Re: 2.2 stability

2014-03-13 Thread Karl Kildén
Hi all,

Tried 2.2.2-20140313.024403-5

Duplicate id problems are still present. I have tried for a while now to
create a simple sample but I am unsuccessful so far.

On 12 March 2014 15:48, Karl Kildén wrote:

 Hi Howard,

 Leo found and fixed the enctype=multipart/form-data.  It's basically up
 to the Servlet Container to do the job now when the Faces Servlet is
 annotated correctly. Thanks a lot to everyone who helped me with that
 issue. Regarding the duplicate id problems, I did not get enough time to
 checkout the source and build myself today but tomorrow is looking better.
 A snapshot would of course be more convenient but I promise I will test
 tomorrow regardless.

 If my problem persists I will also attach a sample project or at least
 spend the day trying... Yay for meeting free Thursday :-)

 Thanks for your interest,


 On 12 March 2014 15:11, Howard W. Smith, Jr. smithh032...@gmail.comwrote:

 Following up,

 Karl, are you still waiting on Leonardo to trigger a snapshot build? With
 all that has been discussed here, is it likely that tomee + myfaces 2.2.x
 (snapshot) is a 'go' for you? :)

 fingers crossed... :)

 On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 4:19 AM, Karl Kildén

  OK, if enctype is not supported for post (except when fileUpload
  is present) it could be my headache then. If I have a fileupload or not
  depends on include logic etc. This is somewhat a legacy so I can
  rework it in the future.
  I assume any build time logic that could conditionally remove fileupload
  will cause this behavior. I think it is awkward and unnecessarily
  With this information I will make some more attempts.
  MYFACES-3867, provided stacktrackes does not match mine but I would
 love if
  you could perhaps trigger a snapshot?
  On 10 March 2014 23:30, Leonardo Uribe wrote:
   Hi Karl
   2014-03-10 15:15 GMT-05:00 Karl Kildén
Hi Leo,
Upgraded to  2.2.1 today (or was it yesterday?) and had problems.
org.apache.myfaces.STRICT_JSF_2_FACELETS_COMPATIBILITY and many
went away. Much later discovered more problems but it's just me and
silly app until I have proof :-)
I totally agree that c:forEach was more broken before! Thanks a lot
fixing it.
   I have found the problem related to MYFACES-3867, so I have already
   fixed the code in trunk. I think this bug deserves a quick-fix
I would be very interested in some more input / clarifications
 about my
other problem actually. Are you saying that forms may not
use  enctype=multipart/form-data? How are you supposed to
fileUpload? Perhaps you must have a fileUpload component present if
form has  enctype=multipart/form-data? Sounds like a weird
functional requirement is of course a form with a fileupload
is not working though and it's because the form will not post. I
removing all markup until I had a single button in a form and it
not work, that's when I created a jira. But at one point that form
a fileupload too with no difference in the result.
   The example provided by Michael Kurz in:
   h:form id=form enctype=multipart/form-data
   h:panelGrid columns=2
   h:outputText value=File:/
   h:inputFile id=file value=#{uploadPage.uploadedFile}
   h:commandButton value=Upload File
   h:commandButton value=Upload File (Ajax)
   f:ajax execute=file render=@all/
   h:panelGrid id=content columns=1
   h:outputText value=Content:/
   h:inputTextarea readonly=true
   rows=10 cols=100/
   Look the enctype=multipart/form-data is there, but the code also
   needs the h:inputFile. I don't see how it can work with just the
   h:form id=mainForm enctype=multipart/form-data
   h:commandButton value=Press me action=# {bean.test}/br/
   I can see the example in the rar file:
   h:form id=mainForm enctype=multipart/form-data
   h:panelGrid columns=2
   h:outputLabel for=name value=Please enter your
   h:inputText id=name value=#{}
   h:commandButton value=Press me
   h:messages showDetail=true showSummary=false/

Re: 2.2 stability

2014-03-13 Thread Howard W. Smith, Jr.
On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 7:34 AM, Karl Kildén wrote:

 Tried 2.2.2-20140313.024403-5

 Duplicate id problems are still present. I have tried for a while now to
 create a simple sample but I am unsuccessful so far.

+1 thanks Karl for the report.

Re: 2.2 stability

2014-03-13 Thread Leonardo Uribe

@Karl  I think your problem should be something different. I closed
MYFACES-3869, since we have positive confirmation that the fix done
works, but we need to analyze your problem and check if there is an
error in MyFaces or not.

We need more information than just the stack trace. MyFaces default
error page gives the component tree using ErrorWriter and indicate
which component has the duplicate id. There are some tricks involving
programmatic component manipulation that can trigger a duplicate id
exception, but not because they are correct and myfaces has a bug but
because they are just invalid. In JSF 2.2, with vdl.createComponent it
is possible to create programmatically added components using facelets
in the right way. It is useful to use ui:debug tag to see the
component tree and describe the steps involved in the exception, to
help us to understand what could possible happen and how to fix it.


Leonardo Uribe

2014-03-13 7:19 GMT-05:00 Howard W. Smith, Jr.
 On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 7:34 AM, Karl Kildén wrote:

 Tried 2.2.2-20140313.024403-5

 Duplicate id problems are still present. I have tried for a while now to
 create a simple sample but I am unsuccessful so far.

 +1 thanks Karl for the report.