On Jun 17, 2014, at 8:19 PM, Ludovic Marcotte <lmarco...@inverse.ca> wrote:

> On 2014-06-17, 5:16 PM, tzm....@gmail.com wrote:
>> Anybody know what this is Collected Address Book is and how to make it go
>> away?
> From the "Mail Options" Preferences pane, uncheck " When sending mail, add 
> unknown recipients to my" and delete the contacts collection.

Thanks Ludovic for the info. But it was already unchecked. Also, deleting the 
Collected acts as a ghost. Upon logging out and logging back in to the Sogo web 
interface the Collected reappears. The only way to get it to work is to select 
"When sending mail..", then choose, in our case, the Public group. Then it 
disappears from the iPhone and won't reappear in the web interface. It seems 
like unchecking the box doesn't matter. Like the gui isn't doing anything and 
it is coded to always be on(checked).

But the bigger issue is this would have to be done to our 150 users 
individually. And…none of the users have ever seen the web interface as we only 
use Sogo as a CardDav server. Using only the Contact app in 10.9.3 and IOS 7 

So, can this Collected Address Book be turned off globally?


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