Re: qpidd forced heartbeat

2015-05-19 Thread Matt Broadstone
On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 3:45 PM, Gordon Sim  wrote:

> On 05/19/2015 08:37 PM, Matt Broadstone wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Is it possible to configure qpidd to force incoming connections to use
>> heartbeats? I can't seem to find much on this online or in "qpidd --help",
>> other than a setting for federation link heartbeats.
> No. At present qpidd just goes along with whatever the clients decide with
> regards to heartbeats.
Unfortunately the amqp library we are working with in C# doesn't currently
support setting the heartbeat interval. The particular issue I'm running
into involves a number guest VMs being run in libvirt keeping tcp
connections open to qpidd indefinitely after they have been destroyed
(force shutdown). This results in the default max-connections to qpidd
being reached in short order. Is there some other way to avoid this type of
behavior from the qpidd side, aside from just restarting the service


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Re: qpidd forced heartbeat

2015-05-19 Thread Gordon Sim

On 05/19/2015 08:37 PM, Matt Broadstone wrote:

Hi All,

Is it possible to configure qpidd to force incoming connections to use
heartbeats? I can't seem to find much on this online or in "qpidd --help",
other than a setting for federation link heartbeats.

No. At present qpidd just goes along with whatever the clients decide 
with regards to heartbeats.

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qpidd forced heartbeat

2015-05-19 Thread Matt Broadstone
Hi All,

Is it possible to configure qpidd to force incoming connections to use
heartbeats? I can't seem to find much on this online or in "qpidd --help",
other than a setting for federation link heartbeats.


RE: Help with Proton-c 0.9.1 and Qpid 0.32 Java Broker

2015-05-19 Thread Carlos Lugtu
Ok I finally got things to work. I scrubbed my installation of the java broker 
and started over. Switched to anonymous for authentication. I'm doing this as a 
simple test for now, not going to run with this long term. Then ran with the 
following connection strings:
.\recv.exe amqp://anonymous@localhost:5672/amq.topic
.\send.exe -a amqp://anonymous@localhost:5672/amq.topic hello

Messages are sent and received as expected.

Thanks for all of your help getting here.


-Original Message-
From: Gordon Sim [] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2015 2:44 AM
Subject: Re: Help with Proton-c 0.9.1 and Qpid 0.32 Java Broker

On 05/19/2015 10:35 AM, Rob Godfrey wrote:
> Probably not you but some issue with the "does this name map to the 
> interface the port is bound to" logic... what version of Linux are you 
> running?  I'll try to replicate.

I tried with and the (unqualified) hostname, both gave the same 
not-found error.

I'm running fedora 17 (yes, I know its old!) on the laptop on which I ran this 
test, java 1.7 (OpenJDK).

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Re: [VOTE] Ask infra to add git repo and JIRA for qpid-interop

2015-05-19 Thread Gordon Sim

On 05/19/2015 03:51 PM, Kim van der Riet wrote:

Thank you to all those who responded to my e-mail about the qpid-interop
project. I don't see any concern about this that precludes going ahead
and asking for infra to add a git repo and a JIRA for this project.

In short, I am asking for a vote to:
Ask infra@ to add a git repo for qpid-interop;
Ask infra@ to add a JIRA for qpid-interop;
No additional mailing lists should be needed, as discussions should be
conducted on qpid-users@

I think qpid-interop-tests would be a clearer name, but other than that 
I would be in favour of creating a repo in which to start collaborating 
on an approach.

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RE: [VOTE] Ask infra to add git repo and JIRA for qpid-interop

2015-05-19 Thread Steve Huston

> -Original Message-
> From: Kim van der Riet []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2015 10:52 AM
> To:
> Subject: [VOTE] Ask infra to add git repo and JIRA for qpid-interop
> Thank you to all those who responded to my e-mail about the qpid-interop
> project. I don't see any concern about this that precludes going ahead and
> asking for infra to add a git repo and a JIRA for this project.
> In short, I am asking for a vote to:
> Ask infra@ to add a git repo for qpid-interop; Ask infra@ to add a JIRA for
> qpid-interop; No additional mailing lists should be needed, as discussions
> should be conducted on qpid-users@
> I will close the vote on Friday May 22.
> Kim van der Riet
> -
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Re: [VOTE] Ask infra to add git repo and JIRA for qpid-interop

2015-05-19 Thread Alan Conway
On Tue, 2015-05-19 at 10:51 -0400, Kim van der Riet wrote:
> Thank you to all those who responded to my e-mail about the qpid-interop 
> project. I don't see any concern about this that precludes going ahead 
> and asking for infra to add a git repo and a JIRA for this project.
> In short, I am asking for a vote to:
> Ask infra@ to add a git repo for qpid-interop;
> Ask infra@ to add a JIRA for qpid-interop;
> No additional mailing lists should be needed, as discussions should be 
> conducted on qpid-users@
> I will close the vote on Friday May 22.
> Kim van der Riet
> -
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> For additional commands, e-mail:

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[VOTE] Ask infra to add git repo and JIRA for qpid-interop

2015-05-19 Thread Kim van der Riet
Thank you to all those who responded to my e-mail about the qpid-interop 
project. I don't see any concern about this that precludes going ahead 
and asking for infra to add a git repo and a JIRA for this project.

