AW: Re: [SOGo] Outlook EAS with mailboxes > 3GB

2015-10-14 Thread tfu

  IMHO the parameter SOGoMaximumSyncResponseSize = 524288 is set too large.

  The value is in kilobytes. Setting 
this to 512 means the response size 
will be of 524288 bytes or less.
  Note that if you set the value 
too low and a mail message (or any other object) surpasses 
it, it will still be synced but only this item will be.

  Depending on the email/attachment size it takes some time to fill response 
  Setting this parameter to a lower value can help to avoid the "disconnects" 
in OL.
  Id suggest to try different value (starting with 10240) and check the 

  Thomas schrieb 
   > On 10/12/2015 08:37 AM, Sascha Kasch wrote: >
>>  also tried a lot with activesync and had the same problems with
>> mailboxes
>>  above 3 or 5 GB. Some of them are even 20+ GB.
>>  These are my settings with a prefork (/etc/default/sogo) of 15:
>  Hey Sascha,
>  I've just tried your settings (on an already "pre"-synced
> account) and
>  now it finally says "all folders are up to date" and does not
> disconnect
>  every few minutes, seems to be not that bad with your values, thanks a 
> lot!
>  But still got a user with an subfolder containg about 5000 messages, it
>  downloads about 100 messages, then ActiveSysnc get's disconnected in
>  Outlook. After reconncting, about another 100 messages get downloaded,
>  then it disconnects againbut that mailbox is bigger than 5GB...
>  Also found an Microsoft-KB about disconnecting, they tell to set the
>  registry key "PushDuration" to 30 [1]. Just started testing
> with this key.
>   > With these settings (and IMAP wordlenght of 4MB) i am able to 
> sync
>>  approx 4-5GB in an hour. And for small mailboxes this i enough and
>> mostly stable.
>>  one is do move this mail item to another folder and back and hopefully
>>  it gets resynced and displayed.
>>  Another is to delete the .ost cache file and let Outlook resync
>>  everything. Obviously this is not a way to
>>  go regulary. This problem is a show stopper for me as i can not say
> for
>>  sure if my inbox is always properly synced
>  this shouldn't happen, I already can hear them screaming if they
> finally
>  find out two weeks later that they've missed some messages...
>  By the way: I've just deleted one of these ost-files on one of the
>  clients. Now Outlook creates new folders (Drafts (only this computer),
>  Trash[1], Sent[1]). Oh god how I hate this piece of software!!
>   > As i already saw that behavior with Outlook 2013
>>  being connected via IMAP i cannot blame it on EAS or SOGo.
>  Did not know this also happens with IMAP. Mail would be such a great
>  thing to work on - without Outlook. This is the most market-manipulating
> would be much better without that piece of crap
>  designed to work with Exchange only, everything else is (intentionally)
>  poorly supported...
>  Thanks again
>  Best Regards
>  Peter
>  [1]
>  --

Re: [SOGo] Deprovision openchange

2015-10-14 Thread Chris Coleman

On 10/14/2015 7:56 AM, Steve Ankeny wrote:

On 10/14/2015 12:25 AM, Chris Coleman wrote:
It appears that the documentation page is showing an 
example of how to setup a zentyal server for an openchange developer 
to run code against the server, with python scripts included to help 
get it going for the tutorial. It seems in a different order but 
really all it means is you should do all the things in the sogo PDF 
setup document for openchange (native outlook client compatibility 
PDF) first, which initializes certain data inside the databases, so 
that their openchange developer server setup doesn't produce errors 
due to uninitialized data.

