[ovirt-users] Re: Creating VMs from templates with their own disks

2021-11-28 Thread Sina Owolabi

Thanks! Works!
No to figure out how to create multiple vms at a time!

On Sun, Nov 28, 2021 at 2:32 PM Gianluca Cecchi
> On Sun, Nov 28, 2021 at 3:44 AM Sina Owolabi  wrote:
>> - name: Print vm attributes
>>   ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_vm_info:
>> auth: "{{ ovirt_auth }}"
>> pattern: name="{{ vm_fqdn }}"
>>   register: vm_info
>> - debug:
>> msg: "{{ vm_info.ovirt_vms[0] }}"
> here above you get an empty disk_attachments field.
> You have to add fetch_nested: true to traverse and get the disk attachments 
> values
> Eg:
> - name: Print vm attributes
>   ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_vm_info:
> auth: "{{ ovirt_auth }}"
> pattern: name="{{ vm_fqdn }}"
> fetch_nested: true
>   register: vm_info
> - debug:
> msg: "{{ vm_info.ovirt_vms[0] }}"
>> - name: Rename disk
>>   ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_disk:
>> auth: "{{ ovirt_auth }}"
>> id: "{{ vm_info.ovirt_vms[0].id }}"
>> storage_domain: lrg0-ovirt-mydom-internal-Local
>> name: "{{ vm_fqdn }}-osdisk0"
>> vm_name: "{{ vm_fqdn }}"
> Here, supposing from pattern filter above you get only 1 VM so you can use 
> index 0 and you get only 1 disk inside the VM and you can use index 0 also 
> for disk, you can use:
> See also "ansible-doc ovirt_vm_info" help page, where you can filter the 
> nested_attributes...
> Then the rename disk task would become
> - name: Rename disk
>   ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_disk:
> auth: "{{ ovirt_auth }}"
> id: "{{ vm_info.ovirt_vms[0].disk_attachments[0].id }}"
> storage_domain: lrg0-ovirt-mydom-internal-Local
> name: "{{ vm_fqdn }}-osdisk0"
> vm_name: "{{ vm_fqdn }}"
> This works for me in a 4.4.7 test environment
> HIH,
> Gianluca


cordially yours,

Sina Owolabi

Users mailing list -- users@ovirt.org
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List Archives: 

[ovirt-users] Re: Creating VMs from templates with their own disks

2021-11-27 Thread Sina Owolabi
I seem to have been able to overcome yaml problems, and I am able to 
successfully create Centos8 VMs with cloud-init.
My one remaining challenge is successfully renaming the VM disk alias, which 
fails with the error below.
Would really appreciate help with this.

My current playbook looks like what’s below,

- hosts: ovirt.ovirt.mydom.internal
- import_tasks: ovirt_auth.yml

- name: Creates new virtual machine
auth: "{{ ovirt_auth }}"
name: "{{ vm_fqdn }}"
state: running
clone: true
cluster: lrg0-ovirt-cluster
storage_domain: lrg0-ovirt-mydom-internal-Local
template: template-test00-centos8
type: server
disk_format: raw
  - name: eth0
boot_protocol: dhcp
interface: virtio
profile_name: "{{ net_profile_name }}"
- spice
- vnc
  regenerate_ssh_keys: true
  host_name: "{{ vm_fqdn }}"
  user_name: mydomadmin
  dns_search: services.mydom.internal mydom.internal
  custom_script: |
- path: /tmp/setup.sh
  permissions: '0755'
  content: |
echo "$(hostnamectl )" > /tmp/echos.txt
ipa-client-install --hostname=$(hostname -f) \
--server=ipa0.services.mydom.internal \
--mkhomedir --domain=service.mydom.internal \
--realm=SERVICES.mydom.INTERNAL --no-ntp \
--principal=admin --password= \
--enable-dns-updates --unattended
# auto-mount stuff
cat << EOF >> /etc/auto.misc
*   -rw,fstype=nfs  nfs1.services.mydom.internal:/share/&
sed -i 's/\/misc/\/share/' /etc/auto.master
setsebool -P use_nfs_home_dirs on
systemctl enable --now autofs
systemctl start autofs
- [ /tmp/setup.sh, "{{ vm_fqdn }}" ]

- name: Print vm attributes
auth: "{{ ovirt_auth }}"
pattern: name="{{ vm_fqdn }}"
  register: vm_info
- debug:
msg: "{{ vm_info.ovirt_vms[0] }}"

- name: Rename disk
auth: "{{ ovirt_auth }}"
id: "{{ vm_info.ovirt_vms[0].id }}"
storage_domain: lrg0-ovirt-mydom-internal-Local
name: "{{ vm_fqdn }}-osdisk0"
vm_name: "{{ vm_fqdn }}"


TASK [Rename disk] 
An exception occurred during task execution. To see the full traceback, use 
-vvv. The error was: ovirtsdk4.Error: Fault reason is "Incomplete parameters". 
Fault detail is "Disk [provisionedSize] required for add". HTTP response code 
is 400.
[WARNING]: Module did not set no_log for pass_discard
fatal: [ovirt.ovirt.trove.internal]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": 
"Fault reason is \"Incomplete parameters\". Fault detail is \"Disk 
[provisionedSize] required for add\". HTTP response code is 400."}


