Getting NPE when flowscope value evaluates to null.

2014-07-03 Thread Paul Spencer
MyFaces 2.2.3   2.2.4

Getting NPE when Flow Scope parameter evaluates to null.

If no value is entered for firstName before “continue” on  
campaigns/campaigns.xhtml is clicked, the NPE below thrown. Otherwise the 
page2.xhtml is displayed as expected.

* campaigns/campaigns.xhtml
h:outputLabel for=firstName value=First Name /
h:inputText id=firstName value=#{flowScope.firstName} 
maxlength=10 /
h:commandButton value=“Continue” action=“page2” /

* campaigns/page2.xhtml
h:commandButton value=“Exit action=campaigns-return /
h:outputLabel for=firstName value=First Name /
h:inputText id=“firstName value=#{flowScope.firstName} 
maxlength=10 /

* Error displayed when page2.xhtml is returned and firstName is null
 Caused by:
 java.lang.NullPointerException - java.lang.NullPointerException
 at java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap.put(
 HtmlInputText class=class javax.faces.component.html.HtmlInputText” 
 clientId=j_id_s:firstName disabled=false id=firstName immediate=false 
 inView=true localValueSet=true maxlength=10 readonly=false 
 rendered=true required=false size=-2147483648 transient=false 
 valid=false value=#{flowScope.firstName} 
 location=/campaigns/campaigns.xhtml at line 76 and column 82/ - State 
 size:246 bytes

* Scopes Value
 Request Parameters
 Name  Value
 j_id_s:j_id_x Continue
 j_id_s_SUBMIT 1
 jfwid -lbh0f813a

Is this normal?

Paul Spencer

FlowScope beans are being added to the FlowScope.

2014-07-03 Thread Paul Spencer
MyFaces 2.2.3   2.2.4

FlowScope beans are being added to the FlowScope.  I suspect this is related to 
the message below.
  org.apache.myfaces.util.ExternalSpecifications isCDIAvailable
  INFO: MyFaces CDI support disabled

What dependencies are need to enable CDI?

Paul Spencer