GUI builder cannot find generated code

2019-10-22 Thread Peter Toye
Another issue moving from NB 8 to 11.1

I moved a Java with Ant project from NB version 8 to 11.1, and everything 
seemed fine until I decided to modify a form within the project. I got an error 
message saying that the GUI builder couldn't find the generated code. The 
message directed me to the wiki page which describes the issue, but 
the generated code sections of my project seem OK - I reproduce them below. 
These are identical to code generated on a new project which of course doesn't 
give the error.

  private void initComponents() {
add(pnlButtons, java.awt.BorderLayout.NORTH);

  } // 

  // Variables declaration - do not modify
  private javax.swing.ButtonGroup bgColours;
  private javax.swing.JRadioButton rbtTemp;
  // End of variables declaration

Any ideas on how I can recover from this, as the code looks fine?



Re: Java project now needs classpaths to run it

2019-10-22 Thread Peter Toye
Dear Eric,

Thanks. I'm Windows-based so the details of *nix flavours rather pass me by.

Best regards,


Monday, October 21, 2019, 9:02:34 PM, you wrote:

It's pretty common-place (at least in *nix) for commands to support both GNU 
style and POSIX style arguments with both alternatives for most things. 
From running "java --help", I learn that
--module will do the same as -m
-p is an alternative to --module-path

On 10/21/19 5:56 AM, Peter Toye wrote:

Re: Java project now needs classpaths to run it

Why the Java designer can't just stick to a single syntax is beyond me.