[ovirt-users] Re: cannot update expired engine certificates?

2023-05-05 Thread Joop van de Wege

On 5/2/23 19:27, michael.d1.h...@lmco.com wrote:

ovirt 4.4.10.x, using self signed certificates with a self hosted engine. apache certs expired, 
renewed manually via guides provided by RHEL and oVirt using the pki_enroll_pkcs12.sh script. 
Engine certs are also expired and cannot update certs via gui and no option to renew the certs when 
running using engine-setup --offline. The error I am getting is a VDSM certificate error on the 
hosted engine in the engine.log file. I have attempted to manually run the pki_enroll_pkcs12.sh 
script with "engine" in the name and the subject of the previous engine.cer file with no 
luck. I copied the p12, key and cert from that attempt into the engine.cer, engine.p12 and 
engine_id_rsa files, but when booting the hosted engine VM, the first error in the engine.log is 
"VDC cannot find the engine certificate". This also breaks my access to the web interface 
for oVirt administration. When the expired engine certs are restored, I have GUI access but still 
see the VDSM errors on the ovirt-engine. That I hav
  e web access with the expired engine certs indicate to me that the apache 
certificates are correct (but i could be wrong in that evaluation).

Basically i am looking for a way to either force the enroll pki option in the 
engine-setup --offline script or manually generate and update the engine.cer, 
engine.p12 (and if needed, but i couldn't determine where it was used) the 
engine_id_rsa key.

I just did 'engine-setup --offline' on my install which also had its 
cert expired en it renewed it and problem gone.


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Re: [ovirt-users] problem adding new host to ovirt 4.2

2018-02-23 Thread Joop van de Wege
On February 24, 2018 7:10:00 AM GMT+01:00, Aristos Vasiliou 
>I've set up a couple of machines to test out ovirt.
>1.   centos 7 machine running ovirt 4.2 (kvm-manager)
>2.   centos 7 machine running libvirt (kvm-server)
>Using the ovirt web interface, I am trying to add a host (machine
>number 2).
>I define the IP, user, pass, click OK, and again OK, confirming I don't
>to use power management. The status of the new host is now "Installing"
>after a few seconds becomes "Install failed"
>I have a couple of error messages in the Events tab:
>-  An error has occurred during installation of Host
>Failed to execute stage 'Setup validation': Cannot locate ovirt-host
>package, possible cause is incorrect channels.
>-  Host kvm-server installation failed. Command returned
>code 1 during SSH session 'r...@kvm-server.home.local'.
Looks like it's missing the ovirt repo on the kvm server.



Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Where to add NFS Data Storage

2016-03-20 Thread Joop van de Wege
On March 20, 2016 1:38:16 AM CET, Taste-Of-IT  wrote:
>i want to install self-hosted-engine with nfs storage on host and
>uses this storage. i tried it but i dont know where to add the nfs 
>storage for data.  i first setup nfs server which is working, then
>the nfs export dir in host setup installation, than install engine and 
>dont add storage there. if i now want to add on system tab under
>new data storage this nfs export i got the message, that the storage is
>in use by another domain. What is the right way to use local nfs
>for engine?
You need a second storage domain and thus a second share in your exports file. 
Make sure the permissions are ok.


Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Startup VM after host reboot

2016-02-06 Thread Joop van de Wege
On February 6, 2016 11:00:41 PM CET, gregor  wrote:
>I use oVirt all-in-one 3.6, is there a setting to automatically start
>selected VM's when the host has rebooted? This can happen on power
>failure when the UPS is running to low.
No there isn't but you can script it using ovirt-shell or a python script.


Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Cannot retrieve answer file from 1st HE host when setting up 2nd host

2015-12-20 Thread Joop van de Wege
On December 20, 2015 8:50:06 PM CET, Will Dennis  wrote:
>OK, thanks to the assist from Joob, I did startup the engine VM, and
>took it out of maint mode… Then I went to my second oVirt host, and
>tried “hosted-engine —setup” again, and I’m still getting the error
>message “Failed to execute stage 'Environment customization': [Errno 2]
>No such file”
>Screen output of the “hosted-engine —setup” run:

Can you provide the corresponding log file? 
I suspect that the scp failed. Do you allow root login with password on your 



Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Cannot retrieve answer file from 1st HE host when setting up 2nd host

2015-12-20 Thread Joop van de Wege
On December 20, 2015 5:19:43 AM CET, Will Dennis  wrote:
>OK, after all the t’shooting I could think to do, out of desperation I
>put the engine VM in maint mode, then rebooted the host. When it came
>up, I can now SSH into it normally (no long delay now.) I saw two state
>email changes come in after the reboot:
>- StartState-ReinitializeFSM
>- ReinitializeFSM-LocalMaintenance
>But the engine VM never started… Do I have to do something at the host
>(issue a command) to get the engine VM to start? (Sorry if I’m
>ignorant, an oVirt noob here…)
No problem, we were all once.