> On 27 Nov 2021, at 23:38, Strahil Nikolov  wrote:
> Does it work when you remove the 'custom_script' section ?
> Best Regards,
> Strahil Nikolov
> On Sat, Nov 27, 2021 at 7:35, Sina Owolabi
>  wrote:
> No errors at all
> Same results again
> Screenshot attached for a better view, but this is where it's at right now:
>   sso: true
> disk_format: raw
> graphical_console:
>   protocol:
> - spice
> - vnc
> cloud_init:
>   regenerate_ssh_keys: true
>   host_name: "{{ vm_fqdn }}"
>   dns_search: mydom.internal
>   dns_servers:  
>   custom_script: |
> write_files:
> - path: /tmp/setup.sh
>   permissions: '0755'
>   content: |
> #!/bin/bash
> echo "$(hostname -f)" >> /tmp/myhostname.txt
> ipa-client-install --hostname=`hostname -f` \
> --mkhomedir --domain=services.mydom.internal \

[ovirt-users] Re: Creating VMs from templates with their own disks

2021-11-26 Thread Sina Owolabi
No errors at all
Same results again
Screenshot attached for a better view, but this is where it's at right now:

   sso: true
disk_format: raw
- spice
- vnc
  regenerate_ssh_keys: true
  host_name: "{{ vm_fqdn }}"
  dns_search: mydom.internal
  custom_script: |
- path: /tmp/setup.sh
  permissions: '0755'
  content: |
echo "$(hostname -f)" >> /tmp/myhostname.txt
ipa-client-install --hostname=`hostname -f` \
--mkhomedir --domain=services.mydom.internal \
--realm=SERVICES.MYDOM.INTERNAL  --no-ntp \
--principal=admin --password= \
--enable-dns-updates --unattended
  user_name: mydomadmin

- name: Print vm attributes
auth: "{{ ovirt_auth }}"
pattern: name="{{ vm_fqdn }}"
  register: vm_info
- debug:
msg: "{{ vm_info.ovirt_vms[0] }}"

On Sat, Nov 27, 2021 at 12:51 AM Strahil Nikolov  wrote:
> yaml is picky...
> write_files:
> - path: /tmp/setup.sh
> permissions: '0755'
> content: |
> permissions & content should be on the same indentation with path:
> - path
>   permissions
>   content
> What is the error you receive ?
> Best Regards,
> Strahil Nikolov
> On Sat, Nov 27, 2021 at 1:19, Sina Owolabi
>  wrote:
> ___
> Users mailing list -- users@ovirt.org
> To unsubscribe send an email to users-le...@ovirt.org
> Privacy Statement: https://www.ovirt.org/privacy-policy.html
> oVirt Code of Conduct: 
> https://www.ovirt.org/community/about/community-guidelines/
> List Archives:
> https://lists.ovirt.org/archives/list/users@ovirt.org/message/HLTC34PWJICMOLLVCZBE44XOZG7TGWU7/


cordially yours,

Sina Owolabi

Users mailing list -- users@ovirt.org
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[ovirt-users] Re: Creating VMs from templates with their own disks

2021-11-26 Thread Sina Owolabi
Same thing when its written as 'hostname':

atal: [ovirt.ovirt.trove.internal]: FAILED! => {"changed": false,
"msg": "Unsupported parameters for (ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_vm) module:
hostname Supported parameters include: affinity_gr
gs, affinity_label_mappings, allow_partial_import, auth,
ballooning_enabled, bios_type, boot_devices, boot_menu, cd_iso, clone,
clone_permissions, cloud_init, cloud_init_nics, cloud_i
t, cluster, cluster_mappings, comment, cpu_cores, cpu_mode,
cpu_pinning, cpu_shares, cpu_sockets, cpu_threads,
custom_compatibility_version, custom_emulated_machine,
rotected, description, disk_format, disks, domain_mappings, exclusive,
export_domain, export_ova, fetch_nested, force, force_migrate,
graphical_console, high_availability, high_availa
ority, host, host_devices, id, initrd_path, instance_type, io_threads,
kernel_params, kernel_params_persist, kernel_path, kvm, lease,
lun_mappings, memory, memory_guaranteed, memory_m
e, name, nested_attributes, next_run, nics, numa_nodes,
numa_tune_mode, operating_system, placement_policy,
placement_policy_hosts, poll_interval, quota_id, reassign_bad_macs,
mappings, serial_console, serial_policy, serial_policy_value,
smartcard_enabled, snapshot_name, snapshot_vm, soundcard_enabled, sso,
state, stateless, storage_domain, sysprep, templat
e_version, ticket, timeout, timezone, type, usb_support,
use_latest_template_version, vmware, vnic_profile_mappings, wait,
watchdog, xen"}

