multiproject plugin and got tired of trying to control it from a maven script.

If you want to do that kind of processing, you better call the reactor yourself instead of going through the multiproject. From what I understand of this plugin, its just a facade in front of the reactor. It offers a couple of predefined goal to launch plus the capability of specifying one on the command line. But, as far as I know, we cannot pass parameters to a goal we call. So, the be sure to have to right goal called, in your maven xml, insert a reactor tag and from there call the goal you want.

Building the project list is very easy with the reactor tag, you have the includes and excludes property that allows full control on sub-projects filtering.

Take a look there : http://maven.apache.org/reference/maven-jelly-tags/tags.html#maven:reactor

Hope it helps

Randy Xu wrote:


I've been getting this a lot on my multiproject. From my multiproject root - I set a goal and run multiproject:goal like so:
<j:set var="goal" value="move-ejb-descriptors" scope="parent" />
<attainGoal name="multiproject:goal" />

Then I define the goal name, also in my multiproject root (should be inherited):
<goal name="move-ejb-descriptors">

Instead of running move-ejb-descriptors, it runs the default goal of multiproject:install. I stopped setting a default goal and it runs multiproject:artifact (which I assume is the default default goal). Any ideas here?


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