Hi all.
I am trying to get my LDAP groups working in SOGo. but I seem to fail
in doing so.
I assume that if everything is configured correctly, I could see the
individual members of a group in the address book?
I only see the groups but not the members if I click on a group entry.
Also, if I try to create an appointment with a group, I get the
following error when opening the following URL with my browser:
gives me:
"Group is not expandable"
Here is my SOGoUserSources entry for the groups:
type = ldap;
CNFieldName = cn;
IDFieldName = cn;
UIDFieldName = cn;
baseDN = "dc=company_name,dc=com";
bindDN = "cn=reader,dc=company_name,dc=com";
bindPassword = secret;
canAuthenticate = Yes;
displayName = "company_name Gruppen";
hostname = "ldaps://auth.company_name.com:636";
id = company_namegroups;
isAddressBook = YES;
GroupObjectClasses = ("groupOfNames");
scope = sub;
filter = "objectClass=groupOfNames";
// If set to YES, listing of this LDAP source is only possible when
// performing a search (respecting the SOGoSearchMinimumWordLength
// parameter) or when explicitely typing a single dot. Defaults to YES
// when unset.
listRequiresDot = No;
An example of a LDAP group entry:
dn: cn=exampleGroup,cn=groups,dc=company_name,dc=com
objectClass: extensibleObject
objectClass: groupOfNames
objectClass: top
cn: exampleGroup
member: uid=userB,cn=users,dc=company_name,dc=com
member: uid=userA,cn=users,dc=company_name,dc=com
mail: somemail@company_name.com
Has somebody a suggestion about what I am missing?
Best regards,