Re: [VOTE]Release Apache RocketMQ APIs 2.0.0 RC1

2022-07-17 Thread yukon
+1 binding

I checked:

1. The signed key can be found in the KEYs file
2. LICENSE is Apache V2, the notice of Protocol Buffers has been added to
the notice of this release.
3. gpg verify ok for both source and binary releases.
4. sha512sum ok for both source and binary releases.


On Fri, Jul 15, 2022 at 11:13 PM aaron ai  wrote:

> Hello RocketMQ Community,
> This is the vote for 2.0.0 RC1 of Apache RocketMQ APIs.
> RocketMQ APIs use Protocol Buffers version 3 (proto3) as their Interface
> Definition Language (IDL) to define the API interface and the structure of
> the payload messages.
> The artifacts:
> The staging repo:
> Git tag for the release:
> Hash for the release tag:
> 303962118171075c3a5a8c395822fecfdf492d6f
> Relate Notes:
> The artifacts have been signed with Key :
> 3A11FEBBD64C807A233BF1F27C46C79BD4D29011, which can be found in the keys
> file:
> Fill in the following:
> [+]  check LICENSE, should be Apache V2
> [+]  check NOTICE, should have a notice for third-party dependency if
> necessary
> [+]  extract the zip and check if the source version is correct
> [+]  verify the asc(PGP sign),SHA512
> The vote will be open for at least 72 hours or until the necessary number
> of votes are reached.
> Please vote accordingly:
> [ ] +1 approve
> [ ] +0 no opinion
> [ ] -1 disapprove with the reason
> Thanks
> The Apache RocketMQ Team

[ANNOUNCE]New Committers of Apache RocketMQ: Lin Shen(shenlin) and Yangkun Ai(aaronai)

2022-06-14 Thread yukon
Hi Apache RocketMQ Community,

The Project Management Committee (PMC) for Apache RocketMQ has invited Lin
Shen (apache id: shenlin, github id: 2011shenlin) and Yangkun Ai (apache
id: aaronai, github id: aaron-ai) to become committers, and we are pleased
to announce that they have accepted.

Congrats, guys :-)

Best regards,

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Congrats, CSoC Start !

2018-05-02 Thread yukon

Do you have any plan for the project? And we can use slack for

We are GMT+8.

On Sun, Apr 29, 2018 at 9:32 AM, Ratnasingam Kasthuriraajan <> wrote:

> Hi Von, yukon,
> What would be the plan until May 14th? What would be the medium that we
> will use for our chats during the project time? Do we have a daily scrum?
> Also what about the time zones? I am in GMT+5.30 zone.
> Thanks.
> Best Regards
> R.Kasthuriraajan.
> On Tue, Apr 24, 2018 at 7:51 AM, Von Gosling <>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am pleased to announce our 3 topics are selected by GSoC Mentor
>> Groups[1]. I am also pleasure to mentor our students Sergio Esteves and
>> Kasthuriraajan, our pmc member yukon will also help Mayar Mahmoud to finish
>> the openwhisk integration. Let’s complete the topics with close teamwork.
>> Any guys who want to join the topics, welcome discussion in the dev email
>> list:-)
>> [1]
>> all/?sp-search=rocketmq
>> Best Regards,
>> Von Gosling
> --
> R.Kasthuriraajan.
> Undergraduate student | Department of Computer Science,
> Faculty of Science | University of Jaffna.
> LinkedIn:
> kasthuriraajan-2a6892121/
> <>
> stackoverflow:
> profile
> GitHub:
> Medium:

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Congrats, CSoC Start !

2018-04-26 Thread yukon
Hi Guys,

Congratulations on getting these GSoC projects, though that it's too late.

Looking forward to working with you guys this summer.

I would like to ask why Yukon isn't listed in the mentors list assigned to
my project?

I am, but the listed name is `Xinyu Zhou` which is my full name, while
`Yukon` is my nickname, sorry for the confusion.

My sincere thanks to Yukon too for reviewing my proposal before apply.

It's my pleasure.


On Thu, Apr 26, 2018 at 4:42 PM, Von Gosling <> wrote:

> Hi,
> GSoC guys, have you subscribed our dev and user email list, I have
> received some unauthorized mails from your addresses.
> Best Regards,
> Von Gosling
> 在 2018年4月24日,10:21,Von Gosling <> 写道:
> I am pleased to announce our 3 topics are selected by GSoC Mentor
> Groups[1]. I am also pleasure to mentor our students Sergio Esteves and
> Kasthuriraajan, our pmc member yukon will also help Mayar Mahmoud to finish
> the openwhisk integration. Let’s complete the topics with close teamwork.
> Any guys who want to join the topics, welcome discussion in the dev email
> list:-)

Re: The State of RocketMQ Streaming Integration

2018-04-03 Thread yukon
Thanks, Xin!

