[SOGo] New Samba4/OpenChange/Sogo tutorial

2013-08-19 Thread Olivier Bitsch
Hi Everybody

We are very pleased to announce the availibility of the first version of
igestis-openchange. This beta module add the necessary attribute of an
account for OpenChange. Basically, it's not necessary to type
openchange_newuser command after the creation of the employee.

I have also updated my documentation available at

The update bring the following fixed :

   - Installation of igestis-openchange added.

If you want to install the module on a existing machine, simply type
apt-get install igestis-openchange.

I've not yet updated the SOSI virtual machine, I'm working on a version
with Dovecot but still endure issues. I will inform you as soon the virtual
machine is updated.

Let me comments on the website if something is not working (or if it does).

Best regards.

[SOGo] Installation Sogo

2013-08-19 Thread Patrick Duarte
Dear Sirs,

I can not finish installing sogo.

I configured authentication with AD, its worked and MYSQL too worked.

Log of the SOGO on start service:

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3805]: 0x0xb8f70d10[WOWatchDog] Terminating with

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3805]: 0x0xb8ed6620[WOWatchDogChild] sending
terminate signal to pid 3823

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3805]: 0x0xb8f70d10[WOWatchDog] Terminating with

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3805]: 0x0xb8ed6620[WOWatchDogChild] child 3823

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3805]: 0x0xb8f70d10[WOWatchDog] all children
exited. We now terminate.

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: version 2.0.7 (build
root@alta-bh-s03201308011850) -- starting

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: vmem size check enabled: shutting down app
when vmem  384 MB

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: 0x0xb7a5da68[SOGoProductLoader] SOGo
products loaded from '/usr/local/lib/GNUstep/SOGo':

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: 0x0xb7a5da68[SOGoProductLoader]
AdministrationUI.SOGo, ContactsUI.SOGo, Mailer.SOGo, Appointments.SOGo,
MainUI.SOGo, SchedulerUI.SOGo, MailPartViewers.SOGo, MailerUI.SOGo,
Contacts.SOGo, PreferencesUI.SOGo, CommonUI.SOGo

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: 0x0xb7a5da68[SOGoProductLoader] SOGo
products loaded from '/usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo':

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: 0x0xb7a5da68[SOGoProductLoader]
AdministrationUI.SOGo, ContactsUI.SOGo, Mailer.SOGo, Appointments.SOGo,
MainUI.SOGo, SchedulerUI.SOGo, MailPartViewers.SOGo, MailerUI.SOGo,
Contacts.SOGo, PreferencesUI.SOGo, CommonUI.SOGo

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: 0x0xb7b95d10[WOWatchDog] listening on

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: 0x0xb7b95d10[WOWatchDog] watchdog process
pid: 3963

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: 0x0xb74b4be0[WOWatchDogChild] watchdog
request timeout set to 10 minutes

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: 0x0xb7b95d10[WOWatchDog] preparing 1

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: 0x0xb7b95d10[WOWatchDog] child spawned with
pid 3981

2013-08-19 13:14:58.902 sogod[3981] MySQL4 connection established

2013-08-19 13:14:58.902 sogod[3981] MySQL4 channel 0x0xb79f2d10 opened

2013-08-19 13:14:58.903 sogod[3981] MySQL4Channel[0x0xb79f2d10]
connection=0x0xb7987a80 SQL: SELECT count(*) FROM sogo_user_profile;

2013-08-19 13:14:58.903 sogod[3981] MySQL4Channel[0x0xb79f2d10]
connection=0x0xb7987a80   query has results, entering fetch-mode.

2013-08-19 13:14:58.903 sogod[3981] MySQL4Channel[0x0xb79f2d10]
connection=0x0xb7987a80 SQL: SELECT count(*) FROM sogo_folder_info;

2013-08-19 13:14:58.903 sogod[3981] MySQL4Channel[0x0xb79f2d10]
connection=0x0xb7987a80   query has results, entering fetch-mode.

2013-08-19 13:14:58.906 sogod[3981] MySQL4Channel[0x0xb79f2d10]
connection=0x0xb7987a80 SQL: SELECT count(*) FROM sogo_sessions_folder;

2013-08-19 13:14:58.907 sogod[3981] MySQL4Channel[0x0xb79f2d10]
connection=0x0xb7987a80   query has results, entering fetch-mode.