I'm stuck!  Running, 'sudo openchange_provision --standalone' FAILS

This is after I successfully ran 'sudo openchange_provision --deprovision'

It fails with the following errors --

adam@sogo:~$ sudo openchange_provision --standalone
NOTE: This operation can take several minutes
[+] Step 1: Register Exchange OIDs
[+] Step 2: Add Exchange attributes to Samba schema
Error: "(68, 'Entry 
*already exists*')" when adding element:

# ms-Exch-Access-Control-Map
# Contains the mapping for the access controls.

objectClass: top
objectClass: attributeSchema
cn: ms-Exch-Access-Control-Map

attributeID: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.7000.102.64
isSingleValued: TRUE
showInAdvancedViewOnly: TRUE
adminDisplayName: ms-Exch-Access-Control-Map
adminDescription: ms-Exch-Access-Control-Map
oMSyntax: 64
searchFlags: 0
lDAPDisplayName: msExchAccessControlMap
name: ms-Exch-Access-Control-Map
#schemaIDGUID: 8ff54464-b093-11d2-aa06-00c04f8eedd8
isMemberOfPartialAttributeSet: FALSE

[!] error while provisioning the Exchange schema classes (68): Entry 
*already exists*

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/sbin/openchange_provision", line 115, in 
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/openchange/", 
line 1062, in provision

  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/openchange/", 
line 470, in install_schemas

  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/openchange/", 
line 251, in provision_schema

ldif_apply_method(el, ['relax:0'])
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/samba/", line 224, 
in add_ldif

self.add(msg, controls)
_*ldb.LdbError*: (68, 'Entry 
*already exists*')


Are there any switches I can use with the command to provision that 
EXCEPTS these errors?

And, where can I find this stuff on my own?  Documentation is SCARCE 
with OpenChange, IMO

Thanks for all your help!  I know it's not your responsibility but 
it's appreciated.

I provided you that previous tip by reading the openchange source and 
determining what commands and options it really needed from you at that 
Try posting this issue at the following github repo, with full details, 
this is the developer of openchange:
Click Issues / New Issue.
Paste in this thread.
And post back your results!
Agreed that openchange and sogo documentation is less clear and concise 
than it should be for the end user to be able to quickly and simply 
accomplish all the usual administrative setup tasks.  There seems to be 
no documentation at all on the command line commands.
The openchange_provision error messages, and all the error messages, 
could/should be more helpful in terms of explaining what you need to do, 
why, and how.



Re: [SOGo] Deprovision openchange

2015-10-14 Thread Chris Coleman

On 10/14/2015 7:58 AM, Steve Ankeny wrote:

On 10/14/2015 12:25 AM, Chris Coleman wrote:
It appears that the documentation page is showing an 
example of how to setup a zentyal server for an openchange developer 
to run code against the server, with  python scripts included to help 
get it going for the tutorial.  It seems in a different order but 
really all it means is you should do all the things in the sogo PDF 
setup document for openchange (native outlook client compatibility 
PDF) first, which initializes certain data inside the databases, so 
that their openchange developer server setup doesn't produce errors 
due to uninitialized data.

forgot to say, I am considering removing ALL of OpenChange (maybe even 
purging) and starting again

Would this be the best way around my problem?

You can try:
sudo openchange_provision --standalone --ignore_already_exists


[SOGo] ANN: SOGo v3.0 beta 3

2015-10-14 Thread Ludovic Marcotte


Inverse is happy to announce the availability of SOGo v3.0 beta 3.

Many things have been improved in the past three weeks over beta 2. 
Among the changes, there are:

 * compacted listing of contacts, emails, events and tasks
 * completed the ACL administration module
 * now able to expand/collapse mailboxes
 * multi-day view in the Calendar module
 * respect contrast ratio of foreground/background colors in Calendar
 * many general improvements to the Calendar module
 * upgraded to Angular 1.4.7 and Angular Material 0.11.3
 * many other bug fixes and improvements

Our next release should be the first final one of v3. Our focus is now on:

 * DnD support
 * speed improvements
 * review of theme and toolbars

If time permits, we will also add calendar printing and email threading.

The demo version of SOGo v3 is available from

You can use the username/password "sogo1", "sogo2" and "sogo3". You can 
also get SOGo v3 as sources or packages 


Ludovic Marcotte  ::  +1.514.755.3630  ::
Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo ( and PacketFence 


Re: [SOGo] Installation of SOGo on CentOS 7.x

2015-10-14 Thread david
I would be interested in this as well.



