I am trying to create a generic JPA jar that just has my JPA related
classes. Then I plan to have another jar with my domain objects for use in
various projects. What I need to do, is have my persistence.xml in my
src/main/resources for building and testing, but omitted in my final jar.
This way my domain.jar can add the persistence.xml

I tried:


But it appears that my hibernate3 plugin is not finding it in the classpath.

I found this posting

But no resolution. Can anyone help?

Thank You…

Mick Knutson, President

BASE Logic, Inc.
Enterprise Architecture, Design, Mentoring & Agile Consulting
p. (866) BLiNC-411: (254-6241-1)
f. (415) 685-4233

Website: http://baselogic.com
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