Hi everyone,

I am using maven 2.0.7 with dependency plugin versoin 2.0-alpha-4.

I have 2 projects as seen in the end of the e-mail (This are some test files
to reproduce the problem)
My first project contains a single interface that defines a String constant.
My second project, uses the String constant from my first project.

I am having issues with the dependency:analyze goal...
In all my projects, i fail the build if there is either an unused declared
dependency or an used undeclared dependency using

However, in the example below, i can not use the dependency  plugin to
achieve this..

If i add the dependency from project 2 to project 1, i get:
[INFO] [dependency:analyze {execution: analyze}]
[INFO] Used declared dependencies:
[INFO]    None
[INFO] Used undeclared dependencies:
[WARNING]    None
[INFO] Unused declared dependencies:
[INFO]    test:project1:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT:compile
[WARNING] Potential problems discovered.

If i remove the supposedly unused dependency, then I get a compile error:
[INFO] Compilation failure
,24] package project1 does not exist

,24] package project1 does not exist

Any help would be greatly appreciated,


Project 1:

1 source file:

package project1;

public interface Names {
    /** name */
    String NAME = "name";

Project 2:


and 1 source file:
package project2;

public interface NamesUser {

  String temp = project1.Names.NAME;

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