Log on open interface web:

Aug 19 13:16:00 sogod [3981]: |SOGo| starting method 'GET' on uri '/SOGo'

Aug 19 13:16:00 sogod [3981]: 0x0xb7b2b428[SOGoCache] Cache cleanup
interval set every 300.00 seconds

Aug 19 13:16:00 sogod [3981]: 0x0xb7b2b428[SOGoCache] Using host(s)
'localhost' as server(s)

Aug 19 13:16:00 sogod [3981]: [ERROR] [we-rm] did not find locale for
language: ptBR

Aug 19 13:16:00 sogod [3981]: [ERROR] [we-rm] did not find locale for
language: Portuguese

2013-08-19 13:16:00.768 sogod[3981] Note(SoObject): SoDebugKeyLookup is

2013-08-19 13:16:00.768 sogod[3981] Note(SoObject): SoDebugBaseURL is

2013-08-19 13:16:00.768 sogod[3981] Note(SoObject): relative base URLs are

2013-08-19 13:16:00.775 sogod[3981] ERROR(-[NGBundleManager
bundleWithPath:]): could not create bundle for path:

2013-08-19 13:16:00.797 sogod[3981] WOCompoundElement: pool embedding is on.

2013-08-19 13:16:00.797 sogod[3981] WOCompoundElement: id logging is on.

2013-08-19 13:16:00.801 sogod[3981] MySQL4Channel[0x0xb79f2d10]
connection=0x0xb7987a80 SQL: SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile
WHERE c_uid = 'anonymous';

2013-08-19 13:16:00.801 sogod[3981] MySQL4Channel[0x0xb79f2d10]
connection=0x0xb7987a80   query has results, entering fetch-mode.

Aug 19 13:16:00 sogod [3981]: |SOGo| request took 0.037530 seconds to
execute - - [19/Aug/2013:13:16:00 GMT] GET /SOGo HTTP/1.1 302 0/0
0.040 - - 2M

2013-08-19 13:16:00.807 sogod[3981] Note: Using UTF-8 as URL encoding in

Aug 19 13:16:00 sogod [3981]: |SOGo| starting method 'GET' on uri '/SOGo/'

Aug 19 13:16:00 sogod [3981]: [ERROR] [we-rm] did not find locale for
language: ptBR

Aug 19 13:16:00 sogod [3981]: [ERROR] [we-rm] did not find locale for
language: Portuguese

2013-08-19 13:16:00.930 sogod[3981] WARNING(-[NSNull(misc) count]): called
NSNull -count (returns 0) !!!

Aug 19 13:16:00 sogod [3981]: |SOGo|   constructed 

[SOGo] Outlook and rules

2013-08-19 Thread Fabio Onorini
Hi sogo users,
when I create a rule in outlook for mail filter, I lose setting after
window closing.

Where outlook save this rules?

Can sogo+openchange save this settings?

Fabio Onorini

Re: [SOGo] Installation Sogo

2013-08-19 Thread Szládovics Péter

2013-08-19 15:21 keltezéssel, Patrick Duarte írta:

Dear Sirs,

I can not finish installing sogo.

I configured authentication with AD, its worked and MYSQL too worked.

Log of the SOGO on start service:

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3805]: 0x0xb8f70d10[WOWatchDog] Terminating 

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3805]: 0x0xb8ed6620[WOWatchDogChild] sending 
terminate signal to pid 3823

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3805]: 0x0xb8f70d10[WOWatchDog] Terminating 

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3805]: 0x0xb8ed6620[WOWatchDogChild] child 
3823 exited

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3805]: 0x0xb8f70d10[WOWatchDog] all children 
exited. We now terminate.

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: version 2.0.7 (build root@alta-bh-s03 
201308011850) -- starting

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: vmem size check enabled: shutting down 
app when vmem  384 MB

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: 0x0xb7a5da68[SOGoProductLoader] SOGo 
products loaded from '/usr/local/lib/GNUstep/SOGo':

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: 0x0xb7a5da68[SOGoProductLoader] 
AdministrationUI.SOGo, ContactsUI.SOGo, Mailer.SOGo, 
Appointments.SOGo, MainUI.SOGo, SchedulerUI.SOGo, 
MailPartViewers.SOGo, MailerUI.SOGo, Contacts.SOGo, 
PreferencesUI.SOGo, CommonUI.SOGo

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: 0x0xb7a5da68[SOGoProductLoader] SOGo 
products loaded from '/usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo':

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: 0x0xb7a5da68[SOGoProductLoader] 
AdministrationUI.SOGo, ContactsUI.SOGo, Mailer.SOGo, 
Appointments.SOGo, MainUI.SOGo, SchedulerUI.SOGo, 
MailPartViewers.SOGo, MailerUI.SOGo, Contacts.SOGo, 
PreferencesUI.SOGo, CommonUI.SOGo