On Fri, Nov 26, 2021 at 5:35 PM Sina Owolabi  wrote:
> And Paul
> when I try to add host_name,  I get this error:
> TASK [Creates new virtual machine]
> fatal: [ovirt.ovirt.trove.internal]: FAILED! => {"changed": false,
> "msg": "Unsupported parameters for (ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_vm) module:
> host_name, regenerate_ssh_keys Supported parameter
>  affinity_group_mappings, affinity_label_mappings,
> allow_partial_import, auth, ballooning_enabled, bios_type,
> boot_devices, boot_menu, cd_iso, clone, clone_permissions, cloud_init,
> cl
> ics, cloud_init_persist, cluster, cluster_mappings, comment,
> cpu_cores, cpu_mode, cpu_pinning, cpu_shares, cpu_sockets,
> cpu_threads, custom_compatibility_version, custom_emulated_mach
> m_properties, delete_protected, description, disk_format, disks,
> domain_mappings, exclusive, export_domain, export_ova, fetch_nested,
> force, force_migrate, graphical_console, high_ava
>  high_availability_priority, host, host_devices, id, initrd_path,
> instance_type, io_threads, kernel_params, kernel_params_persist,
> kernel_path, kvm, lease, lun_mappings, memory, memor
> ed, memory_max, migrate, name, nested_attributes, next_run, nics,
> numa_nodes, numa_tune_mode, operating_system, placement_policy,
> placement_policy_hosts, poll_interval, quota_id, reas
> acs, rng_device, role_mappings, serial_console, serial_policy,
> serial_policy_value, smartcard_enabled, snapshot_name, snapshot_vm,
> soundcard_enabled, sso, state, stateless, storage_do
> rep, template, template_version, ticket, timeout, timezone, type,
> usb_support, use_latest_template_version, vmware,
> vnic_profile_mappings, wait, watchdog, xen"}
> On Fri, Nov 26, 2021 at 5:11 PM Staniforth, Paul
>  wrote:
> >
> > Hi Sina,
> >  I get easily confused with cloud-init but shouldn't you be 
> > setting the hostname, username, etc before the custom script?
> >
> > Also, you could rename the disk as a separate play in your playbook.
> >
> > e.g.
> >
> > # Change Disk Name
> > - ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_disk:
> > id: ----
> > storage_domain: data
> > name: "new_disk_name"
> > vm_name: rhel7
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> >Paul S.
> >
> > 
> > From: Sina Owolabi 
> > Sent: 26 November 2021 15:00
> > To: Staniforth, Paul 
> > Cc: users@ovirt.org 
> > Subject: Re: [ovirt-users] Re: Creating VMs from templates with their own 
> > disks
> >
> >
> > Caution External Mail: Do not click any links or open any attachments 
> > unless you trust the sender and know that the content is safe.
> >
> > Thanks Paul.
> >
> > I seem to be getting this by hand, but trying with ansible, I think my 
> > skills are a bit lacking.
> > I can create with ansible, and it seems to work well, except for the fact 
> > that the new vm is
> > created with the hostname of the vm from which the template was made.
> > The disk is also named by the template.
> &g

[ovirt-users] Re: Creating VMs from templates with their own disks

2021-11-26 Thread Sina Owolabi
And Paul

when I try to add host_name,  I get this error:

TASK [Creates new virtual machine]

fatal: [ovirt.ovirt.trove.internal]: FAILED! => {"changed": false,
"msg": "Unsupported parameters for (ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_vm) module:
host_name, regenerate_ssh_keys Supported parameter
 affinity_group_mappings, affinity_label_mappings,
allow_partial_import, auth, ballooning_enabled, bios_type,
boot_devices, boot_menu, cd_iso, clone, clone_permissions, cloud_init,
ics, cloud_init_persist, cluster, cluster_mappings, comment,
cpu_cores, cpu_mode, cpu_pinning, cpu_shares, cpu_sockets,
cpu_threads, custom_compatibility_version, custom_emulated_mach
m_properties, delete_protected, description, disk_format, disks,
domain_mappings, exclusive, export_domain, export_ova, fetch_nested,
force, force_migrate, graphical_console, high_ava
 high_availability_priority, host, host_devices, id, initrd_path,
instance_type, io_threads, kernel_params, kernel_params_persist,
kernel_path, kvm, lease, lun_mappings, memory, memor
ed, memory_max, migrate, name, nested_attributes, next_run, nics,
numa_nodes, numa_tune_mode, operating_system, placement_policy,
placement_policy_hosts, poll_interval, quota_id, reas
acs, rng_device, role_mappings, serial_console, serial_policy,
serial_policy_value, smartcard_enabled, snapshot_name, snapshot_vm,
soundcard_enabled, sso, state, stateless, storage_do
rep, template, template_version, ticket, timeout, timezone, type,
usb_support, use_latest_template_version, vmware,
vnic_profile_mappings, wait, watchdog, xen"}