These plugins have greatly enriched the RocketMQ community, hope we could
get more feedback from the community about these plugins.


On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 10:44 AM, Xin Wang <> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I'm glad to say that the RocketMQ-Flink module has been merged into master.
> Here is the state of rocketmq streaming integration:
> * RocketMQ-Storm*Available*
> * RocketMQ-Spark*Available*, *The improvements will be available soon*.
> * RocketMQ-Flink *Available*
> * RocketMQ-Serializer(including JSON, Apache Avro)*Available*, *Not
> merged yet*.
> And, some new modules on the road:
> * RocketMQ-SQL
> * RocketMQ-Beam(Beam IO)
> Anybody who is interested in these tasks too, please join me. Let's fight
> together.
> Thanks,
> Xin Wang
> 2018-01-27 19:35 GMT+08:00 Xin Wang <>:
> > Hi devs,
> >
> > I'd like to update the state of RocketMQ Streaming Integration:
> > Now the task for RocketMQ-Flink  integration is completed and  patch is
> > available here:
> > Following is the brief changelog:
> >
> >- RocketMQSource - The RocketMQSource is based on RocketMQ pull
> >consumer mode, and provides exactly once reliability guarantees when
> >checkpoints are enabled.
> >Otherwise, the source doesn't provide any reliability guarantees.
> >- RocketMQSink - The RocketMQSink provides at-least-once reliability
> >guarantees when checkpoints are enabled and withBatchFlushOnCheckpoint
> >(true) is set.
> >Otherwise, the sink reliability guarantees depends on rocketmq
> >producer's retry policy, for this case, the messages sending way is
> sync by
> >default,
> >but you can change it by invoking withAsync(true).
> >- KeyValueDeserializationSchema - The main API for deserializing topic
> >and tags is the org.apache.rocketmq.flink.common.serialization.
> >KeyValueDeserializationSchema interface.
> >rocketmq-flink includes general purpose KeyValueDeserializationSchema
> implementations
> >called SimpleKeyValueDeserializationSchema.
> >- KeyValueSerializationSchema - The main API for serializing topic and
> >tags is the org.apache.rocketmq.flink.common.serialization.
> >KeyValueSerializationSchema interface.
> >rocketmq-flink includes general purpose KeyValueSerializationSchema
> implementations
> >called SimpleKeyValueSerializationSchema.
> >- TopicSelector - The main API for selecting topic and tags is the
> >org.apache.rocketmq.flink.common.selector.TopicSelector interface.
> >rocketmq-flink includes general purpose TopicSelector implementations
> >called DefaultTopicSelector and SimpleTopicSelector.
> >- RocketMQFlinkExample - which receive messages from RocketMQ brokers
> >and send messages to broker after processing.
> >
> > Any comments are welcome. And anybody who is also interested in these
> > tasks, please join me. Let's fight together.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Xin Wang
> >
> >
> > 2018-01-19 21:47 GMT+08:00 yukon <>:
> >
> >> Cool, thanks for your outstanding contribution, to help RocketMQ
> community
> >> integrate with other streaming platforms.
> >>
> >> On Fri, Jan 19, 2018 at 7:52 PM, Xin Wang <>
> wrote:
> >>
> >> > Hi devs,
> >> >
> >> > I have finished the improvements for integrating RocketMQ with Apache
> >> > Storm.
> >> > Main changes are as following:
> >> >
> >> >- Upgraded RocketMQ version to 4.2.0 which brings improvements and
> >> new
> >> >features like batch sending
> >> >- Imporved retry policy for RocketMQ consumer push mode to avoid
> data
> >> >loss in some scenes
> >> >- Batch sending supported for bolt and trident state
> >> >- Allow running several consumer instances in one process, that is
> to
> >> >say, different topics in one worker is possible
> >> >
> >> > PR:
> >> >
> >> > And I submit the `RocketMQ-Serializer` patch several days ago. This
> >> module
> >> > includes several serialization

Re: 投稿 RocketMQ中新消费组上线时有什么风险?