Re: [SOGo] Deprovision openchange

2015-10-14 Thread Chris Coleman

On 10/13/2015 3:37 PM, Steve Ankeny wrote:

On 10/13/2015 02:52 PM, Chris Coleman wrote:

On 10/13/2015 1:55 PM, Steve Ankeny wrote:

On 10/13/2015 07:12 AM, Steve Ankeny wrote:

On 10/12/2015 05:36 PM, Chris Coleman wrote:

On 10/12/2015 12:20 PM, Steve Ankeny wrote:

On 10/12/2015 10:28 AM, Chris Coleman wrote:
You have to deactivate each of your 8 user mailboxes before the 
command to deprovision the server will work.
Try to devprovision the users with the commands shown at the 
bottom of this page: 

on the site listed above, I see the following --

"You MUST create the OpenChange user and log into its mailbox once 
with Outlook prior following this guide."

I've never seen documentation telling me to login with Outlook using 
the 'openchange-user' account.  I've tested the account in MySQL by 
logging in as 'openchange-user' but never using Outlook, Dovecot, etc.

Could this be why so many are having issues with OpenChange? What is 
the purpose of this login?

Yes, it's probable that using Outlook, as documented, to do a first 
login as "openchange-user", will create/initialize some basic 
required data, which will be needed for the proper running openchange.

You should try and do that first login as openchange-user, and see if 
the issues with OpenChange are resolved, and post your results back 
to the list.

will do . . .

I'm in the midst of provisioning OpenChange (after hours)

Am I reading it correctly, "Login as 'openchange-user' with Outlook 
AFTER following the guide?"

In other words, speaking the language of the SOGo Outlook 
Configuration guide --

(1) install the OpenChange packages
(2) create the 'openchange-user'
(3) provision the server as '--standalone' and '--openchangedb 
--openchangedb-uri', etc.
(4) THEN login as 'openchange-user' FIRST before attempting to 
configure any other user

There's a typo in the instructions on that page if I'm reading it right.

It appears that the documentation page is showing an 
example of how to setup a zentyal server for an openchange developer to 
run code against the server, with  python scripts included to help get 
it going for the tutorial.  It seems in a different order but really all 
it means is you should do all the things in the sogo PDF setup document 
for openchange (native outlook client compatibility PDF) first, which 
initializes certain data inside the databases, so that their openchange 
developer server setup doesn't produce errors due to uninitialized data.


Re: [SOGo] Outlook EAS with mailboxes > 3GB

2015-10-14 Thread Sascha Kasch

Am 14.10.2015 um 01:42 schrieb Peter Beck:

On 10/12/2015 08:37 AM, Sascha Kasch wrote:

also tried a lot with activesync and had the same problems with mailboxes
above 3 or 5 GB. Some of them are even 20+ GB.
These are my settings with a prefork (/etc/default/sogo) of 15:

Hey Sascha,

I've just tried your settings (on an already "pre"-synced account) and
now it finally says "all folders are up to date" and does not disconnect
every few minutes, seems to be not that bad with your values, thanks a lot!

But still got a user with an subfolder containg about 5000 messages, it
downloads about 100 messages, then ActiveSysnc get's disconnected in
Outlook. After reconncting, about another 100 messages get downloaded,
then it disconnects againbut that mailbox is bigger than 5GB...

Also found an Microsoft-KB about disconnecting, they tell to set the
registry key "PushDuration" to 30 [1]. Just started testing with this key.

Hi Peter,

when using WorkersCount/Prefork of 15 and virtual Memory of 1024MB
your machine should have at least 16GB RAM for SOGo.
Have a look at sogo.log and take note of "child terminated with signal X".
I am not sure which signal is ok in terms of the parent process kills 
the child
due to reaching memory limit but that should be stated right before 
killing the child.

