Just started using NB 11.1  (OpenJDK 1.8 202).

I am using the built in gradle project support on a project with some Spock
unit specs.

NB 11.1 loads the specs ok into editor window.    Right clicking in the
editor window brings up the context menu.     There are some test related
actions that could happen, like "Test File", "Debug File" and so on.

"Test File" and "Debug File" are disabled.   "Run Focused Test Method" (and
the debug variant) are active, but do not seem to do anything.

Are any of these supported?

FWIW:   I can open same project in NB 10.0 (same JDK).   The NB install
uses the gradle plugin (not built-in stuff).   These context menu items
work fine under NB10.0 + gradle plugin.

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