Re: Transaction Problems with OpenEJB-Hibernate on Tomcat

2011-02-01 Thread kedarjapan

Hello Jean,

Thanks for your valuable inputs. I'm able to resolve the error finally. 

I am very new to this OpenEJB & Hibernate. I had worked earlier on
struts/jsf on websphere environment..

Basically, I had to deploy the web application having some business logic
like user authetication done thru EJB which eventually use the hibernate to
interact with database..

I wrote JUnits fr the same & tried to test my ejbs individually, there I
found that entry for persitence unit was missing in persitence.xml. I
correted & redeplyed the appilaction.. It ran smoothly.

Im gld that this forum is there to help on openejb..


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Re: Transaction Problems with OpenEJB-Hibernate on Tomcat

2011-01-28 Thread Jean-Louis MONTEIRO

Hi Kedar,

A JIRA already exists to add an Hibernate profile.
So it will be easier to create an OpenEJB webapp using Hibernate instead of

I totally forgot to commit it, but I promise you to do it on next week
(Monday or Tuesday)

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Re: Transaction Problems with OpenEJB-Hibernate on Tomcat

2011-01-28 Thread Jean-Louis MONTEIRO

Hi all,

I'm used to use Hibernate + OpenEJB.
To avoid classloading issues for end users, I'm created an hibernate profile
to create an OpenEJB webapp using Hibernate instead of OpenJPA.

It's works fine with JPA on top of Hibernate.
To be honest, never tried only with Hibernate.

That's definitely possible.
One point, the JTA transaction factory should not be set as you already
discovered. The default value is ok.
The transaction manager lookup is enough. By the way, if you use JPA and the
persistence.xml file, you don't also need to set the transaction manager
lookup because OpenEJB while set it for you when it discovers the
persistence provider.

Anyway, I don't know if that is possible for you, but it would be really
easier to get a simple example.
Is it something possible for you?
If you can provide a small example (maven project to create the war file), i
can definitely have a look and try to give you more hints.

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Re: Transaction Problems with OpenEJB-Hibernate on Tomcat

2011-01-28 Thread kedarjapan

Hi Freeway,

Thanks for the detail post on OpenEJB.. >

I am also facing exact same issue while instantiating
TransactionManagerLookup class.
I would be very greateful, if you could provide me the changes u hv done in
the Tomcat/lib, WEB-INF/lib folders to resolve the error.

What was the root cause ? It looks like Tomat is looking for another Jar, &
OpenEJB is requiring another.

I Hope, you would be remembering the things, as this Post is one year older
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Re: Transaction Problems with OpenEJB-Hibernate on Tomcat

2010-02-16 Thread freeway

For the record, I resolved this transaction commit-rollback problem using
OpenEJB and Hibernate together, without the need for a custom JTA
transaction factory class (although I wrote one that seemed to work).  All
the EJBs in this application are stateless session beans using
container-managed transactions, so the off-the-shelf Hibernate class
org.hibernate.transaction.CMTTransactionFactory worked fine.

The data source connections are configured in openejb.xml, and the Tomcat
webapp in which the EJBs are deployed has a
WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/persistence.xml file like the following that
references the Hibernate configuration file, where all other
persistence-related settings are stored.";



Also, some of my entries in the ejb-jar.xml file were wrong or missing,
which was contributing to the problem.

At any rate, if anyone else on this forum is having problems deploying
OpenEJB with Hibernate on Tomcat, please reply and I will pass along any
help that I can.


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Re: Transaction Problems with OpenEJB-Hibernate on Tomcat

2010-01-18 Thread Reza Rahman


I would remove all the JTA/transaction factory stuff and assume a clean JPA 
bootstrap. For completeness, can you kindly send me your Hibernate 
configuration file? The stuff in that configuration file should move to the 
persistence.xml file instead.

If you do end up needing to feed Hibernate a custom transaction factory, David 
and the other OpenEJB guys are probably the best people to help with that since 
they wrote the thing...but let's give this a spin first.

Author, EJB 3 in Action
Expert Group Member, Java EE 6 and EJB 3.1
Resin EJB 3.1 Lite Container Lead

freeway wrote:

Hi Reza,

Thanks for the quick response.

I just tried placing the following persistence.xml file in the webapp's
WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/ directory, but received the same runtime error
from JTATransactionFactory.";



This file references the same hibernate.cfg.xml file included in my previous
post to obtain all Hibernate properties.  I can see from the OpenEJB and
Hibernate log files that this configuration was found and loaded at Tomcat
startup.  However, it still executes the class
org.hibernate.transaction.JTATransactionFactory and fails to retrieve the
UserTransaction object in the same way.

Do I need to use a different OpenEJB-provided transaction factory class, or
override the Hibernate-provided one myself?  Or is my above configuration
simply incorrect for using JPA in OpenEJB?