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: 0x0xb7b95d10[WOWatchDog] listening on 

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: 0x0xb7b95d10[WOWatchDog] watchdog 
process pid: 3963

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: 0x0xb74b4be0[WOWatchDogChild] watchdog 
request timeout set to 10 minutes

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: 0x0xb7b95d10[WOWatchDog] preparing 1 

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: 0x0xb7b95d10[WOWatchDog] child spawned 
with pid 3981

2013-08-19 13:14:58.902 sogod[3981] MySQL4 connection established 

2013-08-19 13:14:58.902 sogod[3981] MySQL4 channel 0x0xb79f2d10 opened 

2013-08-19 13:14:58.903 sogod[3981] MySQL4Channel[0x0xb79f2d10] 
connection=0x0xb7987a80 SQL: SELECT count(*) FROM sogo_user_profile;

2013-08-19 13:14:58.903 sogod[3981] MySQL4Channel[0x0xb79f2d10] 
connection=0x0xb7987a80 query has results, entering fetch-mode.

2013-08-19 13:14:58.903 sogod[3981] MySQL4Channel[0x0xb79f2d10] 
connection=0x0xb7987a80 SQL: SELECT count(*) FROM sogo_folder_info;

2013-08-19 13:14:58.903 sogod[3981] MySQL4Channel[0x0xb79f2d10] 
connection=0x0xb7987a80 query has results, entering fetch-mode.

2013-08-19 13:14:58.906 sogod[3981] MySQL4Channel[0x0xb79f2d10] 
connection=0x0xb7987a80 SQL: SELECT count(*) FROM sogo_sessions_folder;

2013-08-19 13:14:58.907 sogod[3981] MySQL4Channel[0x0xb79f2d10] 
connection=0x0xb7987a80 query has results, entering fetch-mode.

Log on open interface web:

Aug 19 13:16:00 sogod [3981]: |SOGo| starting method 'GET' on uri '/SOGo'

Aug 19 13:16:00 sogod [3981]: 0x0xb7b2b428[SOGoCache] Cache cleanup 
interval set every 300.00 seconds

Aug 19 13:16:00 sogod [3981]: 0x0xb7b2b428[SOGoCache] Using host(s) 
'localhost' as server(s)

Aug 19 13:16:00 sogod [3981]: [ERROR] [we-rm] did not find locale for 
language: ptBR

Aug 19 13:16:00 sogod [3981]: [ERROR] [we-rm] did not find locale for 
language: Portuguese

2013-08-19 13:16:00.768 sogod[3981] Note(SoObject): SoDebugKeyLookup 
is enabled!

2013-08-19 13:16:00.768 sogod[3981] Note(SoObject): SoDebugBaseURL is 

2013-08-19 13:16:00.768 sogod[3981] Note(SoObject): relative base URLs 
are enabled.

2013-08-19 13:16:00.775 sogod[3981] ERROR(-[NGBundleManager 
bundleWithPath:]): could not create bundle for path: 

2013-08-19 13:16:00.797 sogod[3981] WOCompoundElement: pool embedding 
is on.

2013-08-19 13:16:00.797 sogod[3981] WOCompoundElement: id logging is on.

2013-08-19 13:16:00.801 sogod[3981] MySQL4Channel[0x0xb79f2d10] 
connection=0x0xb7987a80 SQL: SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile 
WHERE c_uid = 'anonymous';

2013-08-19 13:16:00.801 sogod[3981] MySQL4Channel[0x0xb79f2d10] 
connection=0x0xb7987a80 query has results, entering fetch-mode.

Aug 19 13:16:00 sogod [3981]: |SOGo| request took 0.037530 seconds to 
execute - - [19/Aug/2013:13:16:00 GMT] GET /SOGo HTTP/1.1 302 
0/0 0.040 - - 2M

2013-08-19 13:16:00.807 sogod[3981] Note: Using UTF-8 as URL encoding 
in NGExtensions.

Aug 19 13:16:00 sogod [3981]: |SOGo| starting method 'GET' on uri '/SOGo/'

Aug 19 13:16:00 sogod [3981]: [ERROR] [we-rm] did not find locale for 
language: ptBR

Aug 19 13:16:00 sogod [3981]: [ERROR] [we-rm] did not find locale for 
language: Portuguese

2013-08-19 13:16:00.930 sogod[3981] 

[SOGo] User and password in Outlook

2013-08-19 Thread Fabio Onorini
Like SOGo Native Microsoft Outlook configuration document say, in my
outlook profile flag Always prompt for user name and password is enabled.

