My apologies. I did post the question to the HSQL user list. I am also a Netbeans user (exclusively) and may have posted it here accidently.


On 6/22/22 20:50, Guy Daniel wrote:
Hi Bayless,

HSQL is probably just storing everything in RAM, so unless you hand the same connection to the second class you may not see the data.

Just to test, try using a connection to a MariaDB instance or some SQL that stores onto the disk by default?

You could post code, but I think the answer to your question would be in the HSQL documentation - maybe ask at a forum where people are used to using HSQL?

You will find that this forum contains a large variety of devs with extensive experience in many areas, but it's main focus is on the inner workings and use of netbeans.



On 6/22/22 22:19, Bayless Kirtley wrote:
I have an application that could really use a local temporary table but I can't seem to make it work. One class creates and populates the table then passes the Connection to  another class that wants to use it. The second class sees the table but finds it empty. What am I doing wrong? I am using hsqldb 2.5.0 in an app that requires Java 8. My development system is Linux Mint 20.



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