Migrating a stopped CT from VZ7 with vzmigrate worked well.

Migrating a stopped VM from VZ7 with prlctl migrate worked well

Migrating a running VM from VZ7 with prlctl migrate failed:

[root@hachi ~]# prlctl migrate centos8 vz4
Virtuozzo Linux release 8.0

Authorized use only. All activity may be monitored and reported.

Migrate the VM centos8 on vz4  ()
Operation progress    100%
Operation progress ... 0%
Failed to migrate the VM: Operation failed. Failed to execute the
operation. (Details: internal error: process exited while connecting to
monitor: 2021-09-22T22:42:55.913562Z qemu-kvm: -blockdev
Could not open
Permission denied)
[root@hachi ~]#

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