Had some headaches with working simultaneously with IMAP when Outlook is 

syncing. Creating and Renaming Folders broke the sync.
Some folders wouldn't show as the customer also worked with Mac and 
somehow managed

to name folders with CRLF or prefix them with a space.
Another problem were some contacts that did not sync with customers 
Outlook while i had his
account synced to another Outlook which showed all contacts. Deleting 
the contact within SOGo
and readd them made them visible with customers Outlook (but to be 
honest: comparing 1000 contacts

and mark those missing is not a task i'd like to do regulary)

With these settings (and IMAP wordlenght of 4MB) i am able to sync
approx 4-5GB in an hour. And for small mailboxes this i enough and mostly 

one is do move this mail item to another folder and back and hopefully
it gets resynced and displayed.
Another is to delete the .ost cache file and let Outlook resync
everything. Obviously this is not a way to
go regulary. This problem is a show stopper for me as i can not say for
sure if my inbox is always properly synced

this shouldn't happen, I already can hear them screaming if they finally
find out two weeks later that they've missed some messages...
By the way: I've just deleted one of these ost-files on one of the
clients. Now Outlook creates new folders (Drafts (only this computer),
Trash[1], Sent[1]). Oh god how I hate this piece of software!!

afaik drafts are always stored locally with activesync. I never got 
Outlook to store them

on the server.
Another thing to note is, that deleting the ost-file leaves you with 
lost follow ups, rules no longer
find their target folder (moving mails rules based) and all categories 
will be deleted.
To have the resync more clean you could also "sogo-tool manage-eas 
resetdevice username deviceID"

That should eliminate your [1] folders.

As i already saw that behavior with Outlook 2013
being connected via IMAP i cannot blame it on EAS or SOGo.

Did not know this also happens with IMAP. Mail would be such a great
thing to work on - without Outlook. This is the most market-manipulating would be much better without that piece of crap
designed to work with Exchange only, everything else is (intentionally)
poorly supported...
There's nothing left to add! Recently read that Microsoft stated with 
the release of 2016

"Implementing calDAV and cardDAV might be done within the next years (!)"

Thanks again

Best Regards

Hoepfully you will be more successful and report back to the list.




Re: [SOGo] Deprovision openchange

2015-10-14 Thread Chris Coleman

On 10/14/2015 4:15 PM, Steve Ankeny wrote:

On 10/14/2015 03:06 PM, Chris Coleman wrote:

On 10/14/2015 7:58 AM, Steve Ankeny wrote:

On 10/14/2015 12:25 AM, Chris Coleman wrote:
It appears that the documentation page is showing an 
example of how to setup a zentyal server for an openchange 
developer to run code against the server, with  python scripts 
included to help get it going for the tutorial.  It seems in a 
different order but really all it means is you should do all the 
things in the sogo PDF setup document for openchange (native 
outlook client compatibility PDF) first, which initializes certain 
data inside the databases, so that their openchange developer 
server setup doesn't produce errors due to uninitialized data.

forgot to say, I am considering removing ALL of OpenChange (maybe 
even purging) and starting again

Would this be the best way around my problem?

You can try:
sudo openchange_provision --standalone --ignore_already_exists

thx, Chris . . .

I'll try this, and if not successful, post my errors on the 
developer's list as you suggest.

Great Steve, I wager that posting issues to github regarding this 
command line stuff, would help the openchange devs realize that the 
openchange documentation is in need of improvement.  A full list of all 
commands and their parameters and explain what they are intended for 
would be great.


Re: [SOGo] ANN: SOGo v3.0 beta 3

2015-10-14 Thread Peter Beck
On 10/15/2015 01:44 AM, Zhang Huangbin wrote:
> By the way, could you please add a 'Reply to all' button beside the 'Reply to 
> Sender Only' when viewing a message?

Hi Zhang,

there is already an "reply to all" included; just click the last icon
with the three dots and choose "reply all". But maybe it would be easier
for casual users if that icon would be just beside the "reply to sender"
button as this is used quite often...