2018-04-01 Thread yukon

非常欢迎撰写RocketMQ相关的技术文章,建议放到Google DOC上并共享出来方便大家进行Comment。


2018-04-02 12:09 GMT+08:00 404828407 <>:

> RocketMQ中新消费组上线时有什么风险?
> 作者:卢松
> 以前碰到过一个问题,一个新消费组上线时和我们期望的消费行为有偏差,今天专门研究下这个问题,看看是怎么回事。
> 在RocketMQ中,假如一个新消费组订阅了几个topic,按正常人或者正常业务的期望,新消费组应该从订阅topic的最后一个消息开始消费,
> *但是实际情形不是如此,有时候新消费组会从这些topic的开头开始消费。这就是新消费组上线的风险点。*
> 这对业务来说就有风险,因为消费端需要关心要不要处理以前的消息。或者以前的消息非常多,都还没有删除,消费端要处理多久才能处理完成。再或者,
> 我的消费者处理不了以前的那些老的消息,处理时都出错,这该怎么办?
> 下面我们来分析下这个问题的来龙去脉,按照1,2,3,4...来说明前因后果及解决方案。
> *(一)消费端配置。*消费端集群消费时,消费端的默认配置是从topic的最后offset开始消费。
> 具体配置代码在DefaultMQPullConsumerImpl的consumeFromWhere()中:
> 而CONSUME_FROM_LAST_OFFSET的含义是“一个新的订阅组第一次启动从队列的最后位置开始消费”,RocketMQ
> 3.2.6版本的代码注释中清晰的说明了,但是实际表现却不是如此。
> *(二),消费端拉取消息的位置计算逻辑。*消费端拉取消息是按照topic下的queue来进行主动拉取的,
> 最关键的是这个拉取的位置offset是怎么计算出来的。消费端拉取消息位置的触发点在RebalanceImpl的up
> dateProcessQueueTableInRebalance()中,如图:
> 对于集群消费者,真正实现计算拉取消息位置的逻辑是在
> *RebalancePushImpl的computePullFromWhere()方法中,这个方法在消费客户端逻辑中是非常重要的*,
> 经常出现问题都是这段逻辑导致的。虽然这段代码没有bug,但是要深刻理解这段代码才能避免各种问题的出现。以后的文章中,会经常提到这块的实现逻辑。
> *(三)computePullFromWhere()的集群实现*。computePullFromWhere()是计算不同配置时的拉取offset,
> 我们只关心CONSUME_FROM_LAST_OFFSET时的实现。如下图箭头处,首先去broker端拉取某个queue的消费进度信息:
>  offsetStore.readOffset(mq, ReadOffsetType.READ_FROM_STORE)
> 这段实际上执行的是RemoteBrokerOffsetStore的readOffset(), 如下图红框中的逻辑:
> 其中long brokerOffset = this.fetchConsumeOffsetFromBroker(mq)的实现如下图,
> 主要是通过MQClientAPIImpl的queryConsumerOffset()去broker上拿某个queue的消费进度,
> 发送的是requestCode是QUERY_CONSUMER_OFFSET的请求:
> *(四),broker计算consumerOffser的逻辑。*broker收到上面消费客户端的请求,
> 是在ClientManageProcessor的queryConsumerOffset(ChannelHandlerContext ctx,
> RemotingCommand request)中做处理的:
> 当一个新消费组上线时,会走到订阅组不存在的情况,然后计算当前queue的minOffset,而getMessageStore().
> checkInDiskByConsumeOffset(
> requestHeader.getTopic(),requestHeader.getQueueId(), 0)
> 一般都是返回false,这个方法含义是检查当前queue的第一条消息是否在磁盘中,而不在内存中。
> *所以这个api的结果是,当minOffset=0时,返回offset=0,当minOffset>0时返回QUERY_NOT_FOUND结果,消费端拿到这个结果时会抛出MQBrokerException异常。*
> broker源代码的注释中也写的很清楚了,“
> *订阅组不存在情况下,如果这个队列的消息最小Offset是0,则表示这个Topic上线时间不长,服务器堆积的数据也不多,那么这个订阅组就从0开始消费。尤其对于Topic队列数动态扩容时,必须要从0开始消费。*
> ”
> *(五),消费客户端处理broker返回的consumerOffset,查清问题根源。*RemoteBrokerOffsetStor
> e的readOffset()中,*当minOffset为0时,这个方法返回0;当minOffset大于0时,这个方法返回-1*
> 。中间的分析过程省略了,不然贴出来的代码会更多。如下图实现:
> 上述方法返回的值赋值给*lastOffset ,*继续往上回到
> *RebalancePushImpl的computePullFromWhere()中,*当*lastOffset =
> 0时,会返回0;当lastOffset = -1时,将会返回queue的maxOffset。*
> *这段逻辑对新消费组的意义就是:*
> *如果订阅的queue不是从0开始的(minOffset大于0,已经删除过数据了),那么消费端将从maxOffset开始消费,即从最新位置开始消费;如果订阅的queue是从0开始的(minOffset等于0,没有删除过数据),那么消费端将从0开始消费这个queue。*
> *这就是风险点,和我们最初的期望,每次都从最后位置消费消息有偏差!!!*
> *(六)RocketMQ为什么这么设计?设计是否合理?*
> 我们先去查看下Apache RocketMQ 4.2.0中broker端的实现,因为主要实现点还是在broker端。
> 虽然计算消费位置offset的逻辑已经挪到了这个类中:
> *,但是实现逻辑是没有任何改变的。*
> 既然Apache版本都没有做任何改动,说明这不是个bug,就是这么设计的。下面我们来分析下
> *为什么一个queue的minOffset为0时,消费端要从0开始消费这个queue上消息,只有这种情况超出了正常的预期。*
> 我们做个假设,假设新消费组上线时,都是从queue的maxOffset开始消费消息。又如果一个topic在一个broker上面有4个queue,
> 新消费组上线后,开始从这四个queue的最后位置消费消息,这时我突然扩容这个topic到8个queue,
> 那么消费端去namesrv上拿到这8个queue的信息需要一个心跳周期,按默认配置是30秒左右。这个心跳周期内,
> 新扩展的queue上完全可能有新消息进来。
> 当消费端拿到4个新扩展queue的信息后,去broker端拉取消息时,
> *broker还是把这4个扩容queue当作新queue来处理的。按照我们的假设,最终消费端会从这4个新queue的maxOffset开始消费。*
> *这就有可能丢失了这4个扩容queue的前面一些消息,有可能会很多消息,而这些消息完全是在新消费组上线后发送出来的!!*
> *有消息漏消费了!这就是为什么新消费组不能都是从maxOffset开始消费的。*
> 这样原因就清楚了,RocketMQ的设计是合理的,导致了重复消费是不可避免的,但是风险是巨大的。*这也体现了RocketMQ的一个重大设计原则:*
> *宁可重复消费无数消息,也绝不漏掉一条消息。*就跟国民党当年喊得 “宁可错杀千人,也绝不放过一个” 一样。
> *(七),解决方案*。我订阅的topic上面可能有几十万条消息没有删除过,难道新上线消费组时,几十万条消息要重新消费吗?
> 目前我想到的有两种解决方案,1.可以使用mqadmin中的resetOffsetByTime命令来跳过某一个时间点之前的消息。
> 2.新消费组的消费者启动时,自己去过滤老的消息或者根据时间忽略以前的消息。当然肯定还有其他的解决方案,诸位看官可以思考下。
> *(八)最终总结下。*新消费组上线时还是要处理好历史消息的,无论怎样处理,要提前做好准备。有可能消费到大量历史消息,
> 这是RocketMQ的本身机制导致的,它的配置有更深层的含义。
> 本篇结束,请听下回分解。

