Copied cells not recognized come printer time

2023-12-27 Thread Snapafun
Sorry. May have done this twice not recognizing 1st attempt was to 
user_subscribe list.

Guess I'm missing something here.
In sheets I've formatted my efforts into A5 Landscape and can print that 
out fine (albeit as top of A4 sheet)
So to get two copies onto the single sheet I copied and pasted the cell 
directly under the top page boundaries as recognised.

Tidied things up to equal the two pages to be alike. Again no problem.
Go to Print Preview (Using all three options) and the pasted cells are 
not seen

Even printed out and in case I wasn't 'getting' it. Only page 1 printed.
Checking back from preview and do not see page limits recognised for the 
copied page???

What am I missing?
(Work saved multiple times in xls and ods format. Page 2 still not seen 
in printer previews?)

Rock'n'Roll Forever

Spreadsheet Formula Hiding "0"

2020-06-01 Thread Snapafun

Great suite - Thanks.

I love to hide the "0" value in cells yet to be populated and to do so I 
use the =IF(Target Cell>0;Actual Formula;"") setup.

This works well for me upon the Target Cell being the result or a manual 

However, this doesn't work when the Target Cell contains a formula. ( I 
appreciate that the formula setup as above is correct and that it now 
recognizes that the Target Cell is populated so is ">0" - just that 
viewed in real life - no actual value yet exists.)

Maybe there's a way of re-addressing the value "0" in the 1st part 
though it would be nice for a private user to be able to keep their 
formulas simple.

So - not necessary a fault or bug or anything at all - just a thought in 
case it's possible.