All work correctly, but i don't understand the reason of this setting and
if I can disable it after configuration.
Also flag remember password doesn't work

Fabio Onorini

Re: [SOGo] User and password in Outlook

2013-08-19 Thread Szládovics Péter

2013-08-19 15:57 keltezéssel, Fabio Onorini írta:

Like SOGo Native Microsoft Outlook configuration document say, in my 
outlook profile flag Always prompt for user name and password is 

All work correctly, but i don't understand the reason of this setting 
and if I can disable it after configuration.

If you disabled it, and mistype the pessword, the windows won't ask you 
again until you restart the machine. I think you don't want it. Let the 
checkbox enabled.

Also flag remember password doesn't work

It won't. AFAIK this setting only store the username for the aoutlook 
auth instead of the current windows user, and never store any password.

Ask MS helpdesk for more information.

Re: [SOGo] Outlook and rules

2013-08-19 Thread Szládovics Péter

2013-08-19 14:02 keltezéssel, Fabio Onorini írta:

Hi sogo users,
when I create a rule in outlook for mail filter, I lose setting after 
window closing.

Where outlook save this rules?

Which type of rule did you create? Server side or Outlook side?
Outlook with openchange backend won't store your server side rules, you 
can create them only outlook side.

Unfortunately, if you see your mails through other than outlook (and 
your outlook is not running), these rules won't run, and won't be working.
I think you really need the server side rules - they are independent 
from any mail client.

Can sogo+openchange save this settings?

Through outlook no, but through SOGo's webmail backend yes - if you 
previously installed and set up the sieve component for your imap 
server. Use it.


Re: [SOGo] Outlook and rules

2013-08-19 Thread Fabio Onorini
I did not choose the type rule.
I have outlook configured to communicate with a server exchange (sogo +
OpenChange) and when I create a rule this is completely lost when saved.

I understand that creating a script sieve, the filter works on the server
side, but if a user only uses outlook how he can create rules?
It seems that outlook not saved locally in Exchange configuration.

2013/8/19 Szládovics Péter p...@szladovics.hu

 2013-08-19 14:02 keltezéssel, Fabio Onorini írta:

 Hi sogo users,
 when I create a rule in outlook for mail filter, I lose setting after
 window closing.

 Where outlook save this rules?

 Which type of rule did you create? Server side or Outlook side?
 Outlook with openchange backend won't store your server side rules, you
 can create them only outlook side.

 Unfortunately, if you see your mails through other than outlook (and your
 outlook is not running), these rules won't run, and won't be working.
 I think you really need the server side rules - they are independent from
 any mail client.

  Can sogo+openchange save this settings?

 Through outlook no, but through SOGo's webmail backend yes - if you
 previously installed and set up the sieve component for your imap server.
 Use it.

Fabio Onorini

Re: [SOGo] Outlook and rules

2013-08-19 Thread Szládovics Péter

2013-08-19 16:31 keltezéssel, Fabio Onorini írta:

I did not choose the type rule.
I have outlook configured to communicate with a server exchange (sogo 
+ OpenChange) and when I create a rule this is completely lost when saved.

I understand that creating a script sieve, the filter works on the 
server side, but if a user only uses outlook how he can create rules?

It seems that outlook not saved locally in Exchange configuration.

Outlook side rules always stored on outlook side (in user's profile). If 
you have any problem with it, it isn't sogo problem.


[SOGo] Problems with Samba4 Provisioning ....

2013-08-19 Thread steve_a
When running the Samba4 Configuration on pg. 10 of the 'Native Microsoft
Outlook' PDF

samba-tool domain provision --realm=meadorandco \
--domain=meadorandco.com \
--adminpass='%1OpenChange' \
--server-role='domain controller'

Everything completes but there's an 'acl_attr' error:

Error loading module '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/samba//vfs/acl_xattr.so':
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/samba//vfs/acl_xattr.so: cannot open shared object
file: No such file or directory

I've made sure to install 'acl' and 'attr' but no difference.

Is this VFS module required?  And, is there a fix for the error?

Somewhere I've read that altering the 'fstab' is required?

Re: [SOGo] Outlook and rules

2013-08-19 Thread Fabio Onorini
With google search I find:

Whether or not a rule will be a server-side or client-side rule depends on
the actions, conditions and exceptions that are selected in the message.

