Re: [SOGo] SOGo with Zentyal ADDC

2018-01-30 Thread Jay Lepore


There's a free software from Apache called Apache Directory Studio:


After installing, you can test if your LDAP is working using their LDAP 
Browser.  This will be of some value to know if LDAP is working at all 
(not just with SOGo).  It is important you know the answer to this.

Instructions on how to use the LDAP Browser can be found here:

If you can browse your servers LDAP directory using this product than 
the problem is not your LDAP setup.  The problem would then be rooted in 
your SOGo configuration and LDAP handshake



Inside there is

On 1/30/2018 4:06 PM, Lucio Crusca ( wrote:

Il 30/01/2018 09:07, Jay Lepore" ( ha scritto:

* samba-tool dbcheck --fix
* sudo apt-get remove zentyal-samba
* sudo apt-get update (may have to disable ipv6 in some cases with 
sudo echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/disable_ipv6)

* sudo apt-get install -reinstall zentyal-core
* sudo apt-get install zentyal-samba
* sudo zs samba start or restart

Tried the full sequence. Still no dice.


Jay Lepore
Ofc: 360 299 2428


Re: [SOGo] SOGo with Zentyal ADDC

2018-01-30 Thread Jay Lepore


I simply don't know.  I never fly without a net if it is important.  
Such things can cause brain damage as you know.

I do not remember the result of this I only know that it IS one of the 
things that I performed.

My advice is to clone your drive before you pull the trigger. That's the 
way I proceed with such unknowns.

If it's a raid and clone not easily doable, than at least a full back of 
all samba / zentyal configs

I always clone prior to major upsets ;-)


On 1/30/2018 12:17 PM, Lucio Crusca ( wrote:

Il 30/01/2018 09:07, Jay Lepore" ( ha scritto:

* samba-tool dbcheck --fix

... after some rows of output and some "none" replies I entered to the 
various "Fix?" questions, I got this output from the command above:

Checked 324 objects (294 errors)

Is it reasonably safe to let it fix those errors?


Jay Lepore
Ofc: 360 299 2428


Re: [SOGo] SOGo with Zentyal ADDC

2018-01-30 Thread Jay Lepore

Just one more on this.

For sure Zentyal 5.0+ supports LDAP.  Use it every day with multiple 
applications.  Jabber, Resourcespace, SOGo and more.  No problems


On 1/29/2018 2:09 PM, Lucio Crusca ( wrote:

Il 29/01/2018 22:24, "Dennis Lloyd"" ( ha scritto:

This is not a SoGo issue... Zentyal removed LDAP support in version 5.

Could you please elaborate on that?

Assuming you are right, what's the point of bundling SOGo with Zentyal 
5 if they can't work together?

Anyway, Zentyal 5 documentation seems to imply that it supports LDAP:,_Computers_and_File_Sharing#LDAP_configuration_options 


Jay Lepore
Ofc: 360 299 2428


Re: [SOGo] SOGo with Zentyal ADDC

2018-01-30 Thread Jay Lepore


Some notes of mine of record.

I hope they are of some value...


At some point in the process I did a complete removal of all things 
zentyal samba and then reinstalled them.

* samba-tool dbcheck --fix
* sudo apt-get remove zentyal-samba
* sudo apt-get update (may have to disable ipv6 in some cases with sudo 
echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/disable_ipv6)

* sudo apt-get install -reinstall zentyal-core
* sudo apt-get install zentyal-samba
* sudo zs samba start or restart

Those are some steps I took in my process

On 1/29/2018 2:59 PM, Lucio Crusca ( wrote:

Il 29/01/2018 23:08, Jay Lepore" ( ha scritto:

I'm running Zentyal 5.0.10 And SOGo logins work fine with built in LDAP

 From a command line sudo pdbedit -L -v should give you a list of 
existing LDAP users maintained by Zentyal

It does, so it seems Samba is working. That's actually no news, 
because domain logons do work correctly.