Re: How to get message from DLQ?

2018-03-26 Thread yukon

The dead letter queue isn't expected to consume from it, but you could
change the permission by `MQAdmin` and subscribe the DLQ topic manually if
you want.

As for your another question `Why the new topic name is not "%DLQ%" +
oldTopicName ?`, obviously, a topic may have many subscriptions and the DLQ
is related to the consumer group, not the topic.


On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 12:05 PM, 那~ <> wrote:

> Hey guys,
> Help us with one hand please! When you have some free time if you touch
> <>...
> I'm analysising a web page:
> <>
> try your best to open the cover version of DLQ
> <> messages
> <>
> <>
> >>>
> Smile more often, then start a fresh new mind with re-thinking,:p)
> Thanks & best regards,
> Sebastien.
> -- 原始邮件 --
> *发件人:* "张桂杰"<>;
> *发送时间:* 2018年3月24日(星期六) 晚上7:10
> *收件人:* "users"<>;
> *主题:* How to get message from DLQ?
> Hi:
> My Question is about DLQ.
> We know that a message would be send to A DLQ if the consumer can not
> handle the message for 1+ maxReConsumeTimes. So, How can I get the message
> from the DLQ?
> I find that if the message is send to DLQ , A topic named
> "%DLQ%+consumerGroup will be created with permission 'WRITE'(pem=2). (Why
> the new topic name is not "%DLQ%" + oldTopicName ? )
> When I try to subscribe a topic with the name above, I can not get any
> message.After a debug, I found the reason is I have no read permission for
> this special topic.
> btw: I started a namesrv and a master broker in my macbook.

[ANNOUNCE] Github Issue has been enabled for Apache RocketMQ

2018-03-04 Thread yukon
Hi all,

We have enabled Github Issue for RocketMQ, and the JIRA system will be
disabled soon, please use Github Issue for the new bug report and feature

Please kindly note that the issue tracker is **ONLY** used for bug report
and feature request. Any question or RocketMQ proposal please use our
mailing lists[1]. More details please refer to our issue template[2].