Thx in advance,

Reza Rahman-2 wrote:


I might have lost some context here, but have you tried simply defining 
your OpenEJB JTA data source persistence.xml instead of using 
hibernate.cfg? I am thinking this issue might be best resolved simply by 
going through the OpenEJB/JPA compatibility layer of Hibernate. Are you 
planning on using the JPA APIs or native Hibernate with OpenEJB? Note, 
the Hibernate team itself recommends JPA, you can configure Hibernate 
via persistence.xml and you can always get access to the native 
Hibernate session via EntityManager.getDelegate() if you really need it: 
It's certainly a lot simpler to use JPA with EJB 3.x instead of trying 
to inject native Hibernate objects directly.

Hope it helps,

Author, EJB 3 in Action
Expert Group Member, Java EE 6 and EJB 3.1
Resin EJB 3.1 Lite Container Lead

freeway wrote:

I have made some progress sorting out general configuration errors from
Tomcat 6 environment, and can restate the transaction problem in more
specific terms that will hopefully lead more directly to a solution.

The specific errors mentioned in my first post were mainly the result of
Tomcat classloader problems, resulting from various dependent classes
deployed wrongly in the webapp WEB-INF/lib/ directory, Tomcat lib/
directory, or both.  Many of the errors raised as a result of these
are generic and misleading messages such as 'cannot instantiate
'document error...', etc.  (Classloader problems seem to be the root of
evil with things Tomcat.)  However, after fixing these problems I am
unable to retrieve the JTA transaction properly from Hibernate 3.

I have configured the environment to move the transaction-managed JDBC
source configuration from Tomcat's server.xml into openejb.xml, as

JdbcDriver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
JdbcUrl jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/qadworkflow?autoReconnect=true
UserName ...
Password ...
JtaManaged true
InitialSize 0
MaxActive 20
MaxIdle 20
MinIdle 0
MaxWait -1

My hibernate.cfg.xml configuration is as follows (irrelevant settings



With the above I receive a stack overflow error at runtime when
to retrieve the JTA transaction.

at java.lang.Character.digit(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Character.digit(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)
at java.text.MessageFormat.makeFormat(Unknown Source)
at java.text.MessageFormat.applyPattern(Unknown Source)
at java.text.MessageFormat.(Unknown Source)
at java.text.MessageFormat.format(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.naming.StringManager.getString(
at org.apache.naming.StringManager.getString(
at org.apache

Re: Transaction Problems with OpenEJB-Hibernate on Tomcat

2010-01-18 Thread freeway
e reviewed Hibernate, OpenEJB, and Tomcat debug logs and can at
>> least
>> verify that the Hibernate settings that I have tried are being used at
>> runtime.  However, these logs have not been of much help diagnosing the
>> problem.
>> Please suggest config changes that I made need, or point me to any custom
>> class implementations that might help.
>> Reza Rahman-2 wrote:
>>> Let me see if I can help here, it'll take me a couple of days, 
>>> though...I'm swamped at the moment. I would think David could help
>>> too...
>>> Cheers,
>>> Reza
>>> =
>>> Author, EJB 3 in Action
>>> Expert Group Member, Java EE 6 and EJB 3.1
>>> Resin EJB 3.1 Lite Container Lead
>>> Jacek Laskowski wrote:
>>>> On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 4:32 AM, freeway  wrote:
>>>>> To close this message: I have seen many (rather confusing) posts and
>>>>> partial
>>>>> examples regarding the use of the config files persistence.xml,
>>>>> services-jar.xml, and/or openejb-jar.xml files to define data source
>>>>> resources, Hibernate properties, and transaction managers more
>>>>> explicitly
>>>>> inside OpenEJB.  However, it seems to me based on other doc I have
>>>>> read
>>>>> that
>>>>> using openejb.xml, ejb-jar.xml, and the native Hibernate files should
>>>>> be
>>>>> enough for a seemingly straightforward case like this one.  If this is
>>>>> wrong, please steer me in the right direction.
>>>> I'm so glad you're building the stack with OpenEJB, but alas I won't
>>>> be able to help you out with the problem at hand. I hope there're
>>>> people in the mailing list who will share their findings with similar
>>>> configurations and will provide a viable solution.
>>>> Jacek

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Re: Transaction Problems with OpenEJB-Hibernate on Tomcat

2010-01-18 Thread Reza Rahman


I might have lost some context here, but have you tried simply defining 
your OpenEJB JTA data source persistence.xml instead of using 
hibernate.cfg? I am thinking this issue might be best resolved simply by 
going through the OpenEJB/JPA compatibility layer of Hibernate. Are you 
planning on using the JPA APIs or native Hibernate with OpenEJB? Note, 
the Hibernate team itself recommends JPA, you can configure Hibernate 
via persistence.xml and you can always get access to the native 
Hibernate session via EntityManager.getDelegate() if you really need it: 
It's certainly a lot simpler to use JPA with EJB 3.x instead of trying 
to inject native Hibernate objects directly.