Run hosted-engine --set-maintenance -mode=none

After a couple of minutes you should get mail about engine events. 

Just curious.  What specs sre your host (s) and engine vm?



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Re: [ovirt-users] Hyper-V in a guest

2015-09-25 Thread Joop van de Wege
On September 26, 2015 4:26:22 AM CEST, Alan Murrell  wrote:
>I am running oVirt  I am trying to setup a virtual lab to  
>emulate a client's environment to do some testing.  They are running a 
>Hyper-V environment.
>I created a Microsoft Server 2008R2 guest.  When I tried to install  
>the Hyper-V role, the system said that I needed to have hardware  
>virtualization support enabled in the BIOS.

You will need vdsm-nestedvt installed on all your hosts. It will pass through 
the vtx vtd bits from the hypervisor to the guest. 
You will need a relatively new kernel for this. Centos7 or Centos6+elrepo 3x 
kernel or Fedora.


Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Long export?

2015-09-21 Thread Joop van de Wege
On September 22, 2015 12:58:32 AM CEST, Michael Kleinpaste 
>I'm exporting a VM as part of testing backing up VMs and this 75GB VM
>been exporting for 3+ hours.  The storage is running gluster on 10GbE
>bandwidth isn't the issue.  Importing these VMs from the same export
>roughly 10 minutes.  But I'm not seeing any errors.  The only thing in
>engine.log is:
>/var/log/ovirt-engine/engine.log:2015-09-21 13:16:14,459 INFO
>(org.ovirt.thread.pool-8-thread-6) [3ab846b4] Correlation ID: 1db67021,
>ID: b348e823-fb6a-42b8-8561-8ab6047a27c7, Call Stack: null, Custom
>ID: -1, Message: Starting export Vm asdf to export
>Is there a way to kill the export?
Find the qemu-image process on the spm and kill it.


Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Does Ovirt Support Nested VM?

2014-12-10 Thread Joop van de Wege
"Xie, Chao"  schreef op 11 december 2014 04:54:12 CET:
>Hi, All
>I build a Ovirt Environment and want to use a VM in the Ovirt as
>Hypervisor. But it prompt “can’t be virtuliaze” .
>But I remember CENTOS  support Nested VM and IMO the Ovirt should
>support ,too.
>Does Somesone know how to set?
Yes it does. Look for vdsm-nestedvt if I remember correctly. It's a vdsm hook 
you need to install on every host.


Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Newly deployed ovirt instance can not start a VM

2014-12-06 Thread Joop van de Wege
Jeremy Utley  schreef op 6 december 2014 00:21:22 CET:
>Hello everyone!
>I just finished setting up our new demo Ovirt implementation, but am
>some issues once I get to the point of starting up a VM.  Every time we
>to start a VM, we get the error:
>The host {hostname} did not satisfy internal filter Network because
>network(s) are missing.
Try looking at vdsm.log on the host where the vm is being started. You can 
force a host by using runonce and the host tab. Looking at engine.log migt also 

>This is trying to launch vm with the Cirros image from the OVirt glance
>repository.  This is confusing, because we only have one network
>(the "ovirtmgmt" network), and each of our 4 nodes shows it attached
>indicated as functional.
>Our nodes are all CentOS 6.6 installations, with the ovirtmgmt bridge
>to eth2.  If I go to Networks/ovirtmgmt under my datacenter, and click
>the Networks tab at the top, select the ovirtmgmt network, and Hosts
>tab at
>the bottom, it shows that ovirtmgmt network is up on all 4 nodes.  Even
>I tell the VM to not attach itself to any networks at all, the machine
>fails to start with the same error.  Have done a lot of google
>searching to
>no avail.
>We're also worried we did not get our gluster storage network set up
>right.  We added the Storage Domain as type Data (Master)/GlusterFS,
>but it
>looks like Ovirt is using Fuse rather than the new libgfapi
>functionality -
>since we can see the gluster mounted /rhev/data-center/mnt/glusterSD/
>fuse.glusterfs, which would indicate we are not using the native
>integration.  However, the latest info I can find seems to indicate
>the gluster integration should be working in latest CentOS builds.
It should start working as soon as a patch is in mainline. It doesn't right now 
but it will if you use glusterfs as a data store.  There is a recent thread on 
the ML about it with me as OP.


Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Help creating virtual machines in ovirt

2014-06-03 Thread Joop van de Wege
On 4 juni 2014 04:49:10 CEST, Grant Tailor  wrote:
>Fixed the VNC problem
>#1 edited the /etc/hosts file on  my windows PC to pint the FQDN to the
>address of the ovirt engine server and that was it!!!
>Please add this to the documentation for people using windows to manage
>thier ovirt clusters
Its mentioned in the documentation that you will need a working dns 
infrastructure, either using a dns server or using host files.