Once when LDAP was not working I had to run

  * /usr/share/zentyal/unconfigure-module samba

I'm not sure about what that command is supposed to do, other than 
disabling the Samba module, however I've run it, then enabled the 
Samba module again from the Zentyal web interface, but nothing 
changed: SOGo keeps refusing correct credentials.

To fix samba problems.  It's been a while but it seems that 
'reconfigured' everything and *things worked after that*. You'll have 
to Google it.

Have you got any other details by any chance? Googling "reconfigure 
samba" or "reconfigure everything" yelds quite a lot of pages about 
general configuration procedures and I suspect most of them aren't the 


Jay Lepore
Ofc: 360 299 2428


Re: [SOGo] SOGo with Zentyal ADDC

2018-01-29 Thread Jay Lepore

I'm running Zentyal 5.0.10 And SOGo logins work fine with built in LDAP

From a command line sudo pdbedit -L -v should give you a list of 
existing LDAP users maintained by Zentyal

Once when LDAP was not working I had to run

 * /usr/share/zentyal/unconfigure-module samba

To fix samba problems.  It's been a while but it seems that 
'reconfigured' everything and *things worked after that*. You'll have to 
Google it.


On 1/29/2018 1:24 PM, "Dennis Lloyd" ( wrote:

This is not a SoGo issue... Zentyal removed LDAP support in version 5.

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Lucio Crusca
Sent: Friday, January 26, 2018 15:43
Subject: [SOGo] SOGo with Zentyal ADDC

Hello all. I'm new here.

I've just upgraded a Zentyal instance from 4.1 to 5.0.1.
After upgrade, SOGo doesn't let users log in anymore.
Users can access other Zentyal services like shares and domain logon, but
SOGo refuses the same credentials.

I've tried copying over the `/etc/sogo/sogo.conf` from the old installation
to the new one, purging the new `sogo` and `zentyal-sogo` packages, then
installing them again and finally activating SOGo in the Zentyal control

In the /var/log/sogo/sogo.log file I get:

  Jan 26 13:57:00 sogod [15541]: SOGoRootPage Login from ''
for user 'direzione' might not have worked - password
policy: 65535  grace: -1  expire: -1  bound: 0
  Jan 26 13:57:00 sogod [15541]: "POST /SOGo/connect
HTTP/1.1" 403 34/64 0.018 - - 0

Here is what I believe is the relevant part of my current sogo.conf (the one
that worked in the old version):

  /* LDAP authentication */
SOGoUserSources = (
type = ldap;
id = sambaLogin;
displayName = "SambaLogin";
canAuthenticate = YES;
CNFieldName = cn;
IDFieldName = cn;
UIDFieldName = sAMAccountName;
hostname = "ldap://";;
baseDN = "DC=ufficio,DC=lan";
bindDN = "CN=zentyal-mail-barth,CN=Users,DC=ufficio,DC=lan";
bindPassword = "mWaByi97SfgLAWZQ49GS";
bindFields = (sAMAccountName, mail);
filter = "(mail='*')";
MailFieldNames = (mail, otherMailbox);
type = ldap;
id = sambaShared;
displayName = "Shared Addressbook";
canAuthenticate = NO;
isAddressBook = YES;
CNFieldName = cn;
IDFieldName = mail;
UIDFieldName = mail;
hostname = "ldap://";;
baseDN = "DC=ufficio,DC=lan";
bindDN = "CN=zentyal-mail-barth,CN=Users,DC=ufficio,DC=lan";
bindPassword = "mWaByi97SfgLAWZQ49GS";
filter = "((NOT isCriticalSystemObject='TRUE') AND
(mail=\'*\') AND (NOT objectClass=contact))";
MailFieldNames = (mail, otherMailbox);
type = ldap;
id = sambaContacts;
displayName = "Shared Contacts";
canAuthenticate = NO;
isAddressBook = YES;
CNFieldName = cn;
IDFieldName = mail;
UIDFieldName = mail;
hostname = "ldap://";;
baseDN = "DC=ufficio,DC=lan";
bindDN = "CN=zentyal-mail-barth,CN=Users,DC=ufficio,DC=lan";
bindPassword = "mWaByi09SfgLAWZQ49GS";
filter = "objectClass=person) AND
(objectClass=contact) AND ((uidNumber>=2000) OR (mail=\'*\'))) AND
(NOT isCriticalSystemObject='TRUE') AND (NOT
showInAdvancedViewOnly='TRUE') AND (NOT uid=Guest)) OR
(((objectClass=group) AND (gidNumber>=2000)) AND (NOT
isCriticalSystemObject='TRUE') AND (NOT showInAdvancedViewOnly='TRUE')))";
mapping = {
displayname = ("cn");
    MailFieldNames = (mail, otherMailbox);

