There is going to be an outage of for up to 2 hours
sometime during an 8 hour service window.

The outage will occur 2013-06-07 between 03:00 and 11:00 UTC. To view in
your local time:

date -d '2013-06-07 03:00 UTC'
date -d '2013-06-07 11:00 UTC'

== Details ==

From the Linode service bulletin/reminder:

"This is just a friendly reminder that your maintenance window starts at
8PM PDT tonight and lasts until 4AM PDT.

Downtime from this maintenance is expected to be less than 120 minutes,
however please note that the entire maintenance window may be used if
required. Your Linode will be gracefully powered down and rebooted
during the maintenance. Services not configured to start on a reboot
will need to be manually started.

Additional information regarding this maintenance event can be found
here: <> "

== Affected services ==

* Mailman (
* some backup services

=== Not-affected services ==

* /
* Anything at AlterWay and RackSpace facilities
** Foreman
** Puppet
** Jenkins slaves
** ...

== Future plans ==

We'll be migrating all services from this host and decommissioning it ASAP.

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