Sory for this, I had forgotten the xmlns:castor="castor"

Now I get another error when running the Castor generator :


    [echo] Generating sources for 
-- Suppressing non fatal warnings.
-- Disabling generation of Marshalling framework methods (marshall, unmarshall, 

File...... C:\Documents and 
Element... ant:java
Line...... 92
Column.... 38
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/reflect/ConstructorAccessorImpl
Total time: 6 seconds

Any idea ? Notice I use SUN jdk 1.4.2 and that I can run the generator from command 
line without troubles.


> Hi,
> can someone help me using castor plugin ?
> I've added this in my maven.xml :
> <attainGoal name="castor:prepare-filesystem"/>
> <castor:generate schema="${schema}" package="${package}" marshal="false"/>
> And I get : 
> SAXParseException: The prefix "castor" for element "castor:generate" is not bound.
> What did I miss ?
> Nico.

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