/* Web Interface */
SOGoPageTitle = "Zentyal Webmail";
SOGoVacationEnabled = NO;
SOGoForwardEnabled = YES;
SOGoSieveScriptsEnabled = YES;

Can you help me spot the problem?


Jay Lepore
Ofc: 360 299 2428


Re: [SOGo] SOGo with Zentyal ADDC

2018-01-29 Thread Jay Lepore

I'm running Zentyal 5.0.10 And SOGo logins work fine with built in LDAP

From a command line sudo pdbedit -L -v should give you a list of 
existing LDAP users maintained by Zentyal

Once when LDAP was not working I had to run

 * /usr/share/zentyal/unconfigure-module samba

To fix samba problems.  It's been a while but it seems that 
'reconfigured' everything and *things worked after that*. You'll have to 
Google it.


On 1/29/2018 1:24 PM, "Dennis Lloyd" ( wrote:

This is not a SoGo issue... Zentyal removed LDAP support in version 5.

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Lucio Crusca
Sent: Friday, January 26, 2018 15:43
Subject: [SOGo] SOGo with Zentyal ADDC

Hello all. I'm new here.

I've just upgraded a Zentyal instance from 4.1 to 5.0.1.
After upgrade, SOGo doesn't let users log in anymore.
Users can access other Zentyal services like shares and domain logon, but
SOGo refuses the same credentials.

I've tried copying over the `/etc/sogo/sogo.conf` from the old installation
to the new one, purging the new `sogo` and `zentyal-sogo` packages, then
installing them again and finally activating SOGo in the Zentyal control

In the /var/log/sogo/sogo.log file I get:

  Jan 26 13:57:00 sogod [15541]: SOGoRootPage Login from ''
for user 'direzione' might not have worked - password
policy: 65535  grace: -1  expire: -1  bound: 0
  Jan 26 13:57:00 sogod [15541]: "POST /SOGo/connect
HTTP/1.1" 403 34/64 0.018 - - 0

Here is what I believe is the relevant part of my current sogo.conf (the one
that worked in the old version):

  /* LDAP authentication */
SOGoUserSources = (
type = ldap;
id = sambaLogin;
displayName = "SambaLogin";
canAuthenticate = YES;
CNFieldName = cn;
IDFieldName = cn;
UIDFieldName = sAMAccountName;
hostname = "ldap://";;
baseDN = "DC=ufficio,DC=lan";
bindDN = "CN=zentyal-mail-barth,CN=Users,DC=ufficio,DC=lan";
bindPassword = "mWaByi97SfgLAWZQ49GS";
bindFields = (sAMAccountName, mail);
filter = "(mail='*')";
MailFieldNames = (mail, otherMailbox);
type = ldap;
id = sambaShared;
displayName = "Shared Addressbook";
canAuthenticate = NO;
isAddressBook = YES;
CNFieldName = cn;
IDFieldName = mail;
UIDFieldName = mail;
hostname = "ldap://";;
baseDN = "DC=ufficio,DC=lan";
bindDN = "CN=zentyal-mail-barth,CN=Users,DC=ufficio,DC=lan";
bindPassword = "mWaByi97SfgLAWZQ49GS";
filter = "((NOT isCriticalSystemObject='TRUE') AND
(mail=\'*\') AND (NOT objectClass=contact))";
MailFieldNames = (mail, otherMailbox);
type = ldap;
id = sambaContacts;
displayName = "Shared Contacts";
canAuthenticate = NO;
isAddressBook = YES;
CNFieldName = cn;
IDFieldName = mail;
UIDFieldName = mail;
hostname = "ldap://";;
baseDN = "DC=ufficio,DC=lan";
bindDN = "CN=zentyal-mail-barth,CN=Users,DC=ufficio,DC=lan";
bindPassword = "mWaByi09SfgLAWZQ49GS";
filter = "objectClass=person) AND
(objectClass=contact) AND ((uidNumber>=2000) OR (mail=\'*\'))) AND
(NOT isCriticalSystemObject='TRUE') AND (NOT
showInAdvancedViewOnly='TRUE') AND (NOT uid=Guest)) OR
(((objectClass=group) AND (gidNumber>=2000)) AND (NOT
isCriticalSystemObject='TRUE') AND (NOT showInAdvancedViewOnly='TRUE')))";
mapping = {
displayname = ("cn");
    MailFieldNames = (mail, otherMailbox);

