Re: [Tobago] Multiple dynamically created menu items.

2010-10-22 Thread Udo Schnurpfeil


I'm not sure what you are looking for.

You can use this:

Am 20.10.10 18:42, schrieb

Dear all,

Is it possible to dynamically create multiple tc:menuItems. I am looking for a similar behavior 
that can be implemented with tc:selectItems for e.g. tx:menuRadio.

Something like:

tc:menu label=test
 tc:selectItems value=foo /

Where foo references to a ListSelectItem  in a backing bean. The elements 
in this list should be displayed as individual menu items.

Thanks a lot for any hints.

Re: [Tobago] Multiple dynamically created menu items.

2010-10-22 Thread Udo Schnurpfeil

(ups, pressed wrong key)


I'm not sure what you are looking for.

Do you know you can use this?
tx:menuRadio action=#{clientConfigController.submit}
  f:selectItems value=#{clientConfigController.localeItems} /

Are you looking for a similar to create more than one menuItem with actions?

If so. I think this will not work, because the selectItems doesn't 
contains an action.

An other solution might be to use ui:repeat with facelets, but I 
didn't tested it.



Am 20.10.10 18:42, schrieb

Dear all,

Is it possible to dynamically create multiple tc:menuItems. I am looking for a similar behavior 
that can be implemented with tc:selectItems for e.g. tx:menuRadio.

Something like:

tc:menu label=test
 tc:selectItems value=foo /

Where foo references to a ListSelectItem  in a backing bean. The elements 
in this list should be displayed as individual menu items.

Thanks a lot for any hints.

Re: [Trinidad] problems with 2.0 - statis quo?

2010-10-22 Thread Scott O'Bryan
Hey Daniel, the MyFace Portlet Bridge team has gotten JSR-301 Bridge 
complete is trying to get JSR-329 bridge finished up.  This is JSF 1.2 
and Portlet 2.0.

The JSF 2.0/Portlet 2.0 bridge will be under development next but we 
don't even have a releasable product yet for the two.  I know that we 
should be starting to work on this fairly soon.

For now, if you're willing to try the experimental branch, you can find 
it at

At one time this branch was able to run Trinidad 2.0 with Pluto 2.0 but 
that was back in the beta days and I haven't had a chance to revisit it 
since.  If you're willing to try it out and start firing off bugs for 
us, it may help us expedite fixes a little faster.

Once Portlet Bridge 2.0 (JSR-329) is done, I imagine well do an upmerge 
into the 3.0 branch and move it to trunk.

On 10/21/2010 08:49 AM, Daniel Niklas wrote:

Hi Richard,

Richard Yee-3 wrote:

What versions of the libraries are you using? Trinidad, mojarra, myfaces


i'm using the following versions:

- myfaces 2.0.2
- mojarra-api.version2.0.1
- 2.0.4-b05
- trinidad 2.0.0-beta-1


[tobago] How to use tc:tree control for navigation

2010-10-22 Thread Michael Kakuschky
Hello, how to use the tc:tree control to navigate to pages? Is it 
possible? And if yes how I can set the outcome?

Thanks  regards Michael