My build server is an Ubuntu 18.04 distro, and the GCC is whatever comes
stock with Ubuntu. I can build and run my C++ application via the command
line no problem, including with dbg. Here is the file info:

ken@ken-PowerEdge-R420:/git-repos/septemmud/septemserver/Debug$ file
septemserver septemserver: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1
(GNU/Linux), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/,
for GNU/Linux 3.2.0,
BuildID[sha1]=9df5db0ee3dfc296ef8e6e83c51b8ca195566ff2, with debug_info,
not stripped ken@ken-PowerEdge-R420:/git-repos/septemmud/septemserver/Debug$

However, the latest release of netbeans running on my windows PC does not
recognize my septemserver as an executable for remote debugging. This makes
no sense to me. I found an older post that suggested the --no-pie option on
compile.. which I have. Still no luck and cannot find anyone else with this
issue. Any help is appreciated.

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