I am having some difficulty getting the file command to run from
ExecuteStreamCommand, and am hoping someone can see my error.

At my linux command line,
file --brief myfile.mdb
Microsoft Access Database
as expected.

I am reading files into a nifi flow, and trying to apply
ExecuteStreamCommand to run the file command against them. I configured my
processor like this:
Command Arguments      --brief;-
Command Path                /usr/bin/file
Ignore STDIN                   false
Argument Delimiter          ;
Output destination attribute  fType
Max Attribute Length          256

fType gets the value      data
for the mdb files, not Microsoft Access Database

How can I correct this? Can I configure my processor differently to get the
file command to return the expected result? I'm hoping to avoid writing
flowfile out to a /tmp directory by figuring out how to get file to run
against the stream.
Thank you in advance.

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