On Fri, Nov 26, 2021 at 5:11 PM Staniforth, Paul
> Hi Sina,
>  I get easily confused with cloud-init but shouldn't you be 
> setting the hostname, username, etc before the custom script?
> Also, you could rename the disk as a separate play in your playbook.
> e.g.
> # Change Disk Name
> - ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_disk:
> id: ----
> storage_domain: data
> name: "new_disk_name"
> vm_name: rhel7
> Regards,
>Paul S.
> From: Sina Owolabi 
> Sent: 26 November 2021 15:00
> To: Staniforth, Paul 
> Cc: users@ovirt.org 
> Subject: Re: [ovirt-users] Re: Creating VMs from templates with their own 
> disks
> Caution External Mail: Do not click any links or open any attachments unless 
> you trust the sender and know that the content is safe.
> Thanks Paul.
> I seem to be getting this by hand, but trying with ansible, I think my skills 
> are a bit lacking.
> I can create with ansible, and it seems to work well, except for the fact 
> that the new vm is
> created with the hostname of the vm from which the template was made.
> The disk is also named by the template.
> My ansiblle yaml is below and I'm pretty sure its wrong (especially where it 
> needs to use cloud-init to inject the correct hostname, and the other 
> prepping I would like to add).
> Please can you help correct me?
> ---
> - hosts: ovirt.ovirt.mydom.internal
>   tasks:
> - import_tasks: ovirt_auth.yml
> - name: Creates new virtual machine
>   ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_vm:
> auth: "{{ ovirt_auth }}"
> name: "{{ vm_fqdn }}"
> state: present
> clone: true
> cluster: lrg0-ovirt-cluster
> storage_domain: lrg0-ovirt-mydom-internal-Local
> memory: 16GiB
> cpu_cores: 8
> cpu_sockets: 2
> template: template-test00-centos8
> type: server
> operating_system: other_linux
> sso: true
> disk_format: raw
> #disks:
> #  - name: "{{ vm_fqdn }}-disk0"
> #bootable: true
> #nics:
> #  - name: nic1
> #boot_protocol: dhcp
> #interface: virtio
> #profile_name: "{{ net_profile_name }}"
> graphical_console:
>   protocol:
> - spice
> - vnc
> cloud_init:
>   custom_script: |
> host_name: "{{ vm_fqdn }}"
> user_name: myadmin
> user_password: 
> write_files:
>   - path: /tmp/setup.sh
> permissions: '0755'
> content: |
>   #!/bin/bash
>   echo "$(hostnamectl)" >> /tmp/myhostname.txt
>   ipa-client-install --hostname=`hostname -f` \
>   --mkhomedir --domain=services.mydom.internal \
>   -

[ovirt-users] Re: Creating VMs from templates with their own disks

2021-11-26 Thread Sina Owolabi
Thanks guys, not sure why the ansible isnt showing up,

Posting again:

- hosts: ovirt.ovirt.mydom.internal
- import_tasks: ovirt_auth.yml

- name: Creates new virtual machine
auth: "{{ ovirt_auth }}"
name: "{{ vm_fqdn }}"
state: present
clone: true
cluster: lrg0-ovirt-cluster
storage_domain: lrg0-ovirt-mydom-internal-Local
memory: 16GiB
cpu_cores: 8
cpu_sockets: 2
template: template-test00-centos8
type: server
operating_system: other_linux
sso: true
disk_format: raw
#  - name: "{{ vm_fqdn }}-disk0"
#bootable: true
#  - name: nic1
#boot_protocol: dhcp
#interface: virtio
#profile_name: "{{ net_profile_name }}"
- spice
- vnc
  custom_script: |
host_name: "{{ vm_fqdn }}"
user_name: myadmin
  - path: /tmp/setup.sh
permissions: '0755'
content: |
  echo "$(hostnamectl)" >> /tmp/myhostname.txt

  ipa-client-install --hostname=`hostname -f` \
  --mkhomedir --domain=services.mydom.internal \
  --realm=SERVICES.MYDOM.INTERNAL  --no-ntp \
  --principal=admin --password= \
  --enable-dns-updates --unattended
  - [ /tmp/setup.sh, "{{ vm_fqdn }}" ]

On Fri, Nov 26, 2021 at 5:11 PM Staniforth, Paul <
p.stanifo...@leedsbeckett.ac.uk> wrote:

> Hi Sina,
>  I get easily confused with cloud-init but shouldn't you be
> setting the hostname, username, etc before the custom script?
> Also, you could rename the disk as a separate play in your playbook.
> e.g.
> # Change Disk Name- ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_disk:
> id: ----
> storage_domain: data
> name: "new_disk_name"
> vm_name: rhel7
> Regards,
>Paul S.
> --
> *From:* Sina Owolabi 
> *Sent:* 26 November 2021 15:00
> *To:* Staniforth, Paul 
> *Cc:* users@ovirt.org 
> *Subject:* Re: [ovirt-users] Re: Creating VMs from templates with their
> own disks
> *Caution External Mail:* Do not click any links or open any attachments
> unless you trust the sender and know that the content is safe.
> Thanks Paul.
> I seem to be getting this by hand, but trying with ansible, I think my
> skills are a bit lacking.
> I can create with ansible, and it seems to work well, except for the fact
> that the new vm is
> created with the hostname of the vm from which the template was made.
> The disk is also named by the template.
> My ansiblle yaml is below and I'm pretty sure its wrong (especially where
> it needs to use cloud-init to inject the correct hostname, and the other
> prepping I would like to add).
> Please can you help correct me?
> ---
> - hosts: ovirt.ovirt.mydom.internal
>   tasks:
> - import_tasks: ovirt_auth.yml
> - name: Creates new virtual machine
>   ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_vm:
> auth: "{{ ovirt_auth }}"
> name: "{{ vm_fqdn }}"
> state: present
> clone: true
> cluster: lrg0-ovirt-cluster
> storage_domain: lrg0-ovirt-mydom-internal-Local
> memory: 16GiB
> cpu_cores: 8
> cpu_sockets: 2
> template: template-test00-centos8
> type: server
> operating_system: other_linux
> sso: true
> disk_format: raw
> #disks:
> #  - name: "{{ vm_fqdn }}-disk0"
> #bootable: true
> #nics:
> #  - name: nic1
> #boot_protocol: dhcp
> #interface: virtio
> #profile_name: "{{ net_profile_name }}"
> graphical_console:
>   protocol:
> - spice
> - vnc
> cloud_init:
>   custom_script: |
> host_name: "{{ vm_fqdn }}"
> user_name: myadmin
> user_password: 
> write_files:
>   - path: /tmp/setup.sh
> permissions: '0755'
> content: |
>   #!/bin/bash
>   echo "$(hostnamectl)" >> /tmp/myhostname.txt
>   ipa-client-install --hostname=`hostname -f` \

