[SOGo] Re: sending an email but the window does not close

2013-10-23 Thread Alessandro Bono

On 22/10/2013 15:17, Alessandro Bono wrote:


I have a problem with a couple of installation, when you send an email 
with web interface email is sent but window does not close

Found the problem. sogo servers are beyond a ngnix load proxy/balancer, 
if I talk directly with sogo works with not problems, if I pass via 
nginx window does not close

nginx configuration is

ssl_session_timeout  10m;
ssl_session_cache  shared:SSL:10m;

ssl_protocols   SSLv3 TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;

ssl_prefer_server_ciphers   on;

add_header Strict-Transport-Security max-age=2592000;

add_header X-Frame-Options DENY;

upstream cluster-ssl {
 server srv1.mycompany.com:443;
 server srv2.mycompany.com:443;

server {
listen  443;
server_name  sogo.mycompany.com

ssl  on;

access_log /var/log/nginx/sogo.access.log;
error_log /var/log/nginx/sogo.error.log error;

location / {
  proxy_pass https://cluster-ssl;

any hint?

Systems are centos 6.4 64bit with dovecot and cyrus as imap server and 
postfix as smtp server with and without authentication
I tried to enable ImapDebugEnabled but I found no interesting 
information from log

problem with sogo 2.0.7 and nightly
below you can find sogo.conf

OCSEMailAlarmsFolderURL = 
OCSFolderInfoURL = 
OCSSessionsFolderURL = 

SOGoACLsSendEMailNotifications = YES;
SOGoEnableEMailAlarms = YES;
SOGoAppointmentSendEMailNotifications = YES;
SOGoDefaultCalendar = selected;
SOGoDraftsFolderName = Drafts;
SOGoFoldersSendEMailNotifications = YES;
SOGoIMAPServer = imaps://imap.mycompany.com:993;
SOGoLanguage = Italian;
SOGoLoginModule = Mail;
SOGoMailDomain = mycompany.com;
SOGoMailReplyPlacement = above;
SOGoMailingMechanism = smtp;
SOGoPageTitle = Webmail;
SOGoPasswordChangeEnabled = YES;
SOGoProfileURL = 

SOGoSMTPServer = smtp.mycompany.com;
SOGoSMTPAuthenticationType = PLAIN;
SOGoSentFolderName = Sent;
SOGoSieveScriptsEnabled = YES;
SOGoSieveServer = sieve://sieve.mycompany.com;
SOGoTimeZone = Europe/Rome;
SOGoTrashFolderName = Trash;
SOGoUserSources = (
LoginFieldNames = (
canAuthenticate = YES;
id = Users;
isAddressBook = YES;
type = sql;
userPasswordAlgorithm = none;
viewURL = 

SOGoVacationEnabled = YES;

how to solve this problem?


Cordiali Saluti
Alessandro Bono


Re: [SOGo] ActiveSync question

2013-10-23 Thread Davide Bozzelli
Il 10/23/13 1:38 AM, Corrado Fiore ha scritto:
 On Oct 22, 2013, at 14:19 , boyd yang wrote:

 Can this solution work well for mail,calendar,contacts at the same time? No 
 need to configure calendar,contacts differently?
 Yup, exactly.  All like a real Exchange account.  Plus, you get push email, 
 which is a definite bonus for business users.

 The downside - which might apply or not to your case - is that push mail via 
 Z-push (which is a PHP application) requires way more resources per user than 
 SOGo itself since the TCP connection underlying the HTTP protocol must remain 
 in open state.

 As the author of Z-push-contrib suggests, the rule of thumb is:  1.5 PHP 
 processes per email user, so 1,000 users would translate to 1,500 active PHP 
 processes.  Of course you can set up a balanced pool of servers, but the 
 point here is:  don't expect Z-Push (which I love, don't get me wrong) to 
 scale beautifully as SOGo does.

 In this light, I can understand one of the reasons why the SOGo team is 
 looking for a native implementation instead.


Hi Corrado

Would be wonderful if you could write a concise guide on how to
configure the activesync support for Sogo with this Z-push fork.


[SOGo] BTS activities for Wednesday, October 23 2013

2013-10-23 Thread SOGo reporter
Title: BTS activities for Wednesday, October 23 2013

BTS Activities

  Home page: http://www.sogo.nu/bugs
  Project: SOGo
  For the period covering: Wednesday, October 23 2013

idlast updatestatus (resolution)categorysummary
	2013-10-23 09:16:46
	updated (open)
	Backend Mail
	attaching a file with a tilde in it's filename gives error
	2013-10-23 09:37:13
	updated (open)
	Backend Mail
	Impossible to add an img in the Signature
	2013-10-23 11:40:29
	updated (open)
	Web General
	Browsers no longer ask to remember username/password on login page
	2013-10-23 09:13:07
	assigned (open)
	Web Mail
	SOGo + SSO CAS - CAS session expiration -> CPU 100%
	2013-10-23 09:12:43
	closed (not a bug)
	Web Mail
	Impossible to remove many many mail
	2013-10-23 16:38:22
	closed (fixed)
	Web Mail
	XSS with js events
	2013-10-23 09:47:27
	closed (not a bug)
	with SOGo
	Vacation expire auto reply configuration