RE: [users] discontinue

2010-02-22 Thread Terry Plowman
My ranting was about all of you fools getting pissed at someone who is
frustrated and acting like we are all stupid.  That is your problem.

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RE: [users] discontinue

2010-02-22 Thread Terry Plowman
Good one, because there they were.  This issue is about resolved for me.

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RE: [users] discontinue

2010-02-22 Thread Terry Plowman
The same account, and the same computer.

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RE: [users] discontinue

2010-02-22 Thread Terry Plowman
Then you are an assuming fool.

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RE: [users] discontinue

2010-02-22 Thread Terry Plowman
James, I know that crap.  I just want off this list, and every time I do
what I am told I am to do, it doesn't work.  I'm, not stupid, I'm frustrated
and angry.  If you don't have anything to add that will solve my problem,
don't respond.  I got on this list because I had an issue, that issue has
been solved (I figured it out myself).  So I will ask you directly: Is there
a way to unsubscribe from this list, and what the heck is it.  I am tired of
sending emails to the address I am told to send to in order to unsubscribe
and remaining on the list.  If you get upset that I am upset over that, I am
sorry, but that still leaves me with my problem.  I am not alone in this, I
see the emails from all these people who have the same problem.  If you wish
to remain on this list, you are free to do so, I do not.  If you don't want
to receive my posts on this issue, unsubscribe yourself.  Then, if you do it
successfully, you can resubscribe, and tell me exactly what you did, I will
gladly do it (and be thankful to you for the help) and you will never hear
from me again.  It's really quite simple.

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RE: [users] discontinue

2010-02-21 Thread Terry Plowman
I didn't ask for this program in the first place, which you could have no
way of knowing, yet you seem to assume that I must have.  I needed some work
done on the computer.  That involved several programs being put on it for
the shop to do their job.  The Open Office program was placed there at the
shop.  I did not know that until later, when I got it home.

I expect when I contact support for a program related issue, that I will
actually receive support.  I have received such with other "free" programs
in the past.  What I want is a program that does what it says will happen if
you follow the instructions.  I have followed the unsubscribe instructions
given in every email I receive from the server.  It hasn't worked, and I am
mad about that.  If you can't, or won't help, then simply delete my emails.
Otherwise, if you are going to "help" someone with a problem, help them and
don't berate, preach to, or otherwise bad mouth some poor guy who has become
frustrated because following the instructions does not produce the desired
result.  People have the right to be angry when that happens, free or not.

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RE: [users] discontinue

2010-02-21 Thread Terry Plowman
Obviously, you children don't understand frustration.

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RE: [users] discontinue

2010-02-21 Thread Terry Plowman
Maybe if the producers would have a real customer support system, people
would not get so frustrated and "shout".  Incidentally, she may not be
"shouting".  She may be working and habitually use all caps when typing
information into the computer.  I used to have a job where I never used
lower case text, so my system was always set on all caps, and when I would
send an email, I often forgot to take the caps off.  Treating someone like
they are wrong or unnecessarily offensive because they are frustrated with a
product or procedure that doesn't appear to be working is rather asinine.

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RE: [users] please unsubscribe

2010-02-21 Thread Terry Plowman
speaking of which, I've done this twice already, over 3 days ago for the
last time, and I'm still getting these emails so apparently I'm still on the
list.  If you guys are going to tell people to email an address to
unsubscribe, make sure the stupid thing will actually unsubscribe them.

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RE: [users] OOo on 21 % of German Internet users' computers

2010-02-05 Thread Terry Plowman
Grow up, chill'un.  And that would be Samuel Clemens.  No "t".

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