[ovirt-users] Re: Creating VMs from templates with their own disks

2021-11-26 Thread Sina Owolabi
Thanks Paul.

I seem to be getting this by hand, but trying with ansible, I think my
skills are a bit lacking.
I can create with ansible, and it seems to work well, except for the fact
that the new vm is
created with the hostname of the vm from which the template was made.
The disk is also named by the template.
My ansiblle yaml is below and I'm pretty sure its wrong (especially where
it needs to use cloud-init to inject the correct hostname, and the other
prepping I would like to add).
Please can you help correct me?

- hosts: ovirt.ovirt.mydom.internal
- import_tasks: ovirt_auth.yml

- name: Creates new virtual machine
auth: "{{ ovirt_auth }}"
name: "{{ vm_fqdn }}"
state: present
clone: true
cluster: lrg0-ovirt-cluster
storage_domain: lrg0-ovirt-mydom-internal-Local
memory: 16GiB
cpu_cores: 8
cpu_sockets: 2
template: template-test00-centos8
type: server
operating_system: other_linux
sso: true
disk_format: raw
#  - name: "{{ vm_fqdn }}-disk0"
#bootable: true
#  - name: nic1
#boot_protocol: dhcp
#interface: virtio
#profile_name: "{{ net_profile_name }}"
- spice
- vnc
  custom_script: |
host_name: "{{ vm_fqdn }}"
user_name: myadmin
  - path: /tmp/setup.sh
permissions: '0755'
content: |
  echo "$(hostnamectl)" >> /tmp/myhostname.txt

  ipa-client-install --hostname=`hostname -f` \
  --mkhomedir --domain=services.mydom.internal \
  --realm=SERVICES.MYDOM.INTERNAL  --no-ntp \
  --principal=admin --password= \
  --enable-dns-updates --unattended
  - [ /tmp/setup.sh, "{{ vm_fqdn }}" ]

On Wed, Nov 24, 2021 at 9:26 PM Staniforth, Paul <
p.stanifo...@leedsbeckett.ac.uk> wrote:

> Hello Sina,
>   to use the template.
> Create new VM and select the template.
> Click the advanced options.
> In the boot section you can set the HD to be the first boot devices and
> unselect any CD.
> In the Resource Allocation section, you can set the storage allocation to
> clone instead of thin ( this will create a copy of the template disk), you
> can also set the disk alias name.
> you can also edit the template to make sure the HD is the first boot
> device.
> I don't know what's in your ansible yaml definition.
> Cloning is for copying VMs or snapshots not templates.
> Regards,
> Paul S.
> --
> *From:* Sina Owolabi 
> *Sent:* 24 November 2021 09:28
> *To:* Staniforth, Paul 
> *Cc:* users@ovirt.org 
> *Subject:* Re: [ovirt-users] Re: Creating VMs from templates with their
> own disks
> *Caution External Mail:* Do not click any links or open any attachments
> unless you trust the sender and know that the content is safe.
> Hello
> Sorry for the late reply, work has been crazy.
> This doesnt seem to work as advertised, or I am still not getting it.
> Either way I would really appreciate some help and guidance.
> Steps I have attempted:
> 1. Create and configure VM as I want it to be (disk, partitioning, etc).
> 2. Shutdown the vm, create a template from it.
> Cloning manually:
> Cloning fails with this message:
> Error while executing action:
> clone00.domain.tld:
>- Cannot add VM. One or more provided storage domains are either not
>in active status or of an illegal type for the requested operation.
> I cant modify the storage allocation, and the disk its attempting to use
> is the disk of the source VM.
> Manual template install:
> Choosing to install manually with a template requires me to add a new
> disk, and to boot off the CD (defined in the template) and manually set
> things up. This I do not wish to do, because I would rather automate.
> Cloning with ansible, defining the cloud-init script and using the
> template:
> VM is successfully created, but logging in with remote-viewer drops me
> into the installation process (setting up from the attached ISO). Which is
> also not desired.
> Please help me with what I am doing wrong.
> Again the goal is to have the vm setup with its own credentials.
> On Thu, Nov 18, 2021 at 9:24 AM Staniforth, Paul <
> p.stanifo...@leedsbeckett.ac.uk> wrote:

[ovirt-users] Re: Creating VMs from templates with their own disks

2021-11-24 Thread Sina Owolabi

Sorry for the late reply, work has been crazy.

This doesnt seem to work as advertised, or I am still not getting it.
Either way I would really appreciate some help and guidance.