/* Web Interface */
SOGoPageTitle = "Zentyal Webmail";
SOGoVacationEnabled = NO;
SOGoForwardEnabled = YES;
SOGoSieveScriptsEnabled = YES;

Can you help me spot the problem?


Jay Lepore
Ofc: 360 299 2428


[SOGo] Calendar - Date Clicks should Spawn Events on Desktops > 1024px wide

2017-11-22 Thread Jay Lepore


This is a follow up to a previous request.

I have not seen any response to my reply and I do not know how else to 
follow up other than a resend to the group.

I feel strongly that in a sufficient width environment (1024px or wider) 
calendar dates clicked on should provide an event opening tied to that 
date / time (right clicks are not important)

There is truly not one other desktop calendar that fails to respond in 
this way. I have personally watched users have to force themselves or be 
trained out of their instinctive behavior to find and use the green plus 
sign followed by a choice of the calendar icon.

In a mobile environment, existing behavior is perfect.  The green button 
is large and the use of it is obvious. Moreover, it is typical and 
expected behavior.

However, in a desktop environment it runs completely counter intuitive 
to what the world expects to happen when they click on a date.

I am very grateful for your wonderful product and especially the 
interaction / interfacing with the various other calendaring clients on 
the market.  It is the best in those areas.  I just believe this simple 
adjustment to the existing desktop interface is handicapping the ability 
of this product to be embraced by users that are already using a product 
that responds to date relevant click events.

For reference I supply the original video: though I have beyond this 
video no other calendar that does not use date relevant clicks.

Jay Lepore

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 13, 2017, at 5:41 AM, Christian Mack ( 


As info:
There are no right clicks and no double clicks anymore in V3, because
the web frontend is used on tablets and smartphones too.

This will probably be hard to implement.

Kind regards,
Christian Mack

Am 11.11.2017 um 20:30 schrieb Peter TKATCHENKO (
+1 for this feature request.


On 10/11/2017 09:04, mj wrote:

On 11/10/2017 12:43 AM, Jay Lepore ( wrote:
What sayeth the group?

We are not 'the group', but we agree with you :-)


Christian Mack
Universität Konstanz
Kommunikations-, Informations-, Medienzentrum (KIM)
Abteilung Basisdienste
78457 Konstanz
+49 7531 88-4416


[SOGo] Forces Military Time in Calendar Time Selector

2017-11-14 Thread Jay Lepore

Hello and thank you for your great software.

I am using Sogo Calendar and have set standard time in Preferences ie; 
4:00PM not 1600 hours.

However, when I add a calendar item though it "Displays" my selection 
correctly the popup to select the time is still in military time.  See 

If I want it to display in standard time, I also want to select using 
this method.

This looks like a bug to me.

What sayeth the group?



Re: [SOGo] Calendar - Allow Event Creation on Day Click

2017-11-13 Thread Jay Lepore
Thank you for responding

In the video I presented  only a single click is used.

