Minutes: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-06-26-14.03.html Minutes (text): http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-06-26-14.03.txt Log: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-06-26-14.03.log.html

#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Meeting

Meeting started by mburns at 14:03:04 UTC. The full logs are available
at http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-06-26-14.03.log.html

Meeting summary
* agenda and roll call  (mburns, 14:03:17)
  * 3.2 Update Stream  (mburns, 14:03:38)
  * 3.3 Status Update  (mburns, 14:03:43)
  * Infra report  (mburns, 14:03:53)
  * Conferences and Workshops  (mburns, 14:03:59)
  * Other Topics  (mburns, 14:04:04)

* 3.2 Update Stream  (mburns, 14:06:21)
  * mburns didn't finish vdsm -17 push, will finish now  (mburns,
  * ACTION: mburns still needs to follow up on node build  (mburns,
  * upgrade 3.1->3.2 documentation being worked out  (mburns, 14:09:23)
  * no code fix  (mburns, 14:09:25)

* 3.3 Status Update  (mburns, 14:14:10)
  * LINK: http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_3.3_release-management   (mburns,
  * 3.2 quick async update -- vdsm -17 pushed to stable...  (mburns,
  * need owner for html5_spice package  (mburns, 14:21:09)
  * need to get F18, F19, EL6 builds for hosting on ovirt.org  (mburns,
  * Vinzenz Feenstra nominated for ownership  (mburns, 14:22:07)
  * vdsm requires libvirt from virt-preview for 3.3  (mburns, 14:22:58)
  * ACTION: mburns to update ovirt-release rpm to include virt-preview
    repo  (mburns, 14:23:20)
  * ACTION: evilissimo to produce EL6 F18 F19 rpms for html5_spice and
    deliver to mburns for hosting on ovirt.org  (mburns, 14:24:24)
  * EL6 libvirt already has the feature enabled  (mburns, 14:26:49)
  * ovirt-node will enable virt-preview repo for fedora based builds
    going forward (patch submitted this morning)  (mburns, 14:27:14)
  * virt features should be done by end of month  (mburns, 14:28:07)
  * storage features:  one optional feature is unlikely, one Must is
    risky, but should make it, all others are looking good  (mburns,
  * node features -- all green and merged  (mburns, 14:31:26)
  * UX:  frontend refactor is risky, target for end of july  (mburns,
  * integration:  self-hosted engine is on track  (mburns, 14:34:05)
  * guest-agent is preparing Ubuntu packaging  (mburns, 14:35:09)
  * UX -- GWT(P) upgrade also at risk (target end of July)  (mburns,
  * gluster -- hooks mgmt in, rest api for hooks not done but on target,
    swift service mgmt posted, api for swift is not done  (mburns,
  * SLA -- scheduler is tight, but ok  (mburns, 14:41:15)
  * LINK:

    (evilissimo, 14:42:12)
  * LINK:

    (evilissimo, 14:42:32)
  * SLA -- QoS is questionable for design, all others in  (mburns,
  * infra status -- everything on track  (mburns, 14:43:40)
  * html5_spice in Fedora already  (mburns, 14:45:16)
  * network -- all on track for freeze  (mburns, 14:47:31)
  * Summary:  almost everything is on track  (mburns, 14:47:42)
  * At Risk:  UX features -- Refactor and GWT(P) upgrade  (mburns,
  * tight, but ok for now:  SLA -- scheduler, Storage -- manage storage
    connections  (mburns, 14:49:27)
  * All others are on track  (mburns, 14:49:36)

* Infra update  (mburns, 14:50:56)
  * LINK: http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/infra/2013-June/003424.html
    (ewoud, 14:53:00)
  * work ongoing with slaves @ rackspace  (mburns, 14:53:54)
  * will be updating f17 slave to f19  (mburns, 14:54:05)
  * quaid looking for someone to step as infra project coordinator
    (mburns, 14:54:24)
  * AGREED: drop f17 slave in favor of f19 slave, add new slaves for
    f18/f19 soon, can add f17 if needed later  (mburns, 14:57:34)

* Conferences and Workshops  (mburns, 14:58:51)
  * planning underway for next Workshop (no location announced yet)
    (mburns, 15:00:56)
  * planning underway for oVirt developer meeting in Edinburgh as part
    of KVM Forum (late October)  (mburns, 15:01:25)
  * would like to get as many devs as possible there for planning the
    future  (mburns, 15:01:43)
  * Theron presented oVirt and Gluster integration at Red Hat Summit
    recently  (mburns, 15:02:39)
  * including a live demo in the oVirt booth  (mburns, 15:02:47)
  * mburns has a talk submitted for CloudOpen NA  (mburns, 15:03:04)
  * submission deadline for LinuxCon/CloudOpen EU (in Edinburgh) is
    21-July  (mburns, 15:04:34)
  * CFP also open for KVM Forum  (mburns, 15:04:55)
  * no closing date listed, so get submissions in ASAP  (mburns,

* Other Topics  (mburns, 15:06:29)

Meeting ended at 15:09:32 UTC.

Action Items
* mburns still needs to follow up on node build
* mburns to update ovirt-release rpm to include virt-preview repo
* evilissimo to produce EL6 F18 F19 rpms for html5_spice and deliver to
  mburns for hosting on ovirt.org

Action Items, by person
* evilissimo
  * evilissimo to produce EL6 F18 F19 rpms for html5_spice and deliver
    to mburns for hosting on ovirt.org
* mburns
  * mburns still needs to follow up on node build
  * mburns to update ovirt-release rpm to include virt-preview repo
  * evilissimo to produce EL6 F18 F19 rpms for html5_spice and deliver
    to mburns for hosting on ovirt.org
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* mburns (142)
* danken (30)
* dneary (11)
* evilissimo (10)
* mskrivanek (10)
* abaron (8)
* ofri (8)
* ecohen (7)
* ovirtbot (7)
* eedri (6)
* ewoud (6)
* mgoldboi (6)
* sahina (4)
* ybronhei (4)
* ahadas_ (3)
* dustins_ntap (1)
* iranzo (1)
* lvernia (1)
* ykaplan (1)
* oschreib (0)

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