Steps I have attempted:
1. Create and configure VM as I want it to be (disk, partitioning, etc).
2. Shutdown the vm, create a template from it.

Cloning manually:
Cloning fails with this message:
Error while executing action:

   - Cannot add VM. One or more provided storage domains are either not in
   active status or of an illegal type for the requested operation.

I cant modify the storage allocation, and the disk its attempting to use is
the disk of the source VM.

Manual template install:
Choosing to install manually with a template requires me to add a new disk,
and to boot off the CD (defined in the template) and manually set things
up. This I do not wish to do, because I would rather automate.

Cloning with ansible, defining the cloud-init script and using the template:
VM is successfully created, but logging in with remote-viewer drops me into
the installation process (setting up from the attached ISO). Which is also
not desired.

Please help me with what I am doing wrong.
Again the goal is to have the vm setup with its own credentials.

On Thu, Nov 18, 2021 at 9:24 AM Staniforth, Paul <
p.stanifo...@leedsbeckett.ac.uk> wrote:

> Hello,
>  The VMs can get created from a template otherwise the blank
> template is used if a particular template is used it can be thin dependent
> VM the VMs disks is linked to the Templates disk and it just carries the
> changes made in the VMs disk (this is quicker and uses less space if you a
> lot of disks). The other option is to create a cloned VM and this will copy
> the Templates disk to the VM so it's no longer dependent.
> In the ansible documentation look for the clone option.
> https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/ovirt/ovirt/ovirt_vm_module.html
> https://www.ovirt.org/documentation/virtual_machine_management_guide/index.html
> Virtual Machine Management Guide
> <https://www.ovirt.org/documentation/virtual_machine_management_guide/index.html>
> oVirt is a free open-source virtualization solution for your entire
> enterprise
> www.ovirt.org
> For the cloud-init does the cloud-init package need to be installed on the
> template image?
> Regards,
> Paul S.
> --
> *From:* notify.s...@gmail.com 
> *Sent:* 18 November 2021 07:34
> *To:* users@ovirt.org 
> *Subject:* [ovirt-users] Re: Creating VMs from templates with their own
> disks
> Caution External Mail: Do not click any links or open any attachments
> unless you trust the sender and know that the content is safe.
> Im sorry, I am trying to wrap my head around this but it is difficult.
> I just want to be able to stand up new vms, with their own storage,
> similar to how I can with plain vanilla KVM, with a template or without,
> maybe even with a kickstart, and hopefully with ansible.
> Right now anytime I try to create a VM, using the template, (with
> ansible), it gets the template disk attached, and from the console I see
> the new vm is named as the vm I created the template with. Cloud init
> script that is meant to rename the vm, and join it to IPA, is ignored.
> If I create storage for the vm, before creating it, both the template
> storage and the new storage are attached to the vm, which is also
> confusing. Cloud init is also ignored.
> I didn't think something this straightforward would end up needing a shift
> in thinking about how vms are created, especially with a product that's
> more than likely using kvm under the hood.
> I would appreciate some straightforward guiding steps, if I can get them.
> Really. It's been a frustrating week.
> > On 2021-11-17 13:50, Sina Owolabi wrote:
> >
> >
> > You can create a template with no disk, then VM's created from that
> > template will also have no disk. Then add a new disk to the VM after you
> > create it. This is how the default blank template works. You can also
> > create a template with an empty disk, then every VM created will also
> > get an empty disk by default. You can always rename disks as well.
> ___
> Users mailing list -- users@ovirt.org
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[ovirt-users] Re: Creating VMs from templates with their own disks

2021-11-17 Thread Sina Owolabi
Ok thanks
Sounds odd but no problem

How do I make  the new VM use its own disk, named after itself?

On Wed, 17 Nov 2021 at 19:45, Alex McWhirter  wrote:

> On 2021-11-17 12:02, notify.s...@gmail.com wrote:
> > Hi All
> >
> > Im very stumped on how to create VMs from templates I've made, but
> > having them installed with their own disks.
> > Please can some one guide me on how to do this?
> > I have Ovirt running, with local storage hypervisors.
> >
> > Anytime I try to use a template, the vm is created and booted with the
> > template's disk.
> > I would especially appreciate how to do this with ansible.
> > Im trying to automate CentOS and Ubuntu VMs.
> > ___
> > Users mailing list -- users@ovirt.org
> > To unsubscribe send an email to users-le...@ovirt.org
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> > List Archives:
> >
> https://lists.ovirt.org/archives/list/users@ovirt.org/message/OX5MWWMYAW4OTYE4NFETM4WFL2YEQFBZ/
> When you make a VM from a template there are two possibilities.
> If the VM type is set to desktop, a qcow overlay is created against the
> template's disk images. Any changes made in the VM are stored in the
> overlay..
> If the VM type is set to server the template's disks are copied to a new
> disk, it will have the same name as the template disk, but it is in fact
> a new disk with the template data copied over.
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[ovirt-users] Re: The Engine VM (/32) and this host (/32) will not be in the same IP subnet.

2021-11-02 Thread Sina Owolabi
In another rip-and-replace adventure, of multiple, where the vm refuses to
leave the libvirt stage more than once, I stopped in the middle of things
to make dhcp mark the random MAC address with the IP I needed the vm to
Then for some reason (still don’t know why) the installation completed
Hopefully I can move on from there without issue.
Very wary of trying again from scratch.

