That does, indeed, sound very familiar.
I just vzcfgvalidate-d my config files and it threw up no problems or errors. :-/

Aww, darn. My thread is here:

It's embarrassing, though a relief, that by the time I had opened the ticket the problem never happened again. We checked vzcfgvalidate, checked vzctl-libs versions, and changed to other kernels but it never happened again. So, we never positively identified a cause and solution.

The only changes I had made in previous months were to upgrade the kernel (we use 2.6.24, now at ovz009.1) and to fix the config flaws. So if you're not seeing config issues, maybe a kernel upgrade?

They had also suggested updating vzctl and vzctl-libs, and verifying that both packages' versions matched. Though this wasn't our issue, it was one thing they suggested during hunting this bug.

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