Re: Microservices Exchange Queue Strategy

2019-06-12 Thread fea17e86
Hi Alex

Thank you for the link to the docs.

You are right, connecting a fannout exchange to a topic exchange doesn't
make any sense, I realised that by now too. I a mafter the flexibility the
wildcard routing offers, that's the reason I want to use the topics.

So it seems like it comes down to multiple LVQs vs. a single non destructive
LVQ. It propably makes sense to check for duplicates and make sure that an
older message doesn't overwrite the effect of a newer message anyway. So I
guess going for single LVQ makes sense. The only issue I see is that it
might contain a few thousand entries, looping through those on any reconnect
doesn't seem very effective.

Any last advice on that matter?

Thank you both very much for your help so far!


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Re: Microservices Exchange Queue Strategy

2019-06-12 Thread fea17e86
Hi Rob

Thank you for your quick response. Is there some documentation available for
"ensureNonDestructiveConsumers"? I couldn't find it in the Broker-J Book.

The single LVQ sounds like an interesting alternative. Usually there will be
a database IO, or calculation task run as a consequence of a message. So
starting those tasks over and over again, doesn't seem like a good idea. I
guess the subscribers would have to check themselves which message they
already consumed and which ones they didn't. Or could I solve this issue on
the broker level? I want to keep as much of the message routing logic in the
broker as possible.

If I'd use a fannout exchange I would loose the routing behaviour. So
instead of using one, or only a few, topic exchanges, I would have to use
many fannout exchanges, correct? Is any of the two patterns superiour to the
other? At first glance I do prefer the topic solution.

What about binding a fannout exchange to a topic exchange, shouldn't that
work? But I would loose the message persistence feature. So only currently
online subscribers would receive the message. Which brings me back to the


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Microservices Exchange Queue Strategy

2019-06-12 Thread fea17e86

I want to use Qpid Broker-J and AMQP 1.0 to achieve and event and message
based communication between my microservices. I would like to hear your
thoughts on the following scenario:

There are one or more microservices subscribing to the same topic. All of
the subscribers should receive all messages, or at least the last message of
the same value (LVQ). Even if a subscriber was offline, due to updates,
failures, or whatever, it should always receive the messages, once being
online again.

I thought I need to create a topic exchange and create one LVQ per
subscriber, to make sure that each one of them gets the same messages. Is
that correct, is there a more elegant way then creating n queues?

Best regards

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Re: Broker-J topic example with rhea.js

2019-06-09 Thread fea17e86
Great, thank you, that worked! :)

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Broker-J topic example with rhea.js

2019-06-07 Thread fea17e86

I'm trying to get a publish subscribe example with Broker-J and  rhea.js
   to work.

First I created a few queues bound to the default exchange "amq.topic":


Then I created a publisher with rhea.js: it is
a modified version of the rhea.js  publisher

and  subscriber


Unfortunately it doesn't work, a Could not find destination for target
'Target{address=objects.bed.update,durable=none}' error is thrown:

Can anybody please help me with figuring out which host name and topic name
to use? Any help would be appreaciated!

Best regards

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