Hi All,

I use netbeans 11.2 vc1 where I start with a new project in the category
"java with maven" and choose the project "FXML JavaFX Maven Archetype
(Gluon), after the project formed with the sample file, which I run
I try to do the following steps:

1. I lost the button, I added a letter with frame 1 as a splash where after
a few
    seconds will change to the second frame I add a thread and it works
2. I want to add animation to the text before switching frames to 2. I took
    animatexFX dependencies from the central repository and when I built it
    appeared that animateFX dependencies had to be made
    automatic module don't publish folders in the project.
3. I try to make a way by manually downloading animateFX and adding the
    automatic-module information in its manifest then I make a jar and I
try to
    install dependencies manually by the way, I right-click on animateFX
    dependencies from the central then I choose install artifact manually by
    entering the animatefx library that I have filled in automatic-module,
    another problem arises, when I build it runs successfully but when I
run the
    statement appears that the main class is not found, let me check the
    netbeans output (terminal):
   there is a description that the javafx runtime componet is missing and
the component is requested. I try to check the dependency javafx runtime is
still there. My question:

   A. is it because I installed animateFX artifact manually to make other
       components, especially javafx no longer related to dependencies even
       though they still appear in project dependencies
   B. How to make libraries that are in dependencies can be made into
       modules, especially third parties.

Best regards



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