Pongracz Istvan wrote:

Andrey helped me a lot about this issue and it seems, it was a human
I cancelled a backup process and this container left in suspended state.

I used the vzdump script to make backups and I cancelled it while it
started to create an rsync.

I think that vzdump can be guarded with traps to restore container state in case backup is interrupted. In bash there's a 'trap' command which should help.

So, be careful :)

Cheers, IStván

2008. 07. 30, szerda keltezéssel 22.16-kor Pongracz Istvan ezt írta:

I use openvz kernel 2.6.18-028stab051 for long months on my gentoo
The uptime now is 105 days.

It seems, one of my containers completely dead: all processes are dead, including the init process.

I tried to kill them by issuing kill -9, but it is not working.
vzctl also cannot stop the container.

I tried to send other signal to these processes and the cron started.
The only process, which is run, but not really useful:
it is eating cpu.

The last message to the system log happened before the daily vzdump
Since then, there is nothing in the syslog of the container.

So, my 1st priority question, is there any other trick to restart a
container or I have to reboot?


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