When the rule contains an action or condition/exception that can only be
performed by Outlook, then the rule turns into a client-side rule. If this
action/condition/exception is also dependent on a specific configuration of
Outlook then the rule will get the “on this machine only” condition as

And move to folder action is server side rule condition.

So I can't choose rules type.

My pc is not joined to the domain, this can be the problem?

2013/8/19 Szládovics Péter p...@szladovics.hu

 2013-08-19 16:31 keltezéssel, Fabio Onorini írta:

 I did not choose the type rule.
 I have outlook configured to communicate with a server exchange (sogo +
 OpenChange) and when I create a rule this is completely lost when saved.

 I understand that creating a script sieve, the filter works on the server
 side, but if a user only uses outlook how he can create rules?
 It seems that outlook not saved locally in Exchange configuration.

 Outlook side rules always stored on outlook side (in user's profile). If
 you have any problem with it, it isn't sogo problem.

Fabio Onorini

Re: [SOGo] Problems with Samba4 Provisioning ....

2013-08-19 Thread raymondpotgieter

Delete your /usr/local/samba directory and re-provision 

--Original Message--
From: stev...@cinergymetro.net
To: users@sogo.nu
ReplyTo: users@sogo.nu
Subject: [SOGo] Problems with Samba4 Provisioning 
Sent: Aug 19, 2013 5:04 PM

When running the Samba4 Configuration on pg. 10 of the 'Native Microsoft
Outlook' PDF

samba-tool domain provision --realm=meadorandco \
--domain=meadorandco.com \
--adminpass='%1OpenChange' \
--server-role='domain controller'

Everything completes but there's an 'acl_attr' error:

Error loading module '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/samba//vfs/acl_xattr.so':
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/samba//vfs/acl_xattr.so: cannot open shared object
file: No such file or directory

I've made sure to install 'acl' and 'attr' but no difference.

Is this VFS module required?  And, is there a fix for the error?

Somewhere I've read that altering the 'fstab' is required?

Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!-- 

Re: [SOGo] Problems with Samba4 Provisioning ....

2013-08-19 Thread Jean Raby

On 13-08-19 11:50 AM, raymondpotgie...@telkomsa.net wrote:

Delete your /usr/local/samba directory and re-provision

--Original Message--
From: stev...@cinergymetro.net
To: users@sogo.nu
ReplyTo: users@sogo.nu
Subject: [SOGo] Problems with Samba4 Provisioning 
Sent: Aug 19, 2013 5:04 PM

When running the Samba4 Configuration on pg. 10 of the 'Native Microsoft
Outlook' PDF

samba-tool domain provision --realm=meadorandco \
--domain=meadorandco.com \
--adminpass='%1OpenChange' \
--server-role='domain controller'

Everything completes but there's an 'acl_attr' error:

Error loading module '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/samba//vfs/acl_xattr.so':
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/samba//vfs/acl_xattr.so: cannot open shared object
file: No such file or directory

I've made sure to install 'acl' and 'attr' but no difference.

Is this VFS module required?  And, is there a fix for the error?
It shouldn't be required. The error is known: 

Somewhere I've read that altering the 'fstab' is required?

that would be surprising.

RES: [SOGo] Installation Sogo

2013-08-19 Thread Patrick Duarte
The bind is ok, because if I change the password in the file sogo.conf
gives the following error:

Aug 19 17:26:42 sogod [4293]: [ERROR] 0x0xb8a6b828[LDAPSource] Could not
bind to the LDAP server ldap:// (389) using the bind DN:

Aug 19 17:26:42 sogod [4293]: [ERROR] 0x0xb8a6b828[LDAPSource]
NSException: 0xb8739880 NAME:LDAPException REASON:operation bind failed:
Invalid credentials (0x31) INFO:{login =
cn=administrator,cn=users,dc=altempresa,dc=local; }

*De:* Szládovics Péter [mailto:p...@szladovics.hu]
*Enviada em:* segunda-feira, 19 de agosto de 2013 11:16
*Para:* users@sogo.nu
*Assunto:* Re: [SOGo] Installation Sogo

2013-08-19 15:21 keltezéssel, Patrick Duarte írta:

Dear Sirs,

I can not finish installing sogo.

I configured authentication with AD, its worked and MYSQL too worked.