I discovered by accident yesterday that if you name your vms with its ip 
address that you probably won't need everything in dns or hosts but that gets 
cumbersome quite fast.


Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Template assignment

2014-06-02 Thread Joop van de Wege
On 3 juni 2014 01:58:30 CEST, Maurice James  wrote:
>OK I think I go the problem fixed. I stopped a VM that had the Blank
>template, exported it, reimported it. Now im able to live migrate disks
>with no issue. Im going to try reproduce the "fix" on another system
>that im having the same problem with.
Did you delete the default datacenter or renamed it?


Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Failure during self-hosted deployment: exception configuring management bridge

2014-05-12 Thread Joop van de Wege

>What is my best workaround? I need to get going again ASAP.
Make the bridge by hand. I seem to have had the same problem last weekend and 
ended up doing the bridge myself and then let engine do the rest. 
Had to downgrade the sos package first.


Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Recommended OS for stability and centralized NFS storage?

2013-10-14 Thread Joop van de Wege
David Sloane  wrote:

>The CentOS-compatible repository at ovirt.org looks like it's stopped
>at oVirt 3.0.x, while Fedora and RHEL are supported for 3.3.  
What gives you that idea?
Im running centos64 with ovirt3.3 from the official repo. resource.ovirt.org or 
resources.ovirt.org. yum install the correct repo rpm.

>Any suggestions?
Hope this gets you started again.  Sorry the brevity


Users mailing list

Re: [Users] so, what do you want next in oVirt?

2013-08-20 Thread Joop van de Wege
Itamar Heim  wrote:
>earlier in the year we did a survey for feature requests / improvements
>/ etc.
>since a lot of things were added, and priorities usually change, I'd 
>like to ask again for "what do you need the most from oVirt / what are 
>your pain points" next?
>below[1] I've listed my understanding of what already went in from 
>previous survey requests (to various degrees of coverage).
>[1] from the top 12
>V Allow disk resize
>V Integrate Nagios/Zabbix monitoring - via a ui plugin
>V Highly Available engine - via hosted engine[2]
>V Open vSwitch integration - via neutron integration
>X Allow cloning VMs without template
>? Enable hypervisor upgrade/updates through engine[3]
>V Allow engine on an oVirt hosted VM - via hosted engine[2]
>V Enable guest configuration (root password, SSH keys, network) via
>   guest agent in engine - via cloud-init
>X Integrate v2v into engine
>? Bond/extend ovirtmgmt with a second network for HA/increased
>   bandwidth[4]
>X Integrate scheduling of snapshots and VM export for backups in
>   engine[5]
>V Spice – support Google Chrome - via mime based launch
>Other items mentioned in previous survey which should be covered by
>- Fix timeout when adding local host during all-in-one configuration
>- Fix engine set-up when SELinux is disabled
>- Provide packages for el6 (CentOS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux)
>- Allow multiple VMs to be deployed from the same template at the same
>   time
>- ISO domains on local/GlusterS
>- Show IP addresses in Virtual Machines->Network Interfaces
>- OpenStack Quantum support (now called Neutron)
>- noVNC support
>- Support spice.html5 and websocket proxy
>- Add other guest OSes to list
>- Port oVirt guest agent to Ubuntu[6]
>- SLA - Allow resource time-sharing
>- Spice - Mac client (via mime based launch)
>- Spice - port XPI plug-in to Windows (not sure this will happen, but
>   mime based launch allows using firefox now)
>- Spice - client for Ubuntu/Debian (should be covered via mime based
>   launch)
>[2] hosted engine is in active development, but not released yet.
>[3] host update is supported, but not for general yum update.
>[4] a lot of improvements were done in this space, but i'm not sure if
> they cover this exact use case
>[5] backup api is now being pushed to master, and orchestration of
> backups should probably happen via 3rd part backup vendors?
>[6] I'm not sure packaging exists yet, but ubuntu is covered for the
> basic functionality of the guest agent.
>Users mailing list

What I would like to see in the next version is pxe boot of the nodes. Probably 
not easy to achieve because of dependency on dhcp. 

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] install a f18 host with ovirtmgmt vlan tagged

2013-03-07 Thread Joop van de Wege
Alon Bar-Lev  schreef:

>Will be included in 1.0.1
Of foo-bar.tar.gz  :-)


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Re: [Users] Ovirt 3.1: Failed to add Storage Domain

2012-09-04 Thread Joop van de Wege

Itamar Heim  schreef:

>On 09/04/2012 08:30 AM, Dmitriy A Pyryakov wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have installed oVirt engine 3.1 configured for non-local nfs ISO
>> storage (Fedora 17 kernel 3.5.3-1.fc17.x86_64), one node with VDSM

Isn't the 3.5.3-1 kernel the cause of the http 500 errors?!


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