In short, I am asking for a vote to:
Ask infra@ to add a git repo for qpid-interop;
Ask infra@ to add a JIRA for qpid-interop;
No additional mailing lists should be needed, as discussions should be 
conducted on qpid-users@

I will close the vote on Friday May 22.

Kim van der Riet

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PN_INTR during pn_messenger_put() call

2015-05-19 Thread Michael Ivanov

I have a software application that uses proton qpid for communication and
sometimes I observe that pn_messenger_put() terminates with PN_INTR error.
How should I recover from this, should the call just be restarted?

Messenger used for sending is in default (so I assume non-passive, blocking)

Best regards,
 \   / |   |
 (OvO) |  Mikhail Iwanow   |
 (^^^) |   |
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  ^ ^  |   |

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Re: Help with Proton-c 0.9.1 and Qpid 0.32 Java Broker

2015-05-19 Thread Gordon Sim

On 05/19/2015 10:35 AM, Rob Godfrey wrote:

Probably not you but some issue with the "does this name map to the
interface the port is bound to" logic... what version of Linux are you
running?  I'll try to replicate.

I tried with and the (unqualified) hostname, both gave the 
same not-found error.

I'm running fedora 17 (yes, I know its old!) on the laptop on which I 
ran this test, java 1.7 (OpenJDK).

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Re: Help with Proton-c 0.9.1 and Qpid 0.32 Java Broker

2015-05-19 Thread Rob Godfrey
Probably not you but some issue with the "does this name map to the
interface the port is bound to" logic... what version of Linux are you
running?  I'll try to replicate.

-- Rob

On 19 May 2015 at 11:28, Gordon Sim  wrote:
> On 05/19/2015 10:19 AM, Rob Godfrey wrote:
>> Gordon: I'm a bit surprised if you needed to create a new virtual host
>> ... from 0.32 onwards the Java Broker supports the notion of aliases
>> for virtual hosts... on type of alias is the "hostnameAlias" which
>> when used on a port (as it is by default) will map the connection to
>> the default virtual host if the hostname in the open frame matches a
>> valid name for the address the port is bound to (and there isn't a
>> virtualhost with an exact match for the given name - in which case
>> that would be used).
> Quite possible I was doing something wrong. What I was seeing initially was:
>> [0xe6a620]:  -> SASL
>> [0xe6a620]:0 -> @sasl-init(65) [mechanism=:ANONYMOUS,
>> initial-response=b""]
>> [0xe6a620]:  <- SASL
>> [0xe6a620]:0 <- @sasl-mechanisms(64)
>> [sasl-server-mechanisms=@PN_SYMBOL[:ANONYMOUS]]
>> [0xe6a620]:0 <- @sasl-outcome(68) [code=0]
>> [0xe6a620]:  -> AMQP
>> [0xe6a620]:0 -> @open(16)
>> [container-id="79ef0a4f-8be7-4e3a-bde6-30fe29c258f5", hostname="localhost"]
>> [0xe6a620]:0 -> @begin(17) [next-outgoing-id=0,
>> incoming-window=2147483647, outgoing-window=1]
>> [0xe6a620]:0 -> @attach(18) [name="sender-xxx", handle=0, role=false,
>> snd-settle-mode=2, rcv-settle-mode=0, source=@source(40)
>> [address="amq.fanout", durable=0, timeout=0, dynamic=false],
>> target=@target(41) [address="amq.fanout", durable=0, timeout=0,
>> dynamic=false], initial-delivery-count=0]
>> [0xe6a620]:  <- AMQP
>> [0xe6a620]:0 <- @open(16)
>> [container-id="9d5a0c75-0afd-4ccf-90ff-8a2e8eee1d32", max-frame-size=32768,
>> channel-max=0, properties={:product="qpid", :version="0.32",
>> :""="Unversioned directory", :"qpid.instance_name"="Broker"}]
>> [0xe6a620]:0 <- @close(24) [error=@error(29) [condition=:"amqp:not-found",
>> description="Unknown hostname in connection open: 'localhost'"]]
>> [0xe6a620]:  <- EOS
>> [0xe6a620]:0 -> @close(24) []
>> [0xe6a620]:  -> EOS
> After adding the virtual host called 'localhost' I didn't see this error
> anymore.
> -
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Re: Help with Proton-c 0.9.1 and Qpid 0.32 Java Broker

2015-05-19 Thread Gordon Sim

On 05/19/2015 10:19 AM, Rob Godfrey wrote:

Gordon: I'm a bit surprised if you needed to create a new virtual host
... from 0.32 onwards the Java Broker supports the notion of aliases
for virtual hosts... on type of alias is the "hostnameAlias" which
when used on a port (as it is by default) will map the connection to
the default virtual host if the hostname in the open frame matches a
valid name for the address the port is bound to (and there isn't a
virtualhost with an exact match for the given name - in which case
that would be used).

