Does OpenJPA support Stored Procedures, like other ORMs
(TopLink/EclipseLink, Hibernate)? Imagine a DB that exposes Views for
SELECT-ing, and that requires you to call a stored proc for most INSERTs
or UPDATEs. Is there any way to configure (?) something like "When you
persist the X Entity, don't do an INSERT ... INTO X, but CALL ...
something" ? Dito for UPDATE.
I realize you can use (named) native queries that do Stored Procedures
for queries, but that's not "transparent" in any way and I don't see how
that could be used to replace INSERT/UPDATE after a persist(), unless
I'm missing something.
Reading e.g. https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OPENJPA-236 makes me
think that it may be possible to "code" this somehow? Are any OpenJPA
users doing this? Is this a good/bad idea?
Is there anything coming / changing with the JPA 2.0 Spec in this space?
Thank you,
Michael Vorburger, Odyssey Financial Technologies


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