
I recently had to shutdown my oVirt system which contains both the
engine and the host. After it came back up, the host was not able to
initialize anymore from the oVirt UI.

First it kept getting stuck in a loop with setting "ExecutingStarted:
Jul 30, 2018, 9:06:21 AMSetting Host pc331 to Non-Operational mode."

This was being repeated over and over again. It also gave this error:
Host pc331 does not comply with the cluster Default networks, the
following networks are missing on host: 'ovirtmgmt'

Even though I am using that interface (ovirtmgmt) to access the system
and 'ip addr show' shows that it's set up properly.

I tried some more things, including upgrading the host, When I do
that, the status changes to 'Installing' and later to 'Install

Here are the engine.log, vdsm.log and ovirt-host-deploy*.log:

Any idea what is going wrong (what I'm doing wrong) and how to solve it?
Thanks in advance!

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