
I have started setting up maven 2 to be used with an ear and subsequent ejb, war and jars.

I have noticed a strange thing looking into the ear file and the war files.

In the ear file the MANIFEST.MF (which is named Manifest.mf according to WinZip) and the application.xml file have the path meta-inf and not META-INF according to WinZIP, Pom.xml and pom.properties have the path META-INF.

The same of problem exists for the war files, extended with web.xml having the path web-inf, whereas all the class files have the path WEB-INF/classes/**.

This is not a problem on a windows platform but I suspect it will be a problem on a unix/linux platform. Is there anyworkarounds or fixes for this?


Claus Schrøder

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