On Thu, 28 Oct 2021 at 11:55, Sina Owolabi  wrote:

> Ok I managed to continue choosing DHCP, which interestingly, it took
> an IP from the subnet.
> I saw a lot of selinux AVC issues in journalctl, but I didnt see the
> install process end and the screen was obscured with multiple network
> messages.
> Is it ok to ssh in and make it static?
> Am I allowed to make local changes inside it?
> Because its not resolving to the IP address DNS has for it (
> I would also like to make it an IPA client and such.
> On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 9:56 PM Sina Owolabi 
> wrote:
> >
> > Rejected:
> >
> >   How should the engine VM network be configured? (DHCP,
> > Static)[DHCP]: Static
> >   Please enter the IP address to be used for the engine VM []:
> >
> > [ ERROR ] Failed to execute stage 'Environment customization':
> > IPAddress() does not support netmasks or subnet prefixes! See
> > documentation for details.
> > [ INFO  ] Stage: Clean up
> > [ INFO  ] Cleaning temporary resources
> >
> > On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 9:53 PM Alex McWhirter  wrote:
> > >
> > > On 2021-10-27 16:09, Sina Owolabi wrote:
> > > > Its really weird.
> > > > Just tried again, with  the same failure, on a freshly reinstalled
> > > > CentOS 8.
> > > > Server has a number of vlan interfaces, on a physical interface
> > > > enp2s0f1, all in the defined notation,
> > > > one vlan interface has an IP,,
> > > > Second physical interface enp2s0f0 is configured for,
> > > > is the interface with a gateway and DNS, and the router can provide
> > > > other IPs with DHCP here, and which I hope to have ovirtmgmt on.
> > > > I run hosted-engine --deploy, I select the gateway for the enp2s0f1
> > > > vlan (
> > > >
> > > > Please indicate the gateway IP address []:
> > > > Please indicate a nic to set ovirtmgmt bridge on (enp2s0f1,
> > > > enp2s0f1.1014, enp2s0f1.1016, enp2s0f1.1015, enp2s0f1.1005, enp2s0f0)
> > > > [enp2s0f1.1014]: enp2s0f0
> > > >   Please specify which way the network connectivity should be
> > > > checked (ping, dns, tcp, none) [dns]:dns
> > > >   How should the engine VM network be configured? (DHCP,
> > > > Static)[DHCP]: Static
> > > >   Please enter the IP address to be used for the engine VM
> []:
> > > >
> > > > [ ERROR ] The Engine VM ( and this host
> > > > ( will not be in the same IP subnet.
> > > >  Static routing configuration are not supported on automatic
> > > > VM configuration.
> > > >
> > > > What can I try differently?
> > > >
> > >
> > > Try setting the subnet with the engine IP.
> > >
> > > I.E. instead of do
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> >
> > cordially yours,
> >
> > Sina Owolabi
> >
> > +2348176469061
> --
> cordially yours,
> Sina Owolabi
> +2348176469061
Sent from MetroMail
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List Archives: 

[ovirt-users] Re: The Engine VM (/32) and this host (/32) will not be in the same IP subnet.

2021-10-28 Thread Sina Owolabi
Ok I managed to continue choosing DHCP, which interestingly, it took
an IP from the subnet.
I saw a lot of selinux AVC issues in journalctl, but I didnt see the
install process end and the screen was obscured with multiple network
Is it ok to ssh in and make it static?
Am I allowed to make local changes inside it?
Because its not resolving to the IP address DNS has for it (
I would also like to make it an IPA client and such.

On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 9:56 PM Sina Owolabi  wrote:
> Rejected:
>   How should the engine VM network be configured? (DHCP,
> Static)[DHCP]: Static
>   Please enter the IP address to be used for the engine VM []:
> [ ERROR ] Failed to execute stage 'Environment customization':
> IPAddress() does not support netmasks or subnet prefixes! See
> documentation for details.
> [ INFO  ] Stage: Clean up
> [ INFO  ] Cleaning temporary resources
> On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 9:53 PM Alex McWhirter  wrote:
> >
> > On 2021-10-27 16:09, Sina Owolabi wrote:
> > > Its really weird.
> > > Just tried again, with  the same failure, on a freshly reinstalled
> > > CentOS 8.
> > > Server has a number of vlan interfaces, on a physical interface
> > > enp2s0f1, all in the defined notation,
> > > one vlan interface has an IP,,
> > > Second physical interface enp2s0f0 is configured for,
> > > is the interface with a gateway and DNS, and the router can provide
> > > other IPs with DHCP here, and which I hope to have ovirtmgmt on.
> > > I run hosted-engine --deploy, I select the gateway for the enp2s0f1
> > > vlan (
> > >
> > > Please indicate the gateway IP address []:
> > > Please indicate a nic to set ovirtmgmt bridge on (enp2s0f1,
> > > enp2s0f1.1014, enp2s0f1.1016, enp2s0f1.1015, enp2s0f1.1005, enp2s0f0)
> > > [enp2s0f1.1014]: enp2s0f0
> > >   Please specify which way the network connectivity should be
> > > checked (ping, dns, tcp, none) [dns]:dns
> > >   How should the engine VM network be configured? (DHCP,
> > > Static)[DHCP]: Static
> > >   Please enter the IP address to be used for the engine VM []:
> > >
> > > [ ERROR ] The Engine VM ( and this host
> > > ( will not be in the same IP subnet.
> > >  Static routing configuration are not supported on automatic
> > > VM configuration.
> > >
> > > What can I try differently?
> > >
> >
> > Try setting the subnet with the engine IP.
> >
> > I.E. instead of do
> --
> cordially yours,
> Sina Owolabi
> +2348176469061


cordially yours,

Sina Owolabi

Users mailing list -- users@ovirt.org
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List Archives: 