Welcome to help us migrate existing JIRA issues to Github Issue, we really
appreciate that.



Re: RocketMQ offset getting difference between broker and consumer

2018-01-23 Thread yukon

There are two offsets for a queue/partition:

* broker min offset: the minimum message offset in the current broker,
which points to the earliest message.
* broker max offset: the maximum message offset in the current broker,
which points to the newest message.

As for consumer, should concern the consumer offset(min offset<= consumer
offset <= max offset).
The consumer offset will be updated automatically according to the consumer
consumed progress if you are using the PushConsumer,
and the consumer offset can be changed easily through MQAdmin tool.

If you noticed that the consumer offset always is lower than broker max
offset, you should keep a watchful eye on your consume logic, check whether
it's blocked by some remoting calls.

It's worth noting that the consumer offset is not accurate and real-time if
you are using TAG/SQL to filter the message.

Let me know if you have any other questions.


On Mon, Jan 22, 2018 at 11:07 PM, 智齿 <> wrote:

> Hi Sir,
> I'm a new guy who just join the RocketMQ community.
> I have no idea what happened before I came.
> Then, below what I said is my personal advice:
> "If a foreign guy come to my home and say"Hello,RocketMQ", I'll feel
> happy:), at least no personal emotion;
>  But if this man come to my bed room without knock the door. I may have
> emotion" :(
> We're human beings, sometimes we may face someone rude/something bad:  the
> "broker"; we may have uncomfortable sences.
> but the consumer with gentle actions will help us make our product better,
> this is a CN tradition.
> As the EN saying:"Customer is the god".
> We're friends in community. This is a deal so that we can communicate.
> Thanks a lot for your knidly advice.
> Although a little guy in community I'll try my best to help you.
> I can see the mail. Thanks for your reply. No need send a private e-mail
> to me, if your error didn't happen now.
> Any questions you can feel free to seek services from me or the other 
> community
> guys.
> If there is somewhere special make you feel confused, my apology.
> Regards
> -- 原始邮件 --
> *发件人:* "sachin.shashi";<>;
> *发送时间:* 2018年1月22日(星期一) 晚上10:59
> *收件人:* "users-help"<>;"users">;"issues"<>;
> *主题:* RocketMQ offset getting difference between broker and consumer
> Hi all,
> Recently we observed that, RocketMQ offset getting difference between
> broker offset and consumer offset,e.g.
> I have created topic with 4 partitions, whenever message coming to
> partition whose broker offset not matches to consumer offset messages not
> getting picked up,
> Not sure why getting difference between both offset,
> Kindly suggest what could be cause for this difference and what needs to
> be done so that it should not differ.
> Regards

[INFO] Announcing Apache RocketMQ as a TLP

2017-10-09 Thread yukon
Hi folks,

Apache RocketMQ project has been graduated on 2017-09-20, all the
graduation common tasks are mostly done.

RocketMQ couldn't graduate smoothly without everyone's efforts.
Congratulations and thanks, everybody.

There are some details need our attention:

## RocketMQ Repos

All the repos of RocketMQ have been moved to Gitbox, so primary is on
Github now.

Below are the remote URLs:

* apache/rocketmq:,
* apache/rocketmq-site:
* apache/rocketmq-externals:

The old remote URLs( are abandoned, please be sure to
change your remotes on your local repos to Github since they have been
removed from git-wip.

For contributors, welcome star the main repo[1] of RocketMQ, the community
will really appreciate your contributions.

For committers, you are recommended to link ASF and Github IDs as well as
setup 2factor auth on Github[2], then you could manage pull requests
through GitHub dashboard.

## PMC and Committer

Currently, RocketMQ has 10 PMC members and 15 committers[3], we need more
people to join RocketMQ community.

Everybody is cordially welcome to join the community and contribute to
Apache RocketMQ, please refer to our contribution guide[4].

## Mailing Lists

RocketMQ has enabled the new group of mailing list:

Feel free to subscribe these list, just visit the contact page[5], and
click `Subscribe`.

Also, you are welcome to use, if you have any
concern around RocketMQ security.

## RocketMQ Website

The old domain( of RocketMQ website is
deprecated and will be redirected to TLP domain[6].

Welcome to star the site, and you will find the newest documents and
roadmap here.

## Released Artifacts

Apache RocketMQ has two formal releases during incubation,
4.0.0-incubating, and 4.1.0-incubating, the related download links have
been moved, please refer to our download page[7] to fetch the newest link
if you need.

The first TLP version 4.2.0 will be released soon.

