I have a jsf page, that includes other pages depend on application state:

<t:div rendered="#{mainMenuHandler.results}">
    <[EMAIL PROTECTED] file="results.jsp"%>

<t:div rendered="#{mainMenuHandler.orders}">
    <[EMAIL PROTECTED] file="orders.jsp"%>

<t:div rendered="#{mainMenuHandler.patientData}">
    <[EMAIL PROTECTED] file="patientData.jsp"%>

results.jsp, orders.jsp, patientData.jsp have many jsp code. And it executed even if rendered attribute is false. So I decide rewrite this to follow code:

<% MainMenuHandler  mainMenuHandler = ... ;%>

<% if (mainMenuHandler.isResults()) { %>
<t:div >
    <[EMAIL PROTECTED] file="results.jsp"%>
<% } %>

<% if (mainMenuHandler.isOrders()) { %>
<t:div >
    <[EMAIL PROTECTED] file="orders.jsp"%>
<% } %>

<% if (mainMenuHandler.isPatientData()) { %>
<t:div >
    <[EMAIL PROTECTED] file="patientData.jsp"%>
<% } %>

But when status is changed (for example isResults() switch from false to true) I recieved an error: "Component with dublicate id in tree ...". Is this a bug in my-faces or tree structure in jsf page can't be changed dynamically?

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