Re: [SOGo] Deprovision openchange

2015-10-14 Thread Steve Ankeny

On 10/14/2015 03:06 PM, Chris Coleman wrote:

On 10/14/2015 7:58 AM, Steve Ankeny wrote:

On 10/14/2015 12:25 AM, Chris Coleman wrote:
It appears that the documentation page is showing an 
example of how to setup a zentyal server for an openchange developer 
to run code against the server, with  python scripts included to 
help get it going for the tutorial.  It seems in a different order 
but really all it means is you should do all the things in the sogo 
PDF setup document for openchange (native outlook client 
compatibility PDF) first, which initializes certain data inside the 
databases, so that their openchange developer server setup doesn't 
produce errors due to uninitialized data.

forgot to say, I am considering removing ALL of OpenChange (maybe 
even purging) and starting again

Would this be the best way around my problem?

You can try:
sudo openchange_provision --standalone --ignore_already_exists

thx, Chris . . .

I'll try this, and if not successful, post my errors on the developer's 
list as you suggest.


Re: [SOGo] ANN: SOGo v3.0 beta 3

2015-10-14 Thread Zhang Huangbin

> On Oct 15, 2015, at 5:42 AM, Ludovic Marcotte  wrote:
> Inverse is happy to announce the availability of SOGo v3.0 beta 3.

Thank you for the great work.

By the way, could you please add a 'Reply to all' button beside the 'Reply to 
Sender Only' when viewing a message?

Zhang Huangbin, founder of iRedMail project:
Time zone: GMT+8 (China/Beijing).


Re: [SOGo] Deprovision openchange

2015-10-14 Thread Steve Ankeny

On 10/14/2015 12:25 AM, Chris Coleman wrote:
It appears that the documentation page is showing an 
example of how to setup a zentyal server for an openchange developer 
to run code against the server, with  python scripts included to help 
get it going for the tutorial.  It seems in a different order but 
really all it means is you should do all the things in the sogo PDF 
setup document for openchange (native outlook client compatibility 
PDF) first, which initializes certain data inside the databases, so 
that their openchange developer server setup doesn't produce errors 
due to uninitialized data.

I'm stuck!  Running, 'sudo openchange_provision --standalone' FAILS

This is after I successfully ran 'sudo openchange_provision --deprovision'

It fails with the following errors --

adam@sogo:~$ sudo openchange_provision --standalone
NOTE: This operation can take several minutes
[+] Step 1: Register Exchange OIDs
[+] Step 2: Add Exchange attributes to Samba schema
Error: "(68, 'Entry 
*already exists*')" when adding element:

# ms-Exch-Access-Control-Map
# Contains the mapping for the access controls.

objectClass: top
objectClass: attributeSchema
cn: ms-Exch-Access-Control-Map

attributeID: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.7000.102.64
isSingleValued: TRUE
showInAdvancedViewOnly: TRUE
adminDisplayName: ms-Exch-Access-Control-Map
adminDescription: ms-Exch-Access-Control-Map
oMSyntax: 64
searchFlags: 0
lDAPDisplayName: msExchAccessControlMap
name: ms-Exch-Access-Control-Map
#schemaIDGUID: 8ff54464-b093-11d2-aa06-00c04f8eedd8
isMemberOfPartialAttributeSet: FALSE

[!] error while provisioning the Exchange schema classes (68): Entry 
*already exists*

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/sbin/openchange_provision", line 115, in 
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/openchange/", line 
1062, in provision

  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/openchange/", line 
470, in install_schemas

  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/openchange/", line 
251, in provision_schema

ldif_apply_method(el, ['relax:0'])
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/samba/", line 224, 
in add_ldif

self.add(msg, controls)
_*ldb.LdbError*: (68, 'Entry 
*already exists*')


Are there any switches I can use with the command to provision that 
EXCEPTS these errors?