Quite possible I was doing something wrong. What I was seeing initially was:

[0xe6a620]:  -> SASL
[0xe6a620]:0 -> @sasl-init(65) [mechanism=:ANONYMOUS, initial-response=b""]
[0xe6a620]:  <- SASL
[0xe6a620]:0 <- @sasl-mechanisms(64) 
[0xe6a620]:0 <- @sasl-outcome(68) [code=0]
[0xe6a620]:  -> AMQP
[0xe6a620]:0 -> @open(16) [container-id="79ef0a4f-8be7-4e3a-bde6-30fe29c258f5", 
[0xe6a620]:0 -> @begin(17) [next-outgoing-id=0, incoming-window=2147483647, 
[0xe6a620]:0 -> @attach(18) [name="sender-xxx", handle=0, role=false, snd-settle-mode=2, 
rcv-settle-mode=0, source=@source(40) [address="amq.fanout", durable=0, timeout=0, dynamic=false], 
target=@target(41) [address="amq.fanout", durable=0, timeout=0, dynamic=false], 
[0xe6a620]:  <- AMQP
[0xe6a620]:0 <- @open(16) [container-id="9d5a0c75-0afd-4ccf-90ff-8a2e8eee1d32", max-frame-size=32768, channel-max=0, 
properties={:product="qpid", :version="0.32", :""="Unversioned directory", 
[0xe6a620]:0 <- @close(24) [error=@error(29) [condition=:"amqp:not-found", 
description="Unknown hostname in connection open: 'localhost'"]]
[0xe6a620]:  <- EOS
[0xe6a620]:0 -> @close(24) []
[0xe6a620]:  -> EOS

After adding the virtual host called 'localhost' I didn't see this error 

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Re: Help with Proton-c 0.9.1 and Qpid 0.32 Java Broker

2015-05-19 Thread Rob Godfrey
Gordon: I'm a bit surprised if you needed to create a new virtual host
... from 0.32 onwards the Java Broker supports the notion of aliases
for virtual hosts... on type of alias is the "hostnameAlias" which
when used on a port (as it is by default) will map the connection to
the default virtual host if the hostname in the open frame matches a
valid name for the address the port is bound to (and there isn't a
virtualhost with an exact match for the given name - in which case
that would be used).

Carlos: apologies, I use a Mac, and although I do have a Windows VM I
don't actually have any of tooling (or - more importantly - the
knowledge) necessary to build C programs on that.

As Gordon suggests, getting the FRM logging enabled on the client
would be great... meanwhile I'll check into why my suggestion didn't
work on the broker.

-- Rob

On 19 May 2015 at 10:37, Gordon Sim  wrote:
> On 05/19/2015 12:06 AM, Carlos Lugtu wrote:
>> Thanks for the response. Can you send me your configuration? Config.json
> Attached.
>> I'd like to make sure I'm adding the virtual hosts correctly.
> I'm not 100% sure I did things correctly - I just used the web gui - I have
> no real expertise on configuration of the java broker.
>> The asserts that I'm getting are totally different on Windows, so I'm
>> guessing there are some differences.
> Did removing the extra colon help at all? Can you run with PN_TRACE_FRM=1
> set as an environment variable? That will give the protocol trace which
> hopefully will shed some light...
>> Can anyone out there reproduce this on Windows?
> -
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Re: Help with Proton-c 0.9.1 and Qpid 0.32 Java Broker

2015-05-19 Thread Gordon Sim

On 05/19/2015 12:06 AM, Carlos Lugtu wrote:

Thanks for the response. Can you send me your configuration? Config.json


I'd like to make sure I'm adding the virtual hosts correctly.

I'm not 100% sure I did things correctly - I just used the web gui - I 
have no real expertise on configuration of the java broker.

The asserts that I'm getting are totally different on Windows, so I'm guessing 
there are some differences.

Did removing the extra colon help at all? Can you run with 
PN_TRACE_FRM=1 set as an environment variable? That will give the 
protocol trace which hopefully will shed some light...

Can anyone out there reproduce this on Windows?

Description: application/json

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