"Stupid is as stupid does." - Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump quotes are uncomplicated, basic and true. They are almost
Zen-line in their simplicity. One of the best Forrest Gump quotes is
"stupid is as stupid does" which may not be poetry or very deep, but it
ends up being true and a more workable metaphor for life than the movie's
tag line "life is a box of chocolates"

Occasionally a Internet contact will ask: Who are you? Good question:)

Why do I choose to join groups. I frequently collect information from
various Internet sources, and consolidate it on
Dave_Mainwaring's_Knowledge_Network. My interest in education is beholden
to Moby Dick the story of Ishmael as observer and commentator is a
"narrative of education. Groups are a rich source for self education. The
Open Office Mailing list is a rich source for self-education

 Each mailing list at OpenOffice has at least two human moderators. If you
need additional help with a mailing list in any way including reporting
inappropraite behavior, you can e-mail the list moderator at:

 Development Mailing List (Public)

This is where the project community hangs out. This list is used to
coordinate activities and ensure we are all pulling in the same direction.
This is a high traffic list, with an average of 88 posts/day.

Subscribe: dev-subscr...@openoffice.apache.org



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