Hello Volker,

I didn't realize, that I have to care myself about switching the
popup on and off. Now, it works.

But one more question: Is it possible, to set the position of the
popup relative to the button? I know, I can set the position of the 
popup programmaticly, but how do I get the position of the button?


P.S. You made me curious about the non simple ajax version.

>Hello Helmut,
>Here the simple (non ajax) version:
><tc:button label="Popup" action=#{bean.openPopup}>
>  <f:facet name="popup">
>    <tc:popup rendered="#{bean.popup}">
>      <tc:button label="Ok" action="#{bean.closePopup}"/>
>    </tc:popup>
>  </f:facet>
>  private boolean popup = false;
>  public boolean isPopup() {
>     return popup;
>  }
>  public String openPopup() {
>    popup = true;
>    return null;
>  }
>  public String closePopup() {
>    popup = false;
>    return null;
>  }
>    Volker
>2006/11/28, H. Swaczinna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Hi,
>> I would like to display a popup panel on a button click. I tried this:
>>         <tc:button label="Popup">
>>           <f:facet name="popup">
>>             <tc:popup>
>>               <tc:button label="Ok"/>
>>             </tc:popup>
>>           </f:facet>
>>         </tc:button>
>> But it didn't work. There are only examples with a popup on a toolbar
>> and I can't find any hint howto use a popup with a button. Isn't it
>> possible at all?
>> Regards
>> Helmut

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