Limiting to desktop view wood be acceptable. All competitors also do not use 
click day events on their mobile app

This feature is very important because it is an industry standard that makes 
sense due to the large area of focus on desktops 

Adding events requires more concentration / training in SOGO desktop.   

This feature would remove that barrier and make end users more easily switched 

Perhaps resolution exceeding 1024 px would have this feature enabled 

 Thank you

Jay Lepore


Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 13, 2017, at 5:41 AM, Christian Mack ( 
>  wrote:
> Hello
> As info:
> There are no right clicks and no double clicks anymore in V3, because
> the web frontend is used on tablets and smartphones too.
> This will probably be hard to implement.
> Kind regards,
> Christian Mack
>> Am 11.11.2017 um 20:30 schrieb Peter TKATCHENKO (
>> +1 for this feature request.
>> Peter
>>> On 10/11/2017 09:04, mj wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>> On 11/10/2017 12:43 AM, Jay Lepore ( wrote:
>>>> What sayeth the group?
>>> We are not 'the group', but we agree with you :-)
>>> MJ
> -- 
> Christian Mack
> Universität Konstanz
> Kommunikations-, Informations-, Medienzentrum (KIM)
> Abteilung Basisdienste
> 78457 Konstanz
> +49 7531 88-4416

[SOGo] Calendar - Allow Event Creation on Day Click

2017-11-09 Thread Jay Lepore


Thank you for the community version of your software.  It is the single 
most device compatible calendar app on the planet I am sure.

There is however something I would really like to see addressed and I 
know my users would too.

No matter what Calendar view I am using when I click on a Day or an Hour 
within the Day it does nothing.

You have to go to the big green + sign to add an event.  Even then I am 
first stopped to choose between 2 icons (Task vs Event).

Anytime I am training someone to use this calendar it seems the first 
thing they try and do is double click on a Day to create an event.

This is such a preferred first behavior that I feel it is a human trait 
we should cater to as a secondary method and not require the big green 
plus sign.

Is this possible?  Is there any plans for this?

What sayeth the group?



[SOGo] Forces Military Time in Calendar Time Selector

2017-11-06 Thread Jay Lepore

Hello and thank you for your great software.

I am using Sogo Calendar and have set standard time in Preferences ie; 
4:00PM not 1600 hours.

However, when I add a calendar item though it "Displays" my selection 
correctly the popup to select the time is still in military time.  See 

If I want it to display in standard time, I also want to select using 
this method.

This looks like a bug to me.

What sayeth the group?


[SOGo] Calendar Reminders

2017-10-27 Thread Jay Lepore

Hello and Thank You for your software.  I am grateful.

My problem has to do with Calendar Reminders.

My clients often come from a Google Calendar environment where reminders 
are available via Email and SMS.  So far I have found neither of these 
abilities in SOGo.

In todays business environment these are critical requirements.

Am I missing something?  Does this feature exist somewhere?

I have also used Thunderbird Lightning with SOGo connector but this does 
not improve this ability.

I'm afraid I will not be able to sway people in the direction of SOGo 
Calendar without these features or at least the email reminder portion.

What sayeth the group ?


Jay Lepore


Re: [SOGo] Theming SOGO

2017-09-25 Thread Jay Lepore


Thanks for providing those 2 links.

Though they provide a whiff of the process what would be nice is a 1, 2, 
3... step through the process of changing the background color.

I am not an Angular dev (as most are not) and it would be of great 
assistance in effecting the color changes desired.


On 9/25/2017 9:20 AM, Francis Lachapelle ( wrote:

Hi Jay

I've updated the documentation on how to define a new color theme:

And here's the associated commit where you can find the "theme.js" file:


On Sep 13, 2017, at 2:36 PM, Jay Lepore (  


I am using Sogo 3.2.1 and was wondering if there was a way for me to control 
the colors used by Sogo ie; modify the bright green to something of our 
preference ?

What sayeth the group ?



Re: [SOGo] Theming SOGO

2017-09-22 Thread Jay Lepore
Thank you for this information.  It has a value.  Unfortunately because 
I am using Zentyal as a server UI it automatically generates sogo.conf 
and so would overwrite such custom .js insertions each time the Zentyal 
config was resaved.

