The Apache MyFaces team is pleased to announce the release of MyFaces
Test 1.0.6.

The Myfaces Test Framework provides mock object libraries, plus base
classes for creating your own JUnit TestCases for JSF.

For more information please see:

MyFaces Core is available in the central Maven repository under Group
ID "org.apache.myfaces.test".

Release Notes - MyFaces Test - Version 1.0.6


    [MYFACESTEST-64] - MockMethodExpression should throw MethodNotFoundException


    [MYFACESTEST-67] - Allow use servlet listeners inside mocks
    [MYFACESTEST-68] - Set Location header on redirect for mock

New Feature

    [MYFACESTEST-65] - Implement HttpServletRequest.isUserInRole(String)
    [MYFACESTEST-66] - pre-configured containers


Leonardo Uribe

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