Log of the SOGO on start service:

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3805]: 0x0xb8f70d10[WOWatchDog] Terminating with

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3805]: 0x0xb8ed6620[WOWatchDogChild] sending
terminate signal to pid 3823

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3805]: 0x0xb8f70d10[WOWatchDog] Terminating with

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3805]: 0x0xb8ed6620[WOWatchDogChild] child 3823

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3805]: 0x0xb8f70d10[WOWatchDog] all children
exited. We now terminate.

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: version 2.0.7 (build
root@alta-bh-s03201308011850) -- starting

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: vmem size check enabled: shutting down app
when vmem  384 MB

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: 0x0xb7a5da68[SOGoProductLoader] SOGo
products loaded from '/usr/local/lib/GNUstep/SOGo':

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: 0x0xb7a5da68[SOGoProductLoader]
AdministrationUI.SOGo, ContactsUI.SOGo, Mailer.SOGo, Appointments.SOGo,
MainUI.SOGo, SchedulerUI.SOGo, MailPartViewers.SOGo, MailerUI.SOGo,
Contacts.SOGo, PreferencesUI.SOGo, CommonUI.SOGo

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: 0x0xb7a5da68[SOGoProductLoader] SOGo
products loaded from '/usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo':

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: 0x0xb7a5da68[SOGoProductLoader]
AdministrationUI.SOGo, ContactsUI.SOGo, Mailer.SOGo, Appointments.SOGo,
MainUI.SOGo, SchedulerUI.SOGo, MailPartViewers.SOGo, MailerUI.SOGo,
Contacts.SOGo, PreferencesUI.SOGo, CommonUI.SOGo

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: 0x0xb7b95d10[WOWatchDog] listening on

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: 0x0xb7b95d10[WOWatchDog] watchdog process
pid: 3963

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: 0x0xb74b4be0[WOWatchDogChild] watchdog
request timeout set to 10 minutes

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: 0x0xb7b95d10[WOWatchDog] preparing 1

Aug 19 13:14:58 sogod [3963]: 0x0xb7b95d10[WOWatchDog] child spawned with
pid 3981

2013-08-19 13:14:58.902 sogod[3981] MySQL4 connection established

2013-08-19 13:14:58.902 sogod[3981] MySQL4 channel 0x0xb79f2d10 opened

2013-08-19 13:14:58.903 sogod[3981] MySQL4Channel[0x0xb79f2d10]
connection=0x0xb7987a80 SQL: SELECT count(*) FROM sogo_user_profile;

2013-08-19 13:14:58.903 sogod[3981] MySQL4Channel[0x0xb79f2d10]
connection=0x0xb7987a80   query has results, entering fetch-mode.

2013-08-19 13:14:58.903 sogod[3981] MySQL4Channel[0x0xb79f2d10]
connection=0x0xb7987a80 SQL: SELECT count(*) FROM sogo_folder_info;

2013-08-19 13:14:58.903 sogod[3981] MySQL4Channel[0x0xb79f2d10]
connection=0x0xb7987a80   query has results, entering fetch-mode.

2013-08-19 13:14:58.906 sogod[3981] MySQL4Channel[0x0xb79f2d10]
connection=0x0xb7987a80 SQL: SELECT count(*) FROM sogo_sessions_folder;

2013-08-19 13:14:58.907 sogod[3981] MySQL4Channel[0x0xb79f2d10]
connection=0x0xb7987a80   query has results, entering fetch-mode.

Log on open interface web:

Aug 19 13:16:00 sogod [3981]: |SOGo| starting method 'GET' on uri '/SOGo'

Aug 19 13:16:00 sogod [3981]: 0x0xb7b2b428[SOGoCache] Cache cleanup
interval set every 300.00 seconds

Aug 19 13:16:00 sogod [3981]: 0x0xb7b2b428[SOGoCache] Using host(s)
'localhost' as server(s)

Aug 19 13:16:00 sogod [3981]: [ERROR] [we-rm] did not find locale for
language: ptBR

Aug 19 13:16:00 sogod [3981]: [ERROR] [we-rm] did not find locale for
language: Portuguese

2013-08-19 13:16:00.768 sogod[3981] Note(SoObject): SoDebugKeyLookup is

2013-08-19 13:16:00.768 sogod[3981] Note(SoObject): SoDebugBaseURL is

2013-08-19 13:16:00.768 sogod[3981] Note(SoObject): relative base URLs are

2013-08-19 13:16:00.775 sogod[3981] ERROR(-[NGBundleManager
bundleWithPath:]): could not create bundle for path:

2013-08-19 13:16:00.797 sogod[3981] WOCompoundElement: pool embedding is on.