Hope it helps,

Author, EJB 3 in Action
Expert Group Member, Java EE 6 and EJB 3.1
Resin EJB 3.1 Lite Container Lead

freeway wrote:

I have made some progress sorting out general configuration errors from my
Tomcat 6 environment, and can restate the transaction problem in more
specific terms that will hopefully lead more directly to a solution.

The specific errors mentioned in my first post were mainly the result of
Tomcat classloader problems, resulting from various dependent classes
deployed wrongly in the webapp WEB-INF/lib/ directory, Tomcat lib/
directory, or both.  Many of the errors raised as a result of these problems
are generic and misleading messages such as 'cannot instantiate class...',
'document error...', etc.  (Classloader problems seem to be the root of all
evil with things Tomcat.)  However, after fixing these problems I am still
unable to retrieve the JTA transaction properly from Hibernate 3.

I have configured the environment to move the transaction-managed JDBC data
source configuration from Tomcat's server.xml into openejb.xml, as follows.

JdbcDriver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
JdbcUrl jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/qadworkflow?autoReconnect=true
UserName ...
Password ...
JtaManaged true
InitialSize 0
MaxActive 20
MaxIdle 20
MinIdle 0
MaxWait -1

My hibernate.cfg.xml configuration is as follows (irrelevant settings



With the above I receive a stack overflow error at runtime when attempting
to retrieve the JTA transaction.

at java.lang.Character.digit(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Character.digit(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)
at java.text.MessageFormat.makeFormat(Unknown Source)
at java.text.MessageFormat.applyPattern(Unknown Source)
at java.text.MessageFormat.(Unknown Source)
at java.text.MessageFormat.format(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.naming.StringManager.getString(
at org.apache.naming.StringManager.getString(
at org.apache.naming.NamingContext.lookup(
at org.apache.naming.NamingContext.lookup(
at org.apache.naming.SelectorContext.lookup(
at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(Unknown Source)

Here is an associated nested exception.

java.rmi.RemoteException: The bean encountered a non-application exception;
nested exception is: 


I have also tried setting the JNDI context factory to the OpenEJB
implementation by adding the setting below, but it does not change the


The stack overflow error in itself is well-known Hibernate behavior
resulting from repeated unsuccessful attempts by Hibernate to retrieve the
UserTransaction object.  From other postings, I know that Hibernate's

Re: Transaction Problems with OpenEJB-Hibernate on Tomcat

2010-01-18 Thread freeway
ed in both server.xml or the webapp's context.xml.)  My
understanding from other OpenEJB forum postings is that the JNDI name used
by OpenEJB from outside an EJB would be 'java:openejb/Resource/LsBpmDS'. 
However, if I change the connection.datasource property value in
hibernate.cfg.xml to ''java:openejb/Resource/LsBpmDS'', I receive a
different JNDI lookup error when using either the OpenEJB JNDI context
factory or the default.

javax.ejb.EJBException: org.hibernate.HibernateException: Could not find

I have reviewed Hibernate, OpenEJB, and Tomcat debug logs and can at least
verify that the Hibernate settings that I have tried are being used at
runtime.  However, these logs have not been of much help diagnosing the

Please suggest config changes that I made need, or point me to any custom
class implementations that might help.

Reza Rahman-2 wrote:
> Let me see if I can help here, it'll take me a couple of days, 
> though...I'm swamped at the moment. I would think David could help too...
> Cheers,
> Reza
> =
> Author, EJB 3 in Action
> Expert Group Member, Java EE 6 and EJB 3.1
> Resin EJB 3.1 Lite Container Lead
> Jacek Laskowski wrote:
>> On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 4:32 AM, freeway  wrote:
>>> To close this message: I have seen many (rather confusing) posts and
>>> partial
>>> examples regarding the use of the config files persistence.xml,
>>> services-jar.xml, and/or openejb-jar.xml files to define data source
>>> resources, Hibernate properties, and transaction managers more
>>> explicitly
>>> inside OpenEJB.  However, it seems to me based on other doc I have read
>>> that
>>> using openejb.xml, ejb-jar.xml, and the native Hibernate files should be
>>> enough for a seemingly straightforward case like this one.  If this is
>>> wrong, please steer me in the right direction.
>> I'm so glad you're building the stack with OpenEJB, but alas I won't
>> be able to help you out with the problem at hand. I hope there're
>> people in the mailing list who will share their findings with similar
>> configurations and will provide a viable solution.
>> Jacek

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Re: Transaction Problems with OpenEJB-Hibernate on Tomcat

2010-01-11 Thread Reza Rahman
Let me see if I can help here, it'll take me a couple of days, 
though...I'm swamped at the moment. I would think David could help too...

