Re: mvn site / reports / scm plugin

2008-07-03 Thread Peter Horlock
Yes, it worked manually from my console.
Also, now I finally got an idea of how to not duplicate the scm connection
details for every project,
i just added:



As the artifactId is always the name of the project in svn, this works for
all projects (and I don't get the
The scm url does not contain a valid delimiter.
error, nor the server certificate verification failed: certificate issued
for a different hostname, issuer is not trusted 

error anymore.


Re: mvn site / reports / scm plugin

2008-07-02 Thread Peter Horlock

could noone help me, plase? :-(((

To make a long story short:

I would like to use the changelog plugin as part of my site generation.
The changelog plugin again is using the scm plugin, to retrieve changes from
I am looking for the best / easiest way of how to configure the thing so
that it generates those reports for all my sub projects
that all are sharing the same parent pom.




Re: mvn site / reports / scm plugin

2008-07-02 Thread Dennis Lundberg
Server certificate verification failed: certificate issued for a 
different hostname, issuer is not trusted

Seems that you have a problem with the certificate.

Can you run the failing svn command on the command line?

svn --non-interactive log -v -r {2008-05-31 16:02:01+}:{2008-07-01 
16:02:01 +} https://myURL:443/myMainProject/TRUNK/subprojectXY

Peter Horlock wrote:

Hi folks,

I am using Maven 2.09 with site plugin 2.0-beta-6,
maven-project-info-reports-plugin 2.0.1 and the maven-changelog-plugin 2.1.

In my parent pom I got:
1. Running mvn site just for the parent pom works fine. Running mvn site
for sub projects works fine,* IF*:
a) I am running it by typing mvn site from the parent pom project
b) I added the foldername of the sub project to the scm url

2. When I am in the folder of a sub project, and run mvn site –o, it also
works. I guess the offline mode will exclude the scm report.

3. When I am in the folder of a sub project, and I run mvn site, *without
*adding the name of the sub project to the scm url, I get this error:
[INFO] Error during page generation

Embedded error: Error rendering Maven report: Cannot run changelog command :
*The scm url does not contain a valid delimiter.*

4. When I add the name of the sub folder to the scm url, like this:
I get:
[INFO] Generating changed sets xml to: target\changelog.xml
[INFO] Executing: svn --non-interactive log -v -r {2008-05-31 16:02:01
2008-07-01 16:02:01 +}
[INFO] Working directory: C:\subprojectXY
[ERROR] Provider message:
[ERROR] The svn command failed.
[ERROR] Command output:
[ERROR] svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/myMainProject/TRUNK/subprojectXY'
svn: PROPFIND of '/myMainProject/TRUNK/subprojectXY': *Server certificate
verification fail
ed: certificate issued for a different hostname, issuer is not trusted

*- while the same thing* IS *working when I am calling mvn site from the
parent pom folder.*

How can I make this work (best was if I just had to adjust the parent pom,
and not to adjust the scm url for each sub project…) – Do I have to add the
name of a sub project to the scm url? If so, why does it say issuer is not
trusted – when I am in the folder of the parent pom and do the same, it
does work without this error…

I know I had this working a while ago - maybe they changed the way the site
/ scm plugin is working???

Thanks in advance,


Dennis Lundberg

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mvn site / reports / scm plugin

2008-06-30 Thread Peter Horlock
Hi folks,

I am using Maven 2.09 with site plugin 2.0-beta-6,
maven-project-info-reports-plugin 2.0.1 and the maven-changelog-plugin 2.1.

In my parent pom I got:
1. Running mvn site just for the parent pom works fine. Running mvn site
for sub projects works fine,* IF*:
a) I am running it by typing mvn site from the parent pom project
b) I added the foldername of the sub project to the scm url

2. When I am in the folder of a sub project, and run mvn site –o, it also
works. I guess the offline mode will exclude the scm report.

3. When I am in the folder of a sub project, and I run mvn site, *without
*adding the name of the sub project to the scm url, I get this error:
[INFO] Error during page generation

Embedded error: Error rendering Maven report: Cannot run changelog command :
*The scm url does not contain a valid delimiter.*

4. When I add the name of the sub folder to the scm url, like this:
I get:
[INFO] Generating changed sets xml to: target\changelog.xml
[INFO] Executing: svn --non-interactive log -v -r {2008-05-31 16:02:01
2008-07-01 16:02:01 +}
[INFO] Working directory: C:\subprojectXY
[ERROR] Provider message:
[ERROR] The svn command failed.
[ERROR] Command output:
[ERROR] svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/myMainProject/TRUNK/subprojectXY'
svn: PROPFIND of '/myMainProject/TRUNK/subprojectXY': *Server certificate
verification fail
ed: certificate issued for a different hostname, issuer is not trusted

*- while the same thing* IS *working when I am calling mvn site from the
parent pom folder.*

How can I make this work (best was if I just had to adjust the parent pom,
and not to adjust the scm url for each sub project…) – Do I have to add the
name of a sub project to the scm url? If so, why does it say issuer is not
trusted – when I am in the folder of the parent pom and do the same, it
does work without this error…

I know I had this working a while ago - maybe they changed the way the site
/ scm plugin is working???

Thanks in advance,