2013-08-19 13:16:00.797 sogod[3981] WOCompoundElement: id logging is on.

2013-08-19 13:16:00.801 sogod[3981] MySQL4Channel[0x0xb79f2d10]
connection=0x0xb7987a80 SQL: SELECT c_defaults FROM sogo_user_profile
WHERE c_uid = 'anonymous';

2013-08-19 13:16:00.801 sogod[3981] 

Re: [SOGo] Problems with Samba4 Provisioning ....

2013-08-19 Thread Steve Ankeny

thanks, Raymond and Jean 

I've purged Samba4 and OpenChange to restore functionality to our LDAP 
and SOGo Servers but I'll return to this later (perhaps this evening or 
early tomorrow morning)  I'm following the directions in the PDF

On 08/19/2013 02:08 PM, Jean Raby wrote:

On 13-08-19 11:50 AM, raymondpotgie...@telkomsa.net wrote:

Delete your /usr/local/samba directory and re-provision

--Original Message--
From: stev...@cinergymetro.net
To: users@sogo.nu
ReplyTo: users@sogo.nu
Subject: [SOGo] Problems with Samba4 Provisioning 
Sent: Aug 19, 2013 5:04 PM

When running the Samba4 Configuration on pg. 10 of the 'Native Microsoft
Outlook' PDF

samba-tool domain provision --realm=meadorandco \
--domain=meadorandco.com \
--adminpass='%1OpenChange' \
--server-role='domain controller'

Everything completes but there's an 'acl_attr' error:

Error loading module 
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/samba//vfs/acl_xattr.so: cannot open shared 

file: No such file or directory

I've made sure to install 'acl' and 'attr' but no difference.

Is this VFS module required?  And, is there a fix for the error?
It shouldn't be required. The error is known: 

Somewhere I've read that altering the 'fstab' is required?

that would be surprising.


Re: [SOGo] Problems with Samba4 Provisioning ....

2013-08-19 Thread raymondpotgieter

Sorry, before you delete anything... I build the samba4 with git-core (git 
clone). After rebuilding I got some acl errors when doing the provision and I 
searched google and one site recommended deleting the /usr/local/samba 
directory with rm /usr/local/samba -rf   and then to (make install) again. 
After this I could provision samba4 again without getting the acl errors... Not 
sure where you are with samba4 install so please search the web for possible 
answers... (May not be the same error as mine... )


Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

-Original Message-
From: Jean Raby jr...@inverse.ca
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 14:08:59 
To: users@sogo.nu
Reply-To: users@sogo.nu
Subject: Re: [SOGo] Problems with Samba4 Provisioning 

On 13-08-19 11:50 AM, raymondpotgie...@telkomsa.net wrote:

 Delete your /usr/local/samba directory and re-provision

 --Original Message--
 From: stev...@cinergymetro.net
 To: users@sogo.nu
 ReplyTo: users@sogo.nu
 Subject: [SOGo] Problems with Samba4 Provisioning 
 Sent: Aug 19, 2013 5:04 PM

 When running the Samba4 Configuration on pg. 10 of the 'Native Microsoft
 Outlook' PDF

 samba-tool domain provision --realm=meadorandco \
 --domain=meadorandco.com \
 --adminpass='%1OpenChange' \
 --server-role='domain controller'

 Everything completes but there's an 'acl_attr' error:

 Error loading module '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/samba//vfs/acl_xattr.so':
 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/samba//vfs/acl_xattr.so: cannot open shared object
 file: No such file or directory

 I've made sure to install 'acl' and 'attr' but no difference.

 Is this VFS module required?  And, is there a fix for the error?
It shouldn't be required. The error is known: 

 Somewhere I've read that altering the 'fstab' is required?

that would be surprising.

[SOGo] SOGo problems with sharing calendars and address book

2013-08-19 Thread kodb2105
Good evening.
I have a working install of 2.0.7 on an HP DL380 server running Ubuntu 12.04.02
with latest updates.
Email was installed from iRedMail-0.8.5 and authentication with Mysql from
Ubuntu repos.
I am able to login from outside the lan via internet and from inside the lan
using the IP address IP.IPP.IPP.IP (numbers replaced for obvious reasons).  
The email virtualdomain is avv.xyz.local.   We are using the web interface with
Firefox 20 on Ubuntu 12.04 clients.

The instance is working well except for one major issue: I cannot seem to
reliably get sharing to work for user calendars and address books.  I was able
to share one address book using the all authenticated users option but only one
of my 7 accounts was able to view/add this.
I then tried to do some specific sharing of calendars and address books and
failed on all permutations.