So unless someone else pulls a rabbit out of a hat, I will have to wait 
until Sogo comes out with a supported measure for instance a 
conf.d/mytheme.css option.



On 9/21/2017 11:55 PM, dan le bray ( wrote:


Le 21/09/2017 à 20:49, Marcio Merlone ( a écrit :

Em 13/09/2017 15:36, Jay Lepore ( escreveu:

I am using Sogo 3.2.1 and was wondering if there was a way for me to
control the colors used by Sogo ie; modify the bright green to
something of our preference ?
What sayeth the group ?


Sorry for not coming with a solution, I have the same question. I have
checked the FAQ (1), followed the instructions and nothing changed:

mkdir -p ~sogo/GNUstep/SOGo/WebServerResources/css/
cp /usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo/WebServerResources/css/theme-default.css
vi ~sogo/GNUstep/SOGo/WebServerResources/css/theme-default.css

mkdir ~sogo/GNUstep/SOGo/WebServerResources/js/
cp /usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo/WebServerResources/js/Common.js
vi ~sogo/GNUstep/SOGo/WebServerResources/js/Common.js

It only mentions .wox files, but the color definitions are not there. If
I edit the original files on their original locations then it obviously
works, but I guess it will not survive an update. Other than that, no
other information anywhere on internet on how to customize at least the
colors. I managed to change the logos by using mod_rewrite on apache,
but the colors are still an issue.

Any hint?


Thanks, best regards.

We successfully managed to custom colors using a little JavaScript and a
custom CSS files.

At first, we made a copy of the default CSS
(/usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo/WebServerResources/css/theme-default.css) into a
custom directory
(/usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo/WebServerResources/local/ulh.css) and set some
modifications into it. Then we added a custom JS file which will load
that CSS (/usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo/WebServerResources/local/ulh.js).
Finally, we added that JS to SOGo configuration file (/etc/sogo/sogo.conf):
SOGoUIAdditionalJSFiles = ("local/ulh.js"); // this is an array, keep
the parenthesis!
After restarting SOGo, we do have custom colors loaded at runtime

The JS file is:
var ulhCss = "/SOGo.woa/WebServerResources/local/ulh.css";
var head  = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
var link  = document.createElement('link');

link.rel  = 'stylesheet';
link.type = 'text/css';
link.href = ulhCss; = 'all';

This may not the smartest way of doing color customizations but it's
quite simple and easy ^^


[SOGo] Theming SOGO

2017-09-13 Thread Jay Lepore


I am using Sogo 3.2.1 and was wondering if there was a way for me to 
control the colors used by Sogo ie; modify the bright green to something 
of our preference ?

What sayeth the group ?


[SOGo] SOGO Outlook / Thunderbird CalDav / CardDav / ActiveSync Videos

2017-08-02 Thread Jay Lepore

Hello all.

I recently hired a developer from by the name of Daniel 
Bareiro to help figure out how this integration of SOGo worked with 
Outlook and Thunderbird.

He was instrumental on my getting my head around it and I recommend him 
to other members of this group if anyone needs help with any aspect of SOGo

Of immediate value to the group:

I have created 3 videos which will help others accomplish this.

Here are the links:

Outlook / SOGo with ActiveSync:

Thunderbird / SOGo Contacts:

Thunderbird / SOGo Calendar:




Re: [SOGo] Outlook and Caldav

2017-07-31 Thread Jay Lepore
Good question Bob.  I am trying to get this integration working today as 

Documentation seems spotty on this.


On 7/31/2017 6:16 AM, Bob Wooldridge ( wrote:

 Original Message 
Subject: Aw: [SOGo] Outlook and Caldav
From: Daniel Müller ( 
Date: 07/31/2017 01:29 AM
The Openchange Project as part of SOGo is no longer maintained!! So 
SOGo just does activesync.
What does activesync provice and what did openchange provide? What is 
the difference between the two?

Bob Wooldridge
EDM Incorporated