And, where can I find this stuff on my own?  Documentation is SCARCE 
with OpenChange, IMO

Thanks for all your help!  I know it's not your responsibility but it's 


Re: [SOGo] Deprovision openchange

2015-10-14 Thread Steve Ankeny

On 10/14/2015 12:25 AM, Chris Coleman wrote:
It appears that the documentation page is showing an 
example of how to setup a zentyal server for an openchange developer 
to run code against the server, with  python scripts included to help 
get it going for the tutorial.  It seems in a different order but 
really all it means is you should do all the things in the sogo PDF 
setup document for openchange (native outlook client compatibility 
PDF) first, which initializes certain data inside the databases, so 
that their openchange developer server setup doesn't produce errors 
due to uninitialized data.

forgot to say, I am considering removing ALL of OpenChange (maybe even 
purging) and starting again

Would this be the best way around my problem?


Re: [SOGo] Deprovision openchange

2015-10-14 Thread Martin Simovic

> On 14 Oct 2015, at 13:58, Steve Ankeny  wrote:
> On 10/14/2015 12:25 AM, Chris Coleman wrote:
>> It appears that the documentation page is showing an example 
>> of how to setup a zentyal server for an openchange developer to run code 
>> against the server, with  python scripts included to help get it going for 
>> the tutorial.  It seems in a different order but really all it means is you 
>> should do all the things in the sogo PDF setup document for openchange 
>> (native outlook client compatibility PDF) first, which initializes certain 
>> data inside the databases, so that their openchange developer server setup 
>> doesn't produce errors due to uninitialized data.
> forgot to say, I am considering removing ALL of OpenChange (maybe even 
> purging) and starting again
> Would this be the best way around my problem?

Very likely not. Your AD schema has been already altered with Exchange schema 
extensions (introduced by openchange). If this is a test server with not active 
users, I recommend purging samba data (rm /etc/samba/smb.conf, rm -r 
/var/lib/samba/private, rm -r /var/lib/samba/sysvol) and provision new AD 
(samba-tool domain provision). Once you did that, you can run 
openchange_provision —standalone

Best Regards

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

[SOGo] BTS activities for Wednesday, October 14 2015

2015-10-14 Thread SOGo reporter
Title: BTS activities for Wednesday, October 14 2015

BTS Activities

  Home page:
  Project: SOGo
  For the period covering: Wednesday, October 14 2015

idlast updatestatus (resolution)categorysummary
	2015-10-14 06:24:02
	updated (open)
	Backend Address Book
	Error adress book "We have a card without ID..." - Inverse SOGo Connector + Category Manager
	2015-10-14 08:35:58
	updated (open)
	Backend Calendar
	Multiplebookings not work with repeating events
	2015-10-14 15:45:49
	updated (open)
	Web Calendar
	invitations are shifted one hour in webcalendar
	2015-10-14 02:25:41
	updated (open)
	Web Mail
	Inline images sent from SOGo webmail are not displayed in Mozilla Thunderbird
	2015-10-14 09:24:59
	resolved (fixed)
	possibile syncCache inconsistencies
	2015-10-14 09:25:13
	resolved (fixed)
	Bug 0003058 is not fixed
	2015-10-14 09:58:54
	resolved (fixed)
	EAS localizes date header from mail
	2015-10-14 09:29:15
	resolved (fixed)
	sogod daemon crashes with SIGABRT on one single IMAP message
	2015-10-14 15:36:16
	closed (suspended)
	ActiveSync client does not reflect changes to the Inbox
	2015-10-14 15:34:11
	closed (suspended)
	ActiveSync fails to sync large mailboxes with Outlook 2013
	2015-10-14 15:59:22
	closed (suspended)
	Timezones on Task's due dates on iPhones
	2015-10-14 10:34:32
	closed (suspended)
	Old version sent as reply to a change command
	2015-10-14 15:40:12
	closed (fixed)
	Default Operating System locale and MIME date header
	2015-10-14 09:40:49
	closed (not a bug)
	Email folder changes are not synced
	2015-10-14 09:41:25
	closed (not a bug)
	Syncing stops after adding Outlook 2013 calendar event with attendees