I have used the sharing dialog to allow becky to share her personal address
book with bob including checking the subscribe box on the dialog.
When I try to have bob subscribe to that share I am able to search the user but
I am presented with the message No possible subscriptions and the add button
remains grayed out.  I attempted multiple permutations of this with multiple
users- same failure.

When I looked at /var/log/sogo/sogo.log in this example of the above I find
that when bob tries to subscribe to becky's calendar (that she set up to share
with bob) the following was generated:

IP.IPP.IPP.IP - - [19/Aug/2013:19:33:54 GMT] POST
/SOGo/so/b...@avv.xyz.local/usersSearch?search=bec HTTP/1.1 200 174/0 0.003 - -
IP.IPP.IPP.IP - - [19/Aug/2013:19:33:55 GMT] POST
/SOGo/so/be...@avv.xyz.local/foldersSearch?type=contact HTTP/1.1 200 0/0 0.004
- - 0
IP.IPP.IPP.IP - - [19/Aug/2013:19:34:03 GMT] GET
/SOGo/so/b...@avv.xyz.local/preferences HTTP/1.1 200 13466/0 0.025 57526 76%
IP.IPP.IPP.IP- - [19/Aug/2013:19:42:36 GMT] POST
/SOGo/so/be...@avv.xyz.local/foldersSearch?type=contact HTTP/1.1 200 0/0 0.031
- - 0
IP.IPP.IPP.IP - - [19/Aug/2013:19:42:37 GMT] POST
/SOGo/so/be...@avv.xyz.local/foldersSearch?type=contact HTTP/1.1 200 0/0 0.003
- - 0
IP.IPP.IPP.IP - - [19/Aug/2013:19:42:37 GMT] POST
/SOGo/so/be...@avv.xyz.local/foldersSearch?type=contact HTTP/1.1 200 0/0 0.003
- - 0
IP.IPP.IPP.IP - - [19/Aug/2013:19:43:25 GMT] POST
HTTP/1.1 200 0/0 0.003 - - 0

Any ideas?  I just put this up to replace an aging Citadel installation for our
medical office with 11 total users and the plain jane email is great but we'd
like to use some of the other nice features and I need to get the contacts and
calendars working before moving on to setting up iPhones and Droids to acces
the data.


Re: [SOGo] Problems with Samba4 Provisioning ....

2013-08-19 Thread Steve Ankeny

yeah, I don't have a directory at 'usr/local/samba' ...

However, when I purged 'samba4' I found the 'smb.conf' file remained.  I 
found that to be a problem the first time I tried configuring Samba4, as 
I had had Samba3 previously, and the 'smb.conf' created errors.

So, I've carefully scoured the system as though it never had Samba, and 
I'll start again.

I'm rethinking the problem, and I'll probably get back to the matter in 
the next day or so.  Thanks anyway.  That's what makes the mailing list 
so very useful is the help interested users give each other.

On 08/19/2013 03:53 PM, raymondpotgie...@telkomsa.net wrote:

Sorry, before you delete anything... I build the samba4 with git-core (git 
clone). After rebuilding I got some acl errors when doing the provision and I 
searched google and one site recommended deleting the /usr/local/samba 
directory with rm /usr/local/samba -rf   and then to (make install) again. 
After this I could provision samba4 again without getting the acl errors... Not 
sure where you are with samba4 install so please search the web for possible 
answers... (May not be the same error as mine... )



[SOGo] BTS activities for Monday, August 19 2013

2013-08-19 Thread SOGo reporter
Title: BTS activities for Monday, August 19 2013

BTS Activities

  Home page: http://www.sogo.nu/bugs
  Project: SOGo
  For the period covering: Monday, August 19 2013

idlast updatestatus (resolution)categorysummary
	2013-08-19 08:48:48
	new (open)
	Backend Mail
	Outlook rules
	2013-08-19 09:38:10
	updated (open)
	OpenChange backend
	INTERNAL ERROR: Signal 11 in pid  (4.0.1)
	2013-08-19 01:03:33
	updated (open)
	Web Mail
	wrong file names in attachment with spaces, punctation, cyriilic characters in name ...
	2013-08-19 13:40:13
	closed (not a bug)
	Backend Calendar
	Cannot sync on Android using recommended CalDAV Sync
	2013-08-19 21:00:09
	closed (fixed)
	Web Calendar
	tasklist erased before the refresh request is performed