Hi all,

OOo 2.4.0 on XP Pro SP2+:
I'm trying to determine whether this is a bug in OOo Writer or not.   If 
it's unheard of, I'll look into submitting a report.

I've received some documents that have manual line breaks (mirrored para 
mark) at the end of each line.  It's a rather long story, but my macros 
were screwing up so I started working manually to see just what was 
going on.
   I'm using <space><Delete> at the end of each line to remove the para 
mark and properly apply the formatting to the paragraphs.  In other 
words I'm removing the individual para marks within the paragraphs, 
leaving only the last one in tact.

Intermittantly, but only when I press the space/delete at the end of a 
line, the left alignment jumps to right alignment and I have to stop and 
click the Left Align menu item.  Pretty much of an annoyance.
   It's intermittant, but it will happen during EVERY paragraph, just 
not to every line.  Which line it happens at is unpredictable; it might 
be ther third line, might be the 12th line.
   It "usually" only happens once per paragraph, but not necessarily; it 
might happen two or three times per paragraph.  The length of the 
paragraphs doesn't seem to matter although a short, one or two line 
paragraph is seldom a problem.
   I've also tried switching the space; delete to delete;space and no 

   I can find no pattern so far as to when it will happen.  Body text, 
of course.

1.  Is this happening to anyone else?  Or is it something on my end?

2.  Is it a known bug?

3.  Is there a workaround or setting that I may have missed?  I don't 
think so, because of the intermittancy, but ... one never knows<g>.





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