[ovirt-users] Re: The Engine VM (/32) and this host (/32) will not be in the same IP subnet.

2021-10-27 Thread Sina Owolabi

  How should the engine VM network be configured? (DHCP,
Static)[DHCP]: Static
  Please enter the IP address to be used for the engine VM []:
[ ERROR ] Failed to execute stage 'Environment customization':
IPAddress() does not support netmasks or subnet prefixes! See
documentation for details.
[ INFO  ] Stage: Clean up
[ INFO  ] Cleaning temporary resources

On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 9:53 PM Alex McWhirter  wrote:
> On 2021-10-27 16:09, Sina Owolabi wrote:
> > Its really weird.
> > Just tried again, with  the same failure, on a freshly reinstalled
> > CentOS 8.
> > Server has a number of vlan interfaces, on a physical interface
> > enp2s0f1, all in the defined notation,
> > one vlan interface has an IP,,
> > Second physical interface enp2s0f0 is configured for,
> > is the interface with a gateway and DNS, and the router can provide
> > other IPs with DHCP here, and which I hope to have ovirtmgmt on.
> > I run hosted-engine --deploy, I select the gateway for the enp2s0f1
> > vlan (
> >
> > Please indicate the gateway IP address []:
> > Please indicate a nic to set ovirtmgmt bridge on (enp2s0f1,
> > enp2s0f1.1014, enp2s0f1.1016, enp2s0f1.1015, enp2s0f1.1005, enp2s0f0)
> > [enp2s0f1.1014]: enp2s0f0
> >   Please specify which way the network connectivity should be
> > checked (ping, dns, tcp, none) [dns]:dns
> >   How should the engine VM network be configured? (DHCP,
> > Static)[DHCP]: Static
> >   Please enter the IP address to be used for the engine VM []:
> >
> > [ ERROR ] The Engine VM ( and this host
> > ( will not be in the same IP subnet.
> >  Static routing configuration are not supported on automatic
> > VM configuration.
> >
> > What can I try differently?
> >
> Try setting the subnet with the engine IP.
> I.E. instead of do


cordially yours,

Sina Owolabi

Users mailing list -- users@ovirt.org
To unsubscribe send an email to users-le...@ovirt.org
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List Archives: 

[ovirt-users] Re: The Engine VM (/32) and this host (/32) will not be in the same IP subnet.

2021-10-27 Thread Sina Owolabi
Its really weird.
Just tried again, with  the same failure, on a freshly reinstalled CentOS 8.
Server has a number of vlan interfaces, on a physical interface
enp2s0f1, all in the defined notation,
one vlan interface has an IP,,
Second physical interface enp2s0f0 is configured for,
is the interface with a gateway and DNS, and the router can provide
other IPs with DHCP here, and which I hope to have ovirtmgmt on.
I run hosted-engine --deploy, I select the gateway for the enp2s0f1
vlan (

Please indicate the gateway IP address []:
Please indicate a nic to set ovirtmgmt bridge on (enp2s0f1,
enp2s0f1.1014, enp2s0f1.1016, enp2s0f1.1015, enp2s0f1.1005, enp2s0f0)
[enp2s0f1.1014]: enp2s0f0
  Please specify which way the network connectivity should be
checked (ping, dns, tcp, none) [dns]:dns
  How should the engine VM network be configured? (DHCP,
Static)[DHCP]: Static
  Please enter the IP address to be used for the engine VM []:
[ ERROR ] The Engine VM ( and this host
( will not be in the same IP subnet.
 Static routing configuration are not supported on automatic
VM configuration.

What can I try differently?

On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 7:40 PM Strahil Nikolov  wrote:
> Prefix of '32' means that there are no other IPs in the subnet -> usually 
> this prefix is used in firewalls to indicate that the rule is only for that 
> IP.
> It doesn't seem legit to me.
> Best Regards,
> Strahil Nikolov
> Hi list,
> 'The Engine VM ( and this host ( will not be in 
> the same IP subnet.'
> This happens when I select a static IP address configuration for the engine.
> Ive been struggling with setting up ovirt-hosted-engine on CentOS 8 servers 
> in the Equinix network, using hosted-engine --deploy.
> Why would the setup not want the engine and the host it's being setup on, not 
> be in the same subnet?
> Can someone please help me understand what prerequisites I am missing?
> ___
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> https://lists.ovirt.org/archives/list/users@ovirt.org/message/FY2ND5DQWX43XMHOU7MRE7BTRRQ56BTA/


cordially yours,

Sina Owolabi

Users mailing list -- users@ovirt.org
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