Re: Do you have?

2015-09-20 Thread Johnny Rosenberg
2015-09-20 5:15 GMT+02:00 chengangxiong :

> when I convert a excel to pdf.DocumentConverter converter = new
> StreamOpenOfficeDocumentConverter(connection);
> converter.convert(inputFile, stw, outputFile, pdf);a problem occured on
> the below throws exception conversion failed: input document is
> null after loading and i dont know how to resolve it .and in another server
> the code runs OK. and I cant find the sourcecode of unoil.jar and ridl.jar
> .so I cant do further debug. please help me .thank you very much.private
> void loadAndExport(InputStream inputStream, Map/**/
> importOptions, OutputStream outputStream, Map/**/
> exportOptions) throws Exception {
> XComponentLoader desktop =
> openOfficeConnection.getDesktop();
> Map/**/ loadProperties = new HashMap();
> loadProperties.putAll(getDefaultLoadProperties());
> loadProperties.putAll(importOptions);
> // doesn't work using InputStreamToXInputStreamAdapter; probably
> because it's not XSeekable
> //property("InputStream", new
> InputStreamToXInputStreamAdapter(inputStream))
> loadProperties.put("InputStream", new
> ByteArrayToXInputStreamAdapter(IOUtils.toByteArray(inputStream)));
> XComponent document =
> desktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:stream", "_blank", 0,
> toPropertyValues(loadProperties));
> if (document == null) {
> throw new OpenOfficeException("conversion failed: input
> document is null after loading");
> }
> refreshDocument(document);
> Map/**/ storeProperties = new HashMap();
> storeProperties.putAll(exportOptions);
> storeProperties.put("OutputStream", new
> OutputStreamToXOutputStreamAdapter(outputStream));
> try {
> XStorable storable = (XStorable)
> UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XStorable.class, document);
> storable.storeToURL("private:stream",
> toPropertyValues(storeProperties));
> } finally {
> document.dispose();
> }
> }> From:
> > To:
> > CC:
> > Subject: Do you have?
> > Date: Sat, 19 Sep 2015 22:38:09 +0100

Please start a new thread if you have a question rather than hijack an
existing thread like this one.

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have been using Open Office for many years and have recommended you

Me? Oh, thanks man, you didn't have to do that… I'm just like most people
on this mailing list, an ordinary user like yourself. This is more like a
user-help-user thing, rather than a user-asks-questions-to-a-company thing.

> to many people and organisations.
> > One function I wish I could find with you is an e-mail program similar
> to MS Outlook Express.

This question has been asked a lot, really, a very lot of times on this
mailing list.

> >
> > If you have one please advise me how to get ti.
> > If you do not have one, how about it.

As far as I know there will never be one. I think the developers would
rather invest their time for correcting existing bugs and add new features
to the existing applications, than to create an entirely new one,
especially since there are a lot of good stuff out there that already does
the job just fine and work well with Apache OpenOffice. Thunderbird is
already mentioned, then we have Evolution and some other good stuff. Get
out there and have a look…! :)

Best regards

Johnny Rosenberg

> >
> > Best wishes from a fan,
> >
> > Ian Kirby.

Benutzung der Rechtschreibprüfung. Wie geht das?

2015-09-20 Thread Brigitte Dykow

Hallo Userteam,
Ich habe Open Office 3 in tschechischer Sprache. Ich möchte den 
geschriebenen Text auf Rechtschreibprüfung kontrollieren und habe auch 
jeweils im Menü "Werkzeug" "Rechtschreibung" cesky eingegeben. Mit dem 
Befehl "F7" wird die Rechtschreibprüfung zwar durchgeführt, aber er 
findet nichts. Das ist auch dann so wenn ich die deutsche Sperache 
einstelle deutsche Texte prüfen will.

Kann es sein dass der Teasaurus nicht installiert ist. Wie mache ich das?

Vielen Dank für Ihr Mühe

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Re: Do you have?

2015-09-20 Thread Oliver Brinzing


Am 20.09.2015 um 05:15 schrieb chengangxiong:

it throws exception conversion failed: input document is null after loading

the following code works for me:

XInputStream inputStream = null;

try {
final InputStream inputFile = new BufferedInputStream(
new FileInputStream(sUrl));

final ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new 
final byte[] byteBuffer = new byte[4096];
int byteBufferLength = 0;
while ((byteBufferLength = 
> 0)
bytes.write(byteBuffer, 0, byteBufferLength);

inputStream = new ByteArrayToXInputStreamAdapter(

} catch ( e) {


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Re: richiesta d'aiuto

2015-09-20 Thread Andrea Pescetti

[ English: Redirecting to support channels in Italian ]

Buongiorno Amilcare, la mailing list a cui ha scritto è per discussioni 
in inglese.

Per discussioni in italiano usiamo la mailing list utenti-it: invii un 
messaggio vuoto a per 
richiedere l'iscrizione, risponda alla conferma automatica che riceverà 
e poi potrà inviare le sue domande all'indirizzo

Cordiali saluti,
  Andrea Pescetti.

Il 15/09/2015 Amilcare D'Adda ha scritto:

Buon giorno, sto creando delle schede usando "documento di testo" e in
queste schede devo inserire delle mie fotografie usando "copia-incolla" ma
la fotografia incollata risulta automaticamente ruotata di 90° e non riesco
a riportarla nella forma originale. Che fare? qualcuno mi può aiutare ?

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numbering of pages

2015-09-20 Thread jimisuz1 .
I would like to know how to set the "page" settings so I can print,, as an
example,,,  pages: 1,3,5,7,9etc. without having to print the even
numbered pages.
I have been  trying to do so.
The information I am trying to print in this manner comes as an attachment
of an e-mail.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.