Author, EJB 3 in Action
Expert Group Member, Java EE 6 and EJB 3.1
Resin EJB 3.1 Lite Container Lead

Jacek Laskowski wrote:

On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 4:32 AM, freeway  wrote:


To close this message: I have seen many (rather confusing) posts and partial
examples regarding the use of the config files persistence.xml,
services-jar.xml, and/or openejb-jar.xml files to define data source
resources, Hibernate properties, and transaction managers more explicitly
inside OpenEJB.  However, it seems to me based on other doc I have read that
using openejb.xml, ejb-jar.xml, and the native Hibernate files should be
enough for a seemingly straightforward case like this one.  If this is
wrong, please steer me in the right direction.

I'm so glad you're building the stack with OpenEJB, but alas I won't
be able to help you out with the problem at hand. I hope there're
people in the mailing list who will share their findings with similar
configurations and will provide a viable solution.



Re: Transaction Problems with OpenEJB-Hibernate on Tomcat

2010-01-11 Thread Jacek Laskowski
On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 4:32 AM, freeway  wrote:

> To close this message: I have seen many (rather confusing) posts and partial
> examples regarding the use of the config files persistence.xml,
> services-jar.xml, and/or openejb-jar.xml files to define data source
> resources, Hibernate properties, and transaction managers more explicitly
> inside OpenEJB.  However, it seems to me based on other doc I have read that
> using openejb.xml, ejb-jar.xml, and the native Hibernate files should be
> enough for a seemingly straightforward case like this one.  If this is
> wrong, please steer me in the right direction.

I'm so glad you're building the stack with OpenEJB, but alas I won't
be able to help you out with the problem at hand. I hope there're
people in the mailing list who will share their findings with similar
configurations and will provide a viable solution.


Jacek Laskowski
Notatnik Projektanta Java EE -
p.s. Szukam speca/firmy od grafiki/CSS/HTML

Transaction Problems with OpenEJB-Hibernate on Tomcat

2010-01-10 Thread freeway
 at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.buildSettings( 
 at ... 
Casting exceptions are often indicators of version mismatches within the
environment, but here I think that the OpenEJB and Hibernate versions with
their dependencies are all compatible.  I have modified the application
code, primarily package names, in order to upgrade to Hibernate 3 in a
minimal way (that is, without reworking the code to remove deprecated
methods), but the above error looks like it is in the stack rather than the
app.  I have not found much on the web to help here.  Any suggestions? 
Another related point is the location of the Hibernate-related JARs and
configuration-mapping files mentioned above.  I expect that, given that
OpenEJB is now managing the transactions and calls to Hibernate as well as
the EJBs, the best location to save these JAR files and hibernate.cfg.xml is
probably /lib/, rather than in either the application or
openejb webapp.  However, when testing this way the processing does not even
reach the above error, but instead raises the following one. 
ERROR - The bean instance com.myorg.myapp.myb...@edeea8 threw a system
exception:javax.ejb.EJBException: org.hibernate.HibernateException: Could
not parse configuration: /hibernate.cfg.xml 
javax.ejb.EJBException: org.hibernate.HibernateException: Could not parse
configuration: /hibernate.cfg.xml 
 at com.myorg.myapp.MyBean.ejbCreate( 
 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 
 at ... 
I know that the syntax of hibernate.cfg.xml itself is correct and can be
found by Hibernate, given that in the first test it is being parsed
correctly by Hibernate and also based on independent XML parser checks.  All
the Hibernate config files have been updated to reference the Hibernate 3.0
rather than 2.0 DTDs.  I am fairly sure that the error is being raised
because the mapping files MySQL/*.hbm.xml files referenced inside
hibernate.cfg.xml are not being found at runtime.  However, I can't find the
proper place to put them!  They are currently packaged in a JAR file, and I
have tried placing this JAR file in /lib/, /lib/, and /WEB-INF/lib/.  I have also tried
unpacking the MySQL/*.hbm.xml tree into the same directories, with no luck. 
I was able to pass the parsing error by deploying all the above
Hibernate-related JARs both into the application webapp WEB-INF/lib/
directory and in /lib/, along with the JAR that contains the
MySQL/*.hbm.xml files; after which I ran into the first Java error mentioned
above.  I am sure that deploying these JARs in two places at once in the
Tomcat environment is a bad idea, but where should they go? 
To close this message: I have seen many (rather confusing) posts and partial
examples regarding the use of the config files persistence.xml,
services-jar.xml, and/or openejb-jar.xml files to define data source
resources, Hibernate properties, and transaction managers more explicitly
inside OpenEJB.  However, it seems to me based on other doc I have read that
using openejb.xml, ejb-jar.xml, and the native Hibernate files should be
enough for a seemingly straightforward case like this one.  If this is
wrong, please steer me in the right